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AAP founder member quits


Jan 14, 2014
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Upset over being heckled at the National Council meeting for wanting to move a resolution over tendering an apology for law Minister Somnath Bharti’s vigilantism, former diplomat and Aam Aadmi Party founder-member Madhu Bhaduri has quit the party.

Asked if she was with the party, Ms. Bhaduri told The Hindu on Sunday that she had nothing to do with a party “that humiliates women.” Sources in the party, however, said they had not received any formal communication from her on this. A senior leader spoke to her on Sunday but Ms. Bhaduri said she wanted to distance herself from the AAP.

Ms. Bhaduri, the former Ambassador to Portugal, said she strongly felt that the party should apologise for the inconvenience caused to some African women in Khirki Extension, who were suspected of being involved in flesh trade and drug trafficking, and wanted to move a resolution to this effect in the National Council. She was upset that a party which professes humanism did not back her resolution.

AAP sources said Ms. Bhaduri was a “valued member of the party” and was given full opportunity to raise the issue in the council meeting. But when she tried to move a resolution on behalf of the party, some members sitting in the front row opposed her loudly, upsetting her.

A resolution has to be approved by the National Executive Committee before being moved for ratification by the National Council, the sources said. To this, Ms. Bhaduri said that she had indicated that she wanted to move a resolution and “nobody told me that it should first be taken to the National Executive Committee.”

AAP spokesman Ashutosh said Ms. Bhaduri had raised some questions. “But there is a difference in her opinion and the party’s. She had been given a chance in the National Council meet. The party addressed her questions.”

Chief spokesman Yogendra Yadav said: “She was invited on the dais during the National Council meeting to express her views. She still does not subscribe to the party’s view.''

Keywords: Aam Aadmi Party, Madhu Bhaduri, AAP National Council meeting, Somnath Bharti, Dilip Pandey
AAP founder member quits - The Hindu
There is something about Indian politics that can turn even the most hones of men a sh!t stain on the country.
women issue is haunting AAP...and may be it will cause a very severe damage to the party as the no. of female voters..have increased dramatically ..in this election....
@Hermione @levina ....any thoughts.....
women issue is haunting AAP...and may be it will cause a very severe damage to the party as the no. of female voters..have increased dramatically ..in this election....
@Hermione @levina ....any thoughts.....

This lady is an anti-nationalist who advocates freedom for Kashmir. So no sympathies for her. As far as AAP is concerned, there has never been anything right with them in the first place. They are naxalites and anarchists who should not have been given the time of the day if Delhites had any brain.
AAP support from the educated elite has drastically reduced when ppl like meera sanyal joined them everyone assumed a party with a modern approach in both politics and economics .AAP disappointed them with regressive chronic socialist economic policies and LEFT based political policies.

since the high moral ground is getting lost added with no clarity on ideology among supporters they will get easily thrown apart in delhi majorly by congress.

an fb post :-
Q. What do you want?
Ans.To end corruption.

Q. What will end corruption?

Q. How do you know?
Ans. Lord kejriwal says so.

Q. Why cant he be wrong?
Ans. He is an IITian.

Q. So is Manohar Parikar?
Ans. He is evil because Lord Kejriwal says that
BJP and congress are two sides of the same

Q. But isn't it true that BJP never allied with
congress and AAP just did?
Ans. He did a referendum before alliance and
Delhi wanted him to do so.

Q. Despite the promise of staying non aligned? Is
it okay if Lord Kejriwal becomes PM with
congress support?
Ans. He just promised that he wont contest Lok
Sabha elections.

Q. But didn't he also promise to never contest
any elections, and then to never take support
from anu political party, and then to take action
against Sheila?
Ans. Get lost you Modi bhakt. We want to end

Q. What will end corruption?
Ans. Lokpal

Q. So we are back to square one. Do you know
that Kejriwal's NGOs are funded by Ford
foundation, which works for the CIA?
Ans. So what's wrong in CIA funding honest
Indians to end corruption in India. And Modi is
no saint either.

Q. No he is not. Lust for power corrupts
everybody. Nobody is impeccably honest. I
support him because his party appears to be the
lesser evil, with a far better performance record
than their only rival.
Ans. I believe in Kejriwal. He is honest.

Q. Despite his clear support for Congress, CIA,
Naxals, separatists, terrorists, and communists?
Ans. Yes

Q. What's your philosophy in life?
Ans. Rang de basanti , Nayak

Who are you?
Ans. AAP zombie
There is something about Indian politics that can turn even the most hones of men a sh!t stain on the country.

Kejriwal & Co. were not "the most hones of men" to start with.

Q. So we are back to square one. Do you know
that Kejriwal's NGOs are funded by Ford
foundation, which works for the CIA?

Ans. So what's wrong in CIA funding honest
Indians to end corruption in India. And Modi is
no saint either.

This I didn't know. But I know USA doesn't want a BJP Govt.
women issue is haunting AAP...and may be it will cause a very severe damage to the party as the no. of female voters..@levina ....any thoughts.....

And AAP is haunting India these days......

AAP has already created enough raucous in Indian polity and we get to watch a lot drama on news channels these days...courtesy AAP.:coffee:
I dont know much about the woman who quit AAP but I definitely know that Somnath Bharti was an unethical spammer not so long ago.
Delhi law minister Somnath Bharti was once unethical spammer - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
And his argument that the police tried to destroy evidence and help the women is proven baseless already.He should apologize to those women.
If Indians expect an apology from US in Khobragade case then first our minister should apologise to the African women.Period.
And AAP is haunting India these days......

AAP has already created enough raucous in Indian polity and we get to watch a lot drama on news channels these days...courtesy AAP.:coffee:
I dont know much about the woman who quit AAP but I definitely know that Somnath Bharti was an unethical spammer not so long ago.
Delhi law minister Somnath Bharti was once unethical spammer - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
And his argument that the police tried to destroy evidence and help the women is proven baseless already.He should apologize to those women.
If Indians expect an apology from US in Khobragade case then first our minister should apologise to the African women.Period.
I wanted to vote this time....you know...for the 1st time will be voting....
but seems I won't be available here to vote...:(
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