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A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

Yzd Khalifa

Mar 24, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Tehran’s intercession in the Korean crisis on the side of its ally in Pyongyang was predictable, even though the US preferrs to ignore the close interrelations between the two allies.
And so, on Friday, April 5, Deputy Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Brig. Gen. Masoud Jazayeri stepped forward to point the finger at Washington:
[“The presence of the Americans in [South] Korea has been the root cause of tensions in this sensitive region in the past and present. The US and its allies will suffer great losses if a war breaks out in this region,” he said, adding for good measure: “Independent countries will not submit to the US mischief. The time for Washington’s bullying and extortion is long past.”
debkafile’s Iranian sources: The second part of the statement was a perfect fit for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s flat refusal to accept US demands on Iran’s nuclear program. The Korean crisis gave the Iranians the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.
As Kim Jong-Un moved two intermediate missiles to the east coast of North Korea, Gen. Jazayeri’s rhetoric landed on the latest round of talks the six powers were holding with Iran in Amaty, Kazhakstan for a diplomatic resolution of Iran’s nuclear challenge.
Washington hoped to spread some cheer over a diplomatic process that had long past proven futile by planting advance reports that Khamenei had ordered a slowdown of Iran’s nuclear program up to the June presidential election to avoid crossing a red line that would trigger a military response.
But when the parties came to the table, Iran’s senior negotiator Saeed Jalili refused outright to respond to the proposals put before Tehran in the previous session.
He seemed to have taken his cue from Kim Jong-Un, who too has stuck to his father’s rejectionism in the face of every American proposal for dismantling North Korea’s nuclear program.
debkafile: The inevitable convergence of the Korean and Iranian crises confronts America’s three top officials, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, with their most challenging international test.
Kerry would be well advised to take a break from his Sisyphean efforts to crack the latest of umpteen Israel-Palestinian disputes, call off his weekend appointments with Israeli and Palestinians leaders and instead fly to Moscow and Beijing.
There, he could start bargaining with Russian and Chinese rulers for preliminary understandings with Washington on Iran and Syria that would make it worth their while to use their leverage for bringing the out-of-control North Korean firebrand to heel.
So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.

A Jewish news agency
Great, so the deluded Mullah's in Tehran are also supporting North Korea - the worst dictatorship in human history (probably). Just what the world needed.

Why don't we team up with the Jews (for real) and nuke Iran and North Korea to get over with it. The Iranians don't have the cojones to topple their Mullah's despite a number of them crying about them here when it suits them. Somebody else has to deal with the problem.

The Japanese were a similar bunch when ruled by their infallible Emperor (sounds similar to another regime who is meddling in the Arab world, right?) until the Americans nuked them twice. Since then they have never caused any problems to anybody. Maybe the same recipe is needed.

Who knows before we even realize it they might start nuking us first.
Well, if you can't beat them, join them. I mean, the Jews have humiliated you guys more than 60 years, so a joint alliance would strategically be a smart move.

Last time I checked then the Jews are being humiliated by the world and face heavy criticism from virtually every country. Even half of the Jewish population inside Israel are heavily against the Zionists. That is their price for ruling a tiny territory - most of it being part of the Negev Desert. Moreover 20 percent of the population are Arabs Muslims who only grow in numbers. The fastest growing groups are Jewish Orthodox fanatics who don't even participate in state affairs and don't even recognize the Jewish state. The same people are barred from military service as well which is obligatory for both men and women in Israel. They are a tiny state that pose no threat anyway other than to a bunch of defenseless Palestinians. Everybody could deal with them.

The only thing they could be used to is their political influence. But it seems they are already doing their work in order to convince the West/NATO that Iran needs to be attacked before they develop a nuclear weapon - which I doubt ever will happen.

Moreover it's hardly a achievement to have better politics/leadership than in all of the Middle East given that it will always be easier to rule a tiny state.

Qatar are a bunch of rich spoiled bastards that are several times richer than the average Israeli but it's hardly a achievement when they are so small.

I have more admiration for China and their rise to power. Basically from nothing. 1 percent were literate just 100 years ago. Look at them now.

Also Israel-Palesitne and the Arabs will eventual make peace. It's not like they can't live next to each other. After all 20 percent of the Israeli population (only growing) are Arabs.

First Israeli Arab woman plastic surgeon - YouTube

First female Arab physician to head medical department in Israel - YouTube

Seriously, you need to topple your regime so normality in the region will resume again. Iran could be a good regional ally.
Last time I checked then the Jews are being humiliated by the world and face heavy criticism from virtually every country.

I meant a military humiliation. The only real Arab force who have successfully stood up against Israel was Hezbollah, who is basically a Iranian organization.

Even half of the Jewish population inside Israel are heavily against the Zionists. That is their price for ruling a tiny territory - most of it being part of the Negev Desert. Moreover 20 percent of the population are Arabs Muslims who only grow in numbers. The fastest growing groups are Jewish Orthodox fanatics who don't even participate in state affairs and don't even recognize the Jewish state. The same people are barred from military service as well which is obligatory for both men and women in Israel. They are a tiny state that pose no threat anyway other than to a bunch of defenseless Palestinians. Everybody could deal with them.

I don't believe that 50% of the Israelis are against Zionists. That would not make any sense, considering the fact that they are living in a Zionist-build state themselves.

The only thing they could be used to is their political influence. But it seems they are already doing their work in order to convince the West/NATO that Iran needs to be attacked before they develop a nuclear weapon - which I doubt ever will happen.

I don't think that we would see any attack in Iran. The consequences of such attack are simply too costly.

Moreover it's hardly a achievement to have better politics/leadership than in all of the Middle East given that it will always be easier to rule a tiny state.

Correct, but they have managed to survive, in despite of living in a hostile neighborhood and other difficulties.

Seriously, you need to topple your regime so normality in the region will resume again. Iran could be a good regional ally.

Iran's regime is not going to survive long anyway. I hope Iran would be free and start thinking about its own developments and difficulties, in stead of sticking its nose in Arab affairs. We could agree on that.
another topic based on bulI$hit. no one in iran's gov supported north Korea and now some sources say war on DPRK is war on iran!!! pure bulI$hit .
and i say something to these arabs and judes that are wishing to defeat iran. the real fact is that no one can beat us and soon the day come when you all fall on our feet. for 8 years all arabs(plus US) were allied to shadam for conquering iran and at last we were 15 km in iraq's land when the war ended. soon you all see what we have for you judes and arabs . you all SEMITIC blood.
Great, so the deluded Mullah's in Tehran are also supporting North Korea - the worst dictatorship in human history (probably). Just what the world needed.

Why don't we team up with the Jews (for real) and nuke Iran and North Korea to get over with it. The Iranians don't have the cojones to topple their Mullah's despite a number of them crying about them here when it suits them. Somebody else has to deal with the problem.

The Japanese were a similar bunch when ruled by their infallible Emperor (sounds similar to another regime who is meddling in the Arab world, right?) until the Americans nuked them twice. Since then they have never caused any problems to anybody. Maybe the same recipe is needed.

Who knows before we even realize it they might start nuking us first.

Brother, that's too much, maybe you are angry, but again, remember that Iranians are victims of their regime policy, nothing more. Don't expect them but to defend their country, as all people do. May Allah have mercy on us all.
another topic based on bulI$hit. no one in iran's gov supported north Korea and now some sources say war on DPRK is war on iran!!! pure bulI$hit .
and i say something to these arabs and judes that are wishing to defeat iran. the real fact is that no one can beat us and soon the day come when you all fall on our feet. for 8 years all arabs(plus US) were allied to shadam for conquering iran and at last we were 15 km in iraq's land when the war ended. soon you all see what we have for you judes and arabs . you all SEMITIC blood.

Ok Hitler. Greetings to Himmler and Gobbels as well. You forgot to say Sieg Heil.

I meant a military humiliation. The only real Arab force who have successfully stood up against Israel was Hezbollah, who is basically a Iranian organization.

I don't believe that 50% of the Israelis are against Zionists. That would not make any sense, considering the fact that they are living in a Zionist-build state themselves.

I don't think that we would see any attack in Iran. The consequences of such attack are simply too costly.

Correct, but they have managed to survive, in despite of living in a hostile neighborhood and other difficulties.

Iran's regime is not going to survive long anyway. I hope Iran would be free and start thinking about its own developments and difficulties, in stead of sticking its nose in Arab affairs. We could agree on that.

Well there were several reasons for the fiasco/stalemate but I don't think this is thread for it. The Israelis have still not defeated any resistance in Palestine. It will be virtually impossible. Look at the birth rates in Gaza and the West Bank. It is significantly higher than in Israel. It is bound to create obstacles in the future no matter what happens. The Jews themselves, together with the Palestinians have the highest interests in peace because both would simply benefit greatly from it. Neither lands are going to escape to somewhere Near New Zealand or Saint Helena. They have to find a solution. Somehow.

Well, Israel is a very diverse community. You have the "extreme" Orthodox Jews who do not recognize the Jewish state and who are virtually not participating in the society because they are busy with their religious studies. You have the left-wing which opposes more settlements etc. Then you have the Zionists which are currently in power. Anyway they can't change the demographics now. The Arabs, who currently form 20 percent and will only grow, are Israeli citizens. The Palestinians around them are growing in numbers as well. What are they planning to do? It's not like Israel will be allowed, even by their natives, to suddenly kill all the Palestinians. The demographics in the West are quickly changing as well. Look at France, Netherlands, UK, Scandinavia etc. The Muslims/Middle Eastern people are now an important part of the elections. Their votes can win or lose you an election. Look at France. Sarkozy pissed of the non-French/Muslims and they voted him out and voted in great numbers for the first time.

Just like the Americans cannot ignore the rise of the Latin Americans. Hence why the Republican party, as we know it today and under Bush, will never return, simply because the party, at its core, is against Blacks, Latinos and other minorities that are not of Anglo-Saxon stock or Protestants/Mormons and other Christian sects.

An attack on Iran would cause sectarian tensions and also cause more instability in the Middle East. Nobody wants that. The West has opted for the strategy of isolating/weakening the Iranian regime from within and making the Iranian people frustrated to such an level that they might oppose their regime.

Most importantly we are in a middle of a financial crisis. When Bush attacked Afghanistan and Iraq the economy was on a rise in the West. Nothing seemed to end in the near future. It was also right after 9/11.

Another 9/11 in the Western eyes and global community could be the development of nuclear weapons in Iran. Which could force the West to attack it. And even if they did not chose to attack Iran before they develop an atomic bomb - then states such as KSA have pleaded to develop an atomic bombs as well. Deals/cooperation has already been signed with the USA, China, France and Pakistan. A nuclear Middle East is the last thing the world needs. More states would just follow and challenge the Wester hegemony which could make them desperate and things could get ugly. China is getting stronger and stronger and they are hardly allies of the West. They would want their share of influence as well.

Yes, which they do great. Nobody ever denied that. That I and many others disagree with their policy towards defenseless and innocent Palestinians who had nothing to do with the Holocaust or the 1000 year old persecution in Europe, where most of the Jewish settlers came from, is another thing. Again one needs to differentiate between an Zionist and a normal Jew.

I don't know about that. All I know is that no country likes to be invaded so don't be surprised if anti-regime people will defend Iran. It's not like Iraq where 75 percent of the population (Kurds and Shia Arabs) had nothing to fight for since they wanted Saddam out.

Will the Iranians who oppose the Iranian regime do the same? I am not sure. Only time will tell if that happens.

Moreover if the Iranian regime stopped interfering in the Arab world it would be a great help in reducing the number of extremists who will cause problems in the Arab world and outside of it.

Living in a Islamic society is not necessarily a sign of being against progress or living like in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule. The thing is that most people, in for example KSA are still very religious and thus prefer an Islamic society. But the youth, being global citizens and very active on Facebook, Twitter (KSA have the biggest percentage of bloggers/Facebook/Twitter users in the Arab world) it is bound to create reforms. All countries change for the better and the worse depending on the period/situations.

Also quite frankly, let's be honest. Even if I was an proponent of Western-style democracy in the Middle East, it would never function. Never did. In any country. Israel itself is hardly a Western styled democracy.

Look at Russia and China as well. They are not even prepared to have Western styled democracy nor is that in their nature. The Chinese don't even need that to rise up and be a world super power.

Look in some European countries it is entirely normal for gays to be wedded in a church (supposedly an religious institution and we all know that Christianity is against homosexuality and consider it a great sin) which is accepted by the majority. Such a thing would never happen in any Middle Eastern country, especially not a Muslim one. The day that happens they might as well stop being Muslims.

Princess Ameerah Seeks to Improve Saudi Womens' Rights - YouTube

Such changes as those below are acceptable in my eyes as a Muslim. Anyway it all depends on the society you live in. You have t to adopt and respect the local customs no matter how much you disagree.

Entirely different characters. Also it is not comparable. It took centuries for the Europeans themselves to even reach a level of "democracy". It's not more than 200 years ago that people were burned to death. Also it was never in the interest of the West to see non-Western areas rise up in any field.

Divide and conquer. Different times though.
Great, so the deluded Mullah's in Tehran are also supporting North Korea - the worst dictatorship in human history (probably). Just what the world needed.

Why don't we team up with the Jews (for real) and nuke Iran and North Korea to get over with it. The Iranians don't have the cojones to topple their Mullah's despite a number of them crying about them here when it suits them. Somebody else has to deal with the problem.

The Japanese were a similar bunch when ruled by their infallible Emperor (sounds similar to another regime who is meddling in the Arab world, right?) until the Americans nuked them twice. Since then they have never caused any problems to anybody. Maybe the same recipe is needed.

Who knows before we even realize it they might start nuking us first.

Don't mind, but this comment of yours is highly uncalled for. I respect your way of life, but the way you heaped the blame on Iran is just preposterous.

Your govts have also supported brutal dictators. My country of origin is an example. You clearly do not value the lives of common Iranians.

If Iran wants to take a stand and does not want its oil to be in the hands of US hegemons, it is their right.

The day Iran decides to even establish a good relation with the US, Iran will become the centre of oil production. May be thats your free too.
another topic based on bulI$hit. no one in iran's gov supported north Korea and now some sources say war on DPRK is war on iran!!! pure bulI$hit .
and i say something to these arabs and judes that are wishing to defeat iran. the real fact is that no one can beat us and soon the day come when you all fall on our feet. for 8 years all arabs(plus US) were allied to shadam for conquering iran and at last we were 15 km in iraq's land when the war ended. soon you all see what we have for you judes and arabs . you all SEMITIC blood.

stupid racist . go back to your mom to give you some minimum education.
Don't mind, but this comment of yours is highly uncalled for. I respect your way of life, but the way you heaped the blame on Iran is just preposterous.

Your govts have also supported brutal dictators. My country of origin is an example. You clearly do not value the lives of common Iranians.

If Iran wants to take a stand and does not want its oil to be in the hands of US hegemons, it is their right.

The day Iran decides to even establish a good relation with the US, Iran will become the centre of oil production. May be thats your free too.

This is not a laughing matter. Only North Korea and Iran have voiced the wish of using nukes against the region. You think that an nuclear attack would not impact the Arab world when Cairo, Damascus, Amman and Tabuk are all located only a few 100 km away from Israel?

If you have two states who threaten the world and really want to pull a nuclear attack off then there is no other option that attacking them first before they attack the whole world.

Nuclear weapons are a completely different matter.

Which dictators have KSA supported? Don't say Saddam because the ties were cut once he lost the control and first became a real dictator that had a global impact. I can't think of anyone else. KSA have no tradition of meddling in the political affairs of other nations. Not even Arab. At most there is ideological interest. But those things are completely different.

KSA have a habit of welcoming any former dictator/ruler who seeks refugee (Muslim) but I don't know the reasons for that. I guess it has something to do with it being the land of the Two Holy Mosques. Also they can be counted on the hand. Can't think of others than 3-4 former rulers. In the same way as KSA is welcoming the highest amount of Muslim immigrants from all over the world. Just recently 1000's of Burmese Muslims that were persecuted were accepted. Nobody else wanted them. Neighboring Bangladesh certainly not.

Once I see the Saudi regime threat country x with an nuclear attack then I know they would have lost the plot. And if the world had not other choice than nuking KSA then I would not blame the world but solely the rulers.

There is no excuse of using nukes to threaten countries as it can start an WW3 that could kills us all off. Hence why no unstable regime/unpredictable should get nuclear weapons as they cause a great danger to the world stability.

North Korea is an outright sick society (if not the worst in human history) ruled by one of the most sick families I can think off. I mean the horror stories you hear from there are amazing in the 21th century. It is the most closed off country/society as well.

Anyone who supports them, just because they threaten the West/world, is a lunatic.
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