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Activist Jibran Nasir urges govt to arrest admins of 'Pakistan Defence'

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You have Such extremist views. There are laws in Pakistan, & courts to decide. Nobody is above than law. Not anyone. Don't act as ISIS
dont need a lesson from you .
Extreme left is just as reatrded as isis.
and yeah, I ve tons fo faith in the judicial system.
They shud b presented in court on blasphemy charge.... but if they hve been picked by state there may b more to story than just blasphemy...

Having said that ... when sabeen mahmood was murdered ... every one blamed establishment.... but real story was very different...

We shud wait for outcome before making conclusions

Sometimes, the foreign teams do not hesitate to sacrifice few of their compromised rats and for such, creates a plot/ground and spread information through back-up assets/rats then get rid of sacrificial assets. By this game, blame the Military, Government etc, chaos and propaganda in society, Malign the religion and have desired results.

The State does not pick for mere blasphemy case like this. If they are picked by State then it is a fact indicating something else beside blasphemy as well and there shouldn't be any pain but hurts rats/enemies. GoP Blasphemy Law alone is enough to deal with foul mouths openly.

We fully support State, institution and law.
Tarek fateh ko bhi is list main add ker do

Who are these idiots publishing on the news site (calling themselves activist) their character reeks of filthy aura

We need less of these fake activist (huh never heard of this guy do anything constructive)
and more of Patriotic Members of society that respect the law and rules of society they live in

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I have zero sympathies with admins of bhensa who mocked creation of Pakistan

Not in Pakistan
Dude I'm not talking about sympathy or not I'm talking about Taking Law in own hands or preaching people to do that. We better stop to live in a society where rules of law more worst than a jungle OR declare it a state of lawless so all become savages like TTP or other criminals.
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Dude I'm not talking about sympathy or not I'm talking about Taking Law in own hands or preaching people to do that. We better stop to live in a society where rules of law more worst than a jungle OR declare it a state of lawless so all become savages like TTP or other criminals.
shayad apney cyber crime law ko ghaur sey parha nahi hay what happened is completely legal
shayad apney cyber crime law ko ghaur sey parha nahi hay what happened is completely legal

Please tell us which article/clause/section of the Cyber Crime Bill makes "Enforced Disappearance" completely legal ??

Although Pakistan has not yet ratified the "International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance", and laws like "The Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014" grant immunity/impunity to LEAs and in a way "encourage" enforced disappearances, the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared in 2013 that "Enforced Disappearances" are a violation of the Constitution (Article 10) of Pakistan.
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Please tell us which article/clause/section of the Cyber Crime Bill makes "Enforced Disappearance" completely legal ??

Although Pakistan has not yet ratified the "International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance", and laws like "The Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014" grant immunity/impunity to LEAs and in a way "encourage" enforced disappearances, the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared in 2013 that "Enforced Disappearances" are a violation of the Constitution (Article 10) of Pakistan.
Section 24: No warrant, arrest, search, seizure or other power not provided for in the Act:

(1) No person whether a police officer, investigation officer or otherwise, other than an investigating officer of the special investigation agency shall investigate an offence under this Act:

Provided that the Federal Government or the Provincial Government may, as the case may be, constitute joint investigation team comprising of the officers of special investigation agency and any other law enforcement agency including Police for investigation of events involving commission of offences under this Act and any other law for the time being in force.

(2) No person other than a prosecutor designated as such by the special investigating agency shall prosecute any offence under this Act.

Firstly, kidnapping or vigilantism by random individuals is never justified - these 'activists' should have been taken to court and dealt with lawfully. If agencies have done this (unlikely in my opinion), they'll hopefully be put through proper channels as soon as possible.

I won't comment further on the 'activist' disappearance scenario until more information surfaces, would just like to point out a few things:

The whole "left-wing, right-wing" does not apply to Pakistan in the same way it applies in other places - actually, even in the West, the meanings of these terms have completely changed.

What most people consider to be the Pakistani 'left wing' are characterised mainly by their social views - which are primarily pro-West and anti-religion. However, when it comes to economics and political or geopolitical views, these people might as well be the right wing. This ideology is more accurately described as 'neoliberalism', which is based on laissez-faire Capitalism and Liberal economics - the exact opposite of left-wing socialist economics.

Ironically, Pakistani "right-wing conservatives" tend to be more anti-Consumerism/Capitalism than our supposedly left-wing westernised elite.

Similarly, the PPP are supposed to be a left-wing party yet despite their ideas about nationalisation, both ZABhutto and Benazir were ridiculously elitist, and I'm not even going to comment on the current leadership. Being in favour of nationalisation is not left-wing if the government doesn't represent the people.

Right and Left mean nothing anymore in the West, and have never meant anything in Pakistan.

Secularism =/= left-wing
Pakistanis...extremely overwhelming majority of Pakistanis...do NOT want a secular, irreligious society and state. Why can't these Western educated, elitist, rich, uber liberal "activists" understand that? Why do they have to impose their vision and will on the normal people of Pakistan? This creates a certain resentment within Pakistani society.

Look, Pakistanis aren't fanatics but we aren't seculars either at heart. We want Islam in our life, culture, state, and society at large.

So why can't these liberal elitists let us live our lives the way we want?!

They, coming from rich background, have the privilege to go to western schools, dominate leadership sectors of Pakistani society, have disproportional representation on the media and news domain. Let's not even talk about entertainment industry and fashion empires they control. Despite all that, they want YOU to believe, act, and live like "they" feel you should. These people see common man as animal that needs to be "civilized" by secular liberalism.

We should all work to make Pakistan a model Islamic country and a great world nation. We can create a positive impact on billions of people if we are able to play our part in making Pakistan as an example to emulate for other Muslim nations as well. But alas, we are still fighting useless issues and wasting our energies.
You've said what needed to be said, thank you for this post.

This is what infuriates me the most about our pseudo-Liberals. The left wing is supposed to represent the common man - the working class. Yet these people have hijacked the banner, and in the name of liberalism they continue to propagate an ideology that reeks of Western imperialism and is primarily oriented around making Pakistanis more aligned towards accepting Western consumer culture and politics.

The West isn't something to blindly emulate and has never been a positive role-model for any nation. There are many things we can learn from them, true. But there are many more things we should avoid.

Anyone who follows American or British politics without the lens of an inferiority complex would realise how flawed their systems are and how much corruption they are plagued with (especially the US, which is practically an oligarchy, but as the Panama Leaks have shown even Britain isn't spotless). The only difference is that in the US, corruption and bribery are called 'campaign donations' and 'SuperPACs'.

We all saw what they did to Bernie Sanders.

If anything, the election of Trump and the rise of the far-right (or 'alt-right' if that's the new label) in Europe should be enough to illustrate this.

Anyway, moving back to the question of secularism in Pakistan,

Aside from the fact that 95%+ of Pakistanis believe in Islam, and therefore enforcing secularism would be against the will of the people, my main objection to secularism is that accepting it is tantamount to accepting that Islam is an intolerant religion. That is the extremists' narrative.

Instead of reclaiming our religion from the extremists, we are planning to give it to them on a bloody silver platter!

By making the state secular, you force people to chose between their religious beliefs and the nation-state; which is illogical as the people are the nation-state.

I do respect what Turkey tried to achieve by reducing the influence of political mullah-types on the state - but that hasn't eliminated extremism in Turkey. Neither has it resulted in the West accepting Turkey or treating it fairly on the geopolitical stage- they are trying to undermine the Turkish state to this day.

Iqbal's vision of Pakistan as a tolerant, united Islamic Republic with socialist elements is still a goal to strive towards. Misguided and shortsighted imitation of the West will only lead us further into chaos.
Section 24: No warrant, arrest, search, seizure or other power not provided for in the Act:

(1) No person whether a police officer, investigation officer or otherwise, other than an investigating officer of the special investigation agency shall investigate an offence under this Act:

Provided that the Federal Government or the Provincial Government may, as the case may be, constitute joint investigation team comprising of the officers of special investigation agency and any other law enforcement agency including Police for investigation of events involving commission of offences under this Act and any other law for the time being in force.

(2) No person other than a prosecutor designated as such by the special investigating agency shall prosecute any offence under this Act.

Sorry under new law agencies can pick people without telling the reason
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If there were laws broken and indeed some investigation took place then likely the person was 100% Guilty
(If indeed that is what happened)

Folks like Bhainsa or this idiot below really need to be behind bars
Get this fat arse Tareq fathe flight diverted and make it land in Pakistan and capture his fat arse as well. Take his interview to check if he is breaking any laws


PS: This idiot Jibroni should know , PDF is a discussion forum and has no juresdiction over secret service , and he calls himself a analyst writing in news paper


Carry on the good work !!!! :pakistan:

Never ever doubt your investigation , if you know someone did a crime and it is well defined in national law book , and you have proof NAB that criminal

If the folks were not pickedup by secret service then hopefully after a police report some clarification would come.

Crime is Crime !!! You can't break law and hide behind Bhainsa or Ghada

When folks commented a Bhainsa got nabbed I thought it was this Tareq Bhainsa
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The moral of the story is very simple in this case

1- Don't break the local laws in Pakistan which are clearly defined. Specially related to Prophet mohammad.
2- Think a million times before you break the laws

Now this Jibroni fella is saying this Bhainsa person , was a "Political Activist or thinker" well what kind of idiot would be running a anti Prophet Mohammad website inside Paksitan. What kind of activisim is this person promoting with such entities?

Now clearly , he was caught running a "Illegal" operations and network to defame Religious entities and likely guilty of the crime

Now poor Jibroni is missing his Bhainsa yar , ohhhh lord where is my budddy Bhainsa .... what a fine young man "it" was , running illegal operations

  • Secularism does not mean you start to abuse religious figures that you may or may not believe in, it merely means your critical judgement is not effected by religion example that you will not favor someone in court case if they are muslims as example
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