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Abdullah Gul visited S. East troops...

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yalaka Pislik Salak, sen kimden yanasin beynini siktimin mali
WTF is going on here? First of all, stop typing in Turkish!!! I can see how it could be annoying to other members who don't speak our language.

Second of all, RedBeard, you either STFU, or actually CONTRIBUTE to the Turkish section! All Cabatli is doing is posting pictures which no one else is doing! So the least you could do is RESPECT the man!
atleast i contribute more then you do and unlike you i dont like to kiss some a?! Of anybody. So go f@?! Yourself
i know im not very good im just trying!
Aşk herkes tarafından konuşulan bir dildir, ama sadece bir kalp anladım
Ufuk boyunca dolambaçlı bir yolu
dağların üzerinden, denizlerin üzerinden
mavi gökyüzü ve gri ile
sürekli, durdurması hiç.
Sizin için my love.
now its almost like Türk Savunma Sanayii Tartışma Forumu :lol:

but for cursing WAFF is the best :tup:
thnx cabalti sir for pictures.

Turk brothers may Allah bless you.you are very lucky people that you have honest and sincere leadership.just pray for us also
Whats going on here?? everyone has started to speak Turkish ....Be warned, most of that words are bad words people.
Cabatli go show these pictures to our fallen soldiers you yalaka pezevenk! sen kimden yanasin beynini siktimin mali!! Bu yalancilara neden inaniyorsunuz? muslumanmi saniyorsun bunlari gercekten?

what about respect? to humiliate people for political views is something we have to overcome, i mean it generally no offense. i don't think that without pm's personal support you could have nothing here to show up and discuss. anka, milgem, altay, TFX project, satellites radars etc.. Yes we have soldiers died, we had 20 years ago too, and probably more casulties in the future, this is the war against terrorism no one said it's easy, its just not started now.. and one more yes i support them and a kemalist too, still if you wanna swear to me, be my guest.

by the way thanks for the pictures çabatlı, praying for them
what about respect? to humiliate people for political views is something we have to overcome, i mean it generally no offense. i don't think that without pm's personal support you could have nothing here to show up and discuss. anka, milgem, altay, TFX project, satellites radars etc.. Yes we have soldiers died, we had 20 years ago too, and probably more casulties in the future, this is the war against terrorism no one said it's easy, its just not started now.. and one more yes i support them and a kemalist too, still if you wanna swear to me, be my guest.

by the way thanks for the pictures çabatlı, praying for them

What are you talking about? You guys don't know about history, even in the 90s it wasn't like this! They now even dare to attack those military stations at day!! you know what that means?? they controll the cities, villages, roads and the mountain areas!! I dont give a **** about economy i dont believe all that, it is all propaganda but that's another story my point is, if you reallyy want to know what's happening in the country then listen to those ex military personel like Osman Pamukoglu.. i don't even support any political party! did i started about the regime, economy, or any other thing? NO!! my only concern is that our boys getting killed and our country is in danger but it seems that nothing happens and the moth^&*^%$$%^ of AKP doesnt bother!! And saying the same sh%^ like (mucadelemiz kararlilikla devam edecektir) (kirli amellerine ulasamayacaklar) bla bla blaa, Erdogan promised the people that they would start operations after Ramadan holiday! I'm still waiting what happend? it is obvious that they view the people as stupidd sheep, they think nobody will understand them anyway so just say those standard words and keep the both sides happy!! But i know you dont have any idea of what im trying to say dont you??? You guys are ahmak.. ahmak siniz oglum iste.. malsiniz aptalsiniz oglum iste dunyadan haberiniz yok. Aq koyum sizin lan su akp gavat bakanlarinin yuzlerine bakin lan hic meymenetleri varmi?? Devlet adamligi ile hic alakalari varmi lan bunlarin, koyde kahvehanelerdekilerinden hic farklari varmi? yok!! Bunu goremiyorsaniz bacinizi sikim sizin cibiliyetinizi siikim beyninizi sikim sizden varya bisey olmaz, ne koy olur ne kasaba oglum bitmis ulke bitmisssssssss
Alin ulan ben bilmiyorum siz biliyorsunuz, oralarda yillarca gorev yapmis serefli pasamizdami yalan soyluyor??

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Alin size cozum

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