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Afghan camps for Baloch militants shut: Malik


Jan 15, 2012
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This should now shut a bunch of Pakistani members up... Specially about Indian involvement in Balochistan via Afghanistan

Afghan camps for Baloch militants shut: Malik | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

SLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Sunday that Afghanistan had closed the training camps of Baloch separatists in that country, adding that this was done at the intervention of Afghan President Hamid Karzai who had admitted recently that some of the troubles in Balochistan were originating from his country.

“After we approached the honourable President of Afghanistan with facts and figures he was kind enough to look into the matter by promising to stop infiltration of miscreants from his side of the border,” the interior minister told newsmen during a visit to the National Press Club.

During his recent visit to Islamabad President Karzai was informed about infiltration of militants into Balochistan. Mr Malik said “President Karzai had promised to stop the infiltration from Kandahar into Balochistan”. And now Kabul has formally given an assurance that infiltration of militants into the border town of Chaman will be stopped.

The minister said: “There was a training camp of 5,000 people in Kandahar but it has been dismantled now and its operators have moved out of the area.”

He said the Afghan government had promised that insurgents would not be allowed to operate in Pakistan from Afghanistan. “We are monitoring the situation and those playing in the hands of foreign forces to destabilise the country will not be spared.”

At the same time, he said, the government was creating an environment conducive for talks with disgruntled Baloch leaders.

Mr Malik said that 135 cases had been registered against Baloch nationalists, but a number of cases were withdrawn when the Aghaz-i-Haqooq-i-Balochistan Package was launched and the process to quash the remaining cases was under way.

He said the interior ministry had written a letter to the Balochistan chief secretary to withdraw the cases.

“The relevant letters must have been dispatched to the commissioners for withdrawal of politically-motivated cases,” he said. “However, the cases filed by private citizens and families of a deceased will have to be settled in court.”

The minister said all disgruntled Baloch leaders would be welcome in Pakistan and he himself would receive them at the airport.

Mr Malik said that although the phenomenon of missing persons was a serious issue, it had been blown out of proportion.
And now it's time for Pakistan to kick our fugitive Afghans and shut their training camps in Pakistan.

Good going Afghanistan - Pakistan!!
and why wrere the camps in Afghanistan in the first place? That means Afghanistan has supported insurgency for so long until caught red handed..and still we cannot trust them.
and why wrere the camps in Afghanistan in the first place? That means Afghanistan has supported insurgency for so long until caught red handed..and still we cannot trust them.

How much long and when you caught us red handed?

Malik is a banana still I don't trust this but hope that this is true not for the sake of some Pakistanis living outside Pakistan but for those who are suffering because of these terrorists inside Pakistan!
Afghanistan is not a sovereign state , rather its a state under foreign occupation so technically we cant blame Afghanistan for harboring BLA . US should be the one to be blamed. Afghanistan and Pakistan are like two lungs which cant breathe without each other. Harboring anti state elements on either side wont do any favors to anyone.
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