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Accountability of the Media? who will control anchors?


Sep 7, 2010
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Our television justice system

Chickens are coming home to roost and some claim that it’s pure karma. They maintain that the Chief Justice of Pakistan was impaled upon his own sword of overdependence on the media. Such is the state of euphoria in some circles that people often forget that thus far, the so-called familygate is based on pure hearsay. And even if empirical evidence is presented before the Court, it will do nothing to harm the integrity of the Court as long as justice is upheld.

No, something else has gone awfully wrong. For some time, anger over the media’s indiscretions has been mounting in various circles. Not a day passes when we don’t come across people, both in uniform and in civvies, complaining about our collective inadequacies. And this time, the media or a highly pampered section of it, has bitten more than it can chew.

It all started with three anchors and one editor working for a single media group. They claim that they have seen evidence implicating Arsalan Iftikhar and that should be enough to implicate him, but the problem is that they are not forensic experts. Yet, that didn’t stop them from issuing edicts against the CJ’s son. This haste in upholding their own version of the law has seriously jeopardised the credibility of television talk shows. Imagine their cheek that when appearing before the Court, they claimed that they had no doubt about the veracity of the said evidence. Regardless of his alleged crimes, a man has once again been declared guilty and is being asked to prove his innocence. Err, was it not supposed to be the other way around?

There is no dearth of aggrieved parties who have issues with the way the Supreme Court is being run. However, this problem is bigger than having petty differences with the Court. If you allow someone to wield this kind of unfettered power that he can be the judge, jury and the executioner, and that, too, without producing even a shred of evidence, there is no guarantee that such a person will one day not turn against you. Such people can singlehandedly rock the moorings of our state and further decimate what remains of our social fabric.

It is now incumbent upon bodies like the Pakistan Broadcasters Association to take decisions to ensure that some semblance of editorial oversight and accountability remains in place. There is also a need to institute an inquiry within media groups to study the reasons behind the dramatic shift in the stated positions of some of our leading anchors, who until fairly recently used to go all dewy-eyed while talking about the greatness of our judiciary. This is very important when the indirect accuser in the case is already the richest and perhaps, the most powerful man in the country.

Finally, you must have come across some interesting demands. For instance, the president should resign so that a letter can be sent to Switzerland. The prime minister should step aside because he has already been convicted. And finally, the Chief Justice should at least go on vacation until the inquiry is over. All this to save us from the monster called conflict of interest. Isn’t it imperative then that the anchors who have framed the charges against the CJ’s son be asked to relieve themselves from their duties until the matter is settled? Charity, my dear sirs, has to begin at home.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 9th, 2012.

Our television justice system – The Express Tribune

Comment: one thing that is suggested in the article is that there should be an editorial board over these anchors, so that they dont play their own agenda and the information they float can be defended...
here is another piece

Modern-day gladiators

The era of political talk show hosts’ unquestionable popularity is over. But is it too soon to write their obituary? Maybe, just maybe, but not entirely. The phenomenon of talk show hosts, most commonly referred to as anchors here, has peaked and now they have hit a plateau and have hit it hard. As I had written once earlier, anchors have “degenerated into populist evangelists, sensationalistic and deluded, high on self-righteous pretense” (“Television’s real wrestling”, June 22, 2010 ).

No longer can political talk show hosts sit on their high vantage point, waving flags of moral and financial righteousness, as well as that of political correctness and clobber those who do not fit into their straitjackets and world view. The same audience that used to gleefully watch and enjoy the spectacle of feuding politicians on the television screen is getting rather tired of it all. The sudden popularity of dramas on entertainment channels is a testimony to the public’s boredom with the formula that has been repeated ad nauseam on political talk shows. The shouting matches, the verbal assaults, the below-the-belt attacks, the overdose of platitudes do not cut ice any more. The audience has seen through the charade. The talk show hosts have been stripped of their venerated cloaks. They played the game of being ‘holier than thou’ for too long and that too, with unrelenting viciousness.

As they went on a mad frenzy of exposing everyone else in society, they themselves lay exposed under the microscope of a disapproving public eye. Their political affiliations are apparent, no matter how hidden or slanted they may be. There is nothing wrong in having such affiliations but they won’t do if the insistence is on appearing non-partisan and above board. Tales of financial irregularities and extracting unethical benefits haunt them as much as they haunt those belonging to other professions. The shallowness and biases of many talk show hosts have surfaced from the depths of apparent profundity. For too long they flailed on television screens against anyone and everyone. Eventually, they drowned themselves in the blare of their own sermons.

But I don’t mean to castigate everyone. There are some who still try to do justice to their jobs. However, finding a balance is difficult and this perilous tightrope-walk cannot go on endlessly. There is exasperation with the old formula of forcing the guests into a cockfight. There is now a greater yearning for real, informed analysis and dispassionate debate. The theatrics have outlived their utility. The condescending, all omniscient attitude of such hosts is turning repulsive. Rather than acting as God’s gifts to the country, they should perhaps, act as vessels through which genuine questions flow towards their guests.

Of course, a fair share of the blame lies with the audience and the participants as well. The politicians willingly made sorry spectacles of themselves. They appeared on the shows with little preparation or research. Maintaining dignity and self-respect seemed too low on their priority lists. They readily and too easily clutched at the bait thrown at them.

However, just as the audience has balked, there has been a little push back by the politicians too, in recent times. The way information minister Qamar Zaman Kaira took on Kamran Khan made headlines and was widely discussed. Few days later, Kaira rolled the steamer over Talat Hussain. What surprised me was that several journalists actually seconded Kaira’s bare-knuckled response. The response reflects the public denunciation of these stereotypical programmes and nauseating moralising by most of the anchors. ‘Can anything constructive come out of these talk shows’ is a question often asked now. There is, of course, appetite for shows that have substantive debate and valuable participation. Such programmes will continue to be watched and appreciated. But will the ‘anchors’ take on that mantle and banish pandering to the demands of marketing executives, for whom ratings matter above everything sane and sensible. Hardly a chance.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 9th, 2012.

Modern-day gladiators – The Express Tribune
These media jokers who can throw shittt on anyone just for the sake of ratings shud be asked to follow proper rules and regulations and they shud be punished as well for false reporting.
These media jokers who can throw shittt on anyone just for the sake of ratings shud be asked to follow proper rules and regulations and they shud be punished as well for false reporting.

just keep on watching how these journalists cum anchors/hosts defend Malik Riaz so that he doesnot expose them

I already see Najam Sethi, Hamir Mir, Kamran Khan, Mubashar Luqman, Javed Chaudary on the list !!
Could any Pakistani member please summarize what all the issue is about? I have seen video in another thread that one journalist listing his properties etc.
What is the core issue?
The off the record clips leaked in which mehar bukhari and mubashar luqman have to pre scripted interview with Malik Riaz.

the SC has taken noticed of it and has made a two judge committee to investigate the matter, legal position has been asked PEMRA to present before the court. :tup:
There needs to be something along the lines of Leveson inquiry currently underway in UK.

Good step by the court.
I think in their own self interest media should have some kind of SELF-REGULATING body which should work in an Advisory capacity to educate and advise media and set basic standards of good journalism.
is it possible for some ppl to post, as a sticky thread, the major news / media channels in pakistan and their affialitions and ownership?
There needs to be something along the lines of Leveson inquiry currently underway in UK.

Good step by the court.

Talat Hussain said these anchors are only the tip of the iceberg, the media owners also work as a mafia.
Talat Hussain said these anchors are only the tip of the iceberg, the media owners also work as a mafia.

Talat Hussain is on fire since a week or two!!!

On fire in the AAJ show.

leveson inquiry does exactly that, it probes relationship of Murdoch empire and owner to politicians.

Another thing he said, that how US aid is buying these channels, VOA a perfect example.
^^ Exactly, but will PEMRA take a right stand on the situation at hand?
I already see Najam Sethi, Hamir Mir, Kamran Khan, Mubashar Luqman, Javed Chaudary on the list !!

But your Eyes can't see the name of HASAN Nisar:hitwall:

Dear for me, wahtever the names may be....but this list is not credible at all!!

I request to all people to stop refering journalists solely on the basis of this fake list, whoever doing so is directly contributing to false propoganda...which is highly un-ethical:coffee:
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