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Abdullah Gul visited S. East troops...

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that's what you do to get the morale of the troops up.!

And love his decency, if the Mercedes there is his car, old Mercedes, and not the brand new ones, unlike some.

And the guy there with the bullets wrapped around his chest, nice!!
Now thts what we call a statesman.... our dark shyt faced ghadri has never visited our frontline troops.... even durin massive floods tht douchebag was visiting his palace(his dad was jailed for it) in france.
RESPECT for this guy here.

Does not have hoards of ministers and all the other sc*mbags around him!!!
Hey buddy, tell me where is all this happening? From the photographs, I could see that the mountain ranges and ridge lines are aligned East to West but they were looking across the ridge lines, so were they looking to the south towards Iraq? or was it South east towards Iran? Are there posts involved in the conflict with the PKK? I know that Turkey does not have military conflicts with either Iraq or Iran but the posts Mr Gul visited seem to be battle ready, so I assume it is against the PKK that they are sited for. He is seen inspecting the food in some pics, are those packed emergency rations? Who are those guys in the blue/black dress with the balaclava? Are they special forces for his protection? Just curious. will be happy for any info. Regards.
that's what you do to get the morale of the troops up.!

And love his decency, if the Mercedes there is his car, old Mercedes, and not the brand new ones, unlike some.

And the guy there with the bullets wrapped around his chest, nice!!

you are right bro, one more photo.

respect for ABDULLAH GUL and ERDOGAN every muslims aspires to be under their leader ship.love to Turkey
Hey buddy, tell me where is all this happening? From the photographs, I could see that the mountain ranges and ridge lines are aligned East to West but they were looking across the ridge lines, so were they looking to the south towards Iraq? or was it South east towards Iran? Are there posts involved in the conflict with the PKK? I know that Turkey does not have military conflicts with either Iraq or Iran but the posts Mr Gul visited seem to be battle ready, so I assume it is against the PKK that they are sited for. He is seen inspecting the food in some pics, are those packed emergency rations? Who are those guys in the blue/black dress with the balaclava? Are they special forces for his protection? Just curious. will be happy for any info. Regards.

This place borders on Iraq, Iran or Syria i'm not sure about this. However all of these are high risk area's PKK oftenly attacks it with heavy weapons and hundreds of militants. Those men in black are members of CAT team (Counter Attack Team) they are personal bodyguards of the President.
very nice clear and beautiful images .long live our turk brothers .no one can defeat this force let them try lolz
RESPECT for this guy here.

Does not have hoards of ministers and all the other sc*mbags around him!!!

F!^%$ those F%^_$%# politicains bro!! I hate all of them with a passion!! they're all the same.. Bastards, robbers, thiefs, liars and cowards nothing more nothing less!! only institution i trust and respect of the Turkish State is the Turkish armed forces and it's soldiers. Turkish people is a military people, trying to be like a european country where civilians rule over army and are treated like SH^! cant be an example for Turks. Long live the ARMY!
that's what you do to get the morale of the troops up.!

And love his decency, if the Mercedes there is his car, old Mercedes, and not the brand new ones, unlike some.

And the guy there with the bullets wrapped around his chest, nice!!

LoL that's not the presidential car! The President Mr Gul got plenty of latest models brand new S500 Mercedez Benz cars all of them armored!!
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