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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

You forgot to mention how MIRVs are use to counter BMD, it is about the RVs what type are used.
MIRVs can be countered regardless of how they deployed, it's all about having plenty of layers and good numbers, with the AAD, PAD and S-400, MIRVs will be shot down.
I had exactly same thought.And i won't call it blasphemous since we got surprised twice in past 15 days.An HGV with MIRV,a nightmare for our Arch nemesis.

Hypersonic Glide Vehicle. We need at least 20 years to reach if we start now. But yes why not
No, well then that defies the purpose of it's production. Because rotating the whole upper stage would require more powerful vector thrust motor and more fuel which is only possible through development of cryogenics in modern technological platform and cost reduction. Which could rather be used in PBV for quicker orientation and decoy deployment. Otherwise ABM can easily intercept it due to bulkiness of the stage.
Doesn't works like that, but whatever you say. :enjoy:
The premise of the argument is equating conduct of India and Pakistan. The equation's variables being all of the Pakistan's proxies pitted as a subjective counter to Mukti bahini. The insistence being both guerrilla forces being different sides of the same terror coin. My point is quite simple that the argument is not valid because the comparison is between known Terrorist organisation recognised as such by multitude of nations around the world; and Mukti Bahini which even Pakistan, a nation that MB dealt the final blows to doesn't concede as a terrorist entity. You might perceive it as the same, and to you the argument may be valid, but India, bangladesh, UN and the rest of the world doesn't see it the same way.

Mukti Bahini were never declared as terrorists for two reasons

1. Their existence and violent struggle lasted from 25th March 1971 to 16th December 1971, a short period after which they came into power in an independent Bangladesh and ended their violent struggle. If Pakistan Army was fighting against them, they were of course considered hostile however after they into power, there was no point for Pakistan to declare it as a terrorist group so in order to do some damage control, Pakistani Govt. of that time accepted Bangladesh as a country.

2. Usually, organizations who are struggling internally against a country for their rights are not declared as terrorist organizations by the UN, some examples from your own backyard are ULFA (which is put as a group of concern by UN but not as a terrorist group), CPI/PLGA, Khalitan Movement etc.

The fact remains that India helped Mukti Bahini by arming them and providing them with manpower, shelter and support and Modi admitted to that recently. He admitted that Indian Army soldiers fought side by side with Mukti Bahini, How different is that to Pakistan supporting LeT and JuD?
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He admitted that Indian Army soldiers fought side by side with Mukti Bahini, How different is that to Pakistan supporting LeT and JuD?
If there is no difference between these, Pakistan's support of LeT and JuD cause next war.. Because Western Pakistan attacked India for our support of Mukti Bahini, so we have every right to attack Pakistan because of their support to LeT & JuD (according to your logic)..
MIRVs can be countered regardless of how they deployed, it's all about having plenty of layers and good numbers, with the AAD, PAD and S-400, MIRVs will be shot down.

They will fall like flys infront of your mighty shields ... dont worry
I don't want a Mutually agreed escalation ladder at all.

So that end the discussion ..... & I think We find ourselves in agreement to welcome each other in hell ....
AIML was the exact mirror of Hindu Mahasabha (today's equivalent of Sangh). Both organisation were non-secular religious right movements.Aiml wanted Muslim home land - pakistan , Sangh wanted Hindu Rashtra - bharat,
AIML's direct action day won , Sangh lost.

But history prove the political contenders were Congress & AIML ... not b/w AIML & Sangha or Hindu Mahasabha plz don't rewrite the history ....
Read BJP's manifesto, there is no commonality with any of Sangh Parrivars rhetoric.

& Manifesto of a Political party is a matter of INTERNATIONAL INTEREST ...???
don't they have Common Interest ...??
Common ideology ...??
Wanna Denny ... ???

BTW How many times do I have to remind you that I do not belong to Internal Audience of India .... are these sensible augments ... ??

Are these addressing any of the Single Query I raised ... ??

Actually, We have been living in the AIML's progeny in our neighborhood since day one, but 70 yrs later the thought of a Sangh entity in power in India is a Global threat. Ohh the irony
No Sir the Irony is that we are living in subcontinent form 1000 years but if some one name his/her children Taimur it become a NATIONAL ISSUE .... this Mentality & Attitude which should not be Questioned & MUST BE TRUSTED WITH NUCLEAR RESPONSIBILITY

plz come down form you higher horses .....

As the constitution has not been changed and the government that was sworn in abides by the secular constitution of India.
& What is in Practice ... ???
A Populist right wing Secular constitutional legally democratically elected government. Not neo-nationalist, but a nationalist democratic party.

BJP & Sangh Parrivar represent Secular INDIA .... ??

hahaha ....

& for Democracy part even Hitler was democratically Elected .... its your own people who are saying this not me ....
Article 352 of the Indian Constitution.
:) yes it does. Again a democracy, not a theocracy.[/QUOTE]
Where was that constitution at the time of Siachen ...:)

What role democratic parties of India played at that time ... ??

If one nation acts irresponsible it has to pay for it.
Even if one Nation will acts irresponsibly BOTH THE NATION WILL HAVE TO PAY
And, it is what it is, a deployment strategy for faster deployment of troops. It is one of the doctrines of deployment, doesn't mean it's the only one. Our defensive paradigm is not based on any specific country.

Deployment for what Mass Vacations .... ??
Are you reading your own post .... ??
Are they justifying the informative, intelligent & intellectual level for which you are known ...??

In democracy, even the presidents birth certificate can be questioned, a stated policy is not beyond questioning, India has not revoked it's position on NFU.

India has not revoked it's position on NFU but the question is till what time .... ??
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Pakistan don't want Israel as it's enemy and vise versa, stop talking no sense.

Who says you are our enemy, at the moment? However, what future holds, no one knows. At the moment you are our insurance policy against the America. I am not talking rocket science here, just a fact of dirty old geopolitics. As I said, our mortal enemy India got the best you can offer, so its natural for us to compare our capabilities with the original manufacturer.

Funny thing is, ever since Indian-Israel cooperation grew in leaps and bound, Pakistan which had only modest Ghauri Missiles as its top tier nuke delivery system, now have expanded its missile inventory with ranges going way beyond Israel, NOT by design, but by default and circumstances. By contributing into India's military strength, Israel has indirectly jeopardize its own security. Whoever is coming up with these reckless policies in Israel need to get their heads checked. Its not like Pakistan is arming hezbullah!
If there is no difference between these, Pakistan's support of LeT and JuD cause next war.. Because Western Pakistan attacked India for our support of Mukti Bahini, so we have every right to attack Pakistan because of their support to LeT & JuD (according to your logic)..

So are you admitting what your countryman was arguing against? Are you admit to Indian involvement in destabilization of Pakistan throughout history?

India would have escalated the Kargil war, attacked Pakistan in 2001, 2008, 2009 and 2016 if it wasn't for the nuclear deterrent. There wouldn't be a next war because if there is, there wouldn't be a sub continent left to live in.
Who says you are our enemy, at the moment? However, what future holds, no one knows. At the moment you are our insurance policy against the America. I am not talking rocket science here, just a fact of dirty old geopolitics. As I said, our mortal enemy India got the best you can offer, so its natural for us to compare our capabilities with the original manufacturer.

Funny thing is, ever since Indian-Israel cooperation grew in leaps and bound, Pakistan which had only modest Ghauri Missiles as its top tier nuke delivery system, now have expanded its missile inventory with ranges going way beyond Israel, NOT by design, but by default and circumstances. By contributing into India's military strength, Israel has indirectly jeopardize its own security. Whoever is coming up with these reckless policies in Israel need to get their heads checked. Its not like Pakistan is arming hezbullah!
I can say the same for the muslim world.
Your threats toward Israel only made it stronger, now possessing jericho missiles with reported ranges of 10k km range and nuclear warheads.
Pakistani people usually talk like they hold all the decks, which is nowhere close to reality
So are you admitting what your countryman was arguing against? Are you admit to Indian involvement in destabilization of Pakistan throughout history?

India would have escalated the Kargil war, attacked Pakistan in 2001, 2008, 2009 and 2016 if it wasn't for the nuclear deterrent. There wouldn't be a next war because if there is, there wouldn't be a sub continent left to live in.
Obviously Pak nukes helped subcontinent from some serious clashes between India &Pakistan.. Especially in 1999,2001&2008.. But silly terrorist attacks like Parliament attack, Mumbai, Uri etc seriously damaged the value of your deterrent..
Obviously Pak nukes helped subcontinent from some serious clashes between India &Pakistan.. Especially in 1999,2001&2008.. But silly terrorist attacks like Parliament attack, Mumbai, Uri etc seriously damaged the value of your deterrent..

Basically our nukes reduced India to proxy war only and enabled us to respond befittingly to it.
I can say the same for the muslim world.
Your threats toward Israel only made it stronger, now possessing jericho missiles with reported ranges of 10k km range and nuclear warheads.
Pakistani people usually talk like they hold all the decks, which is nowhere close to reality

We are not Muslim world, we are Pakistan.

How come you have become stronger? A decade ago, you had those Jericho missiles which can hit anywhere in Pakistan without Pakistan replying in kind. But thanks to your country reckless contribution towards Indian military expansion, we have now increased our Arsenal and its range so much so that you lot are well within our range, as a consequence of Indian military expansion. 10k Km missiles doesnt effect us, you already had that capability, its us who have done the catch up on you, unintentionally, thanks to your country wrong strategic choices.

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