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A Wake-up Call : Almost all terrorists are Muslims.


Aug 23, 2006
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It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims.

The hostage-takers of children in Beslan, North Ossetia, were Muslims. The other hostage-takers and subsequent murderers of the Nepalese chefs and workers in Iraq were also Muslims. Those involved in rape and murder in Darfur, Sudan, are Muslims, with other Muslims chosen to be their victims.

Those responsible for the attacks on residential towers in Riyadh and Khobar were Muslims. The two women who crashed two airliners last week were also Muslims.

Osama bin Laden is a Muslim. The majority of those who manned the suicide bombings against buses, vehicles, schools, houses and buildings, all over the world, were Muslim.

What a pathetic record. What an abominable "achievement." Does all this tell us anything about ourselves, our societies and our culture?

These images, when put together or taken separately, are shameful and degrading. But let us start with putting an end to a history of denial. Let us acknowledge their reality, instead of denying them and seeking to justify them with sound and fury signifying nothing.

For it would be easy to cure ourselves if we realize the seriousness of our sickness. Self-cure starts with self-realization and confession. We should then run after our terrorist sons, in the full knowledge that they are the sour grapes of a deformed culture.

Let us listen to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the sheikh – the Qatar-based radical Egyptian cleric – and hear him recite his fatwa about the religious permissibility of killing civilian Americans in Iraq. Let us contemplate the incident of this religious sheikh allowing, nay even calling for, the murder of civilians.

This ailing sheikh, in his last days, with two daughters studying in "infidel" Britain, soliciting children to kill innocent civilians.

How could this sheikh face the mother of the youthful Nick Berg, who was slaughtered in Iraq because he wanted to build communication towers in that ravished country? How can we believe him when he tells us that Islam is the religion of mercy and peace while he is turning it into a religion of blood and slaughter?

In a different era, we used to consider the extremists, with nationalist or leftist leanings, a menace and a source of corruption because of their adoption of violence as a means of discourse and their involvement in murder as an easy shortcut to their objectives.

At that time, the mosque used to be a haven, and the voice of religion used to be that of peace and reconciliation. Religious sermons were warm behests for a moral order and an ethical life.

Then came the neo-Muslims. An innocent and benevolent religion, whose verses prohibit the felling of trees in the absence of urgent necessity, that calls murder the most heinous of crimes, that says explicitly that if you kill one person you have killed humanity as a whole, has been turned into a global message of hate and a universal war cry.

We can't call those who take schoolchildren as hostages our own.

We cannot tolerate in our midst those who abduct journalists, murder civilians, explode buses; we cannot accept them as related to us, whatever the sufferings they claim to justify their criminal deeds. These are the people who have smeared Islam and stained its image.

We cannot clear our names unless we own up to the shameful fact that terrorism has become an Islamic enterprise; an almost exclusive monopoly, implemented by Muslim men and women.

We cannot redeem our extremist youths, who commit all these heinous crimes, without confronting the sheikhs who thought it ennobling to reinvent themselves as revolutionary ideologues, sending other people's sons and daughters to certain death, while sending their own children to European and American schools and colleges.

*Abdel Rahman al-Rashed is general manager of Al-Arabiya news channel. This article first appeared in the London-based pan-Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

A Wake-up Call : Almost all terrorists are Muslims..
I am going to Post a list of all terrorist organization Worldwide then we can debate that this is a negative Propaganda followed by CIA to make muslims lifes miserable all over the World ........ This TV also is a source to Osama oriented news and i recon is supported by CIA ops ...
depends on who you call a terrorist;I think Muslim terrorists make the headlines nowadays more than any other sort which is why they say almost all terrorists are Muslims.But yes it could also be true.
^well it's not true.ira, eta, tamil tigers, the naxalites to mention just a handful
Then who is ETA, who are the IRA, who are the Naxalites, who are the Tamil Tigers? Go take your self pity elsewhere. It's quite frankly gourmless individuals like yourself with overly used mouths that give a worse name to Muslims than any Saudia/Sudanese "Law" ever could hope to muster. At least on the one hand there is some morality brainwashing, whereas on the other it's just self pitiful wallowing in media-generated nonsense. Who is more stupid..those that created those backward laws, or those such as yourself that can't think out of their brainwshed western box. The choice is a difficult one to make imo.
Then who is ETA, who are the IRA, who are the Naxalites, who are the Tamil Tigers? Go take your self pity elsewhere. It's quite frankly gourmless individuals like yourself with overly used mouths that give a worse name to Muslims than any Saudia/Sudanese "Law" ever could hope to muster. At least on the one hand there is some morality brainwashing, whereas on the other it's just self pitiful wallowing in media-generated nonsense. Who is more stupid..those that created those backward laws, or those such as yourself that can't think out of their brainwshed western box. The choice is a difficult one to make imo.

first of all stop telling me what to do as i doubt very much you passed senior kindergarden.and thats pretty clear from your posts.

who is more stupid
thats pretty clear from your Answers.

so iam brain washed cause i dont follow some one blindly i can actually think for my self and see right from wrong.too bad your parents didnt send you to school to get education so you can understand islam in reality.

iam willing to bet you are one of those people that calls every body infidel while living in westren society and enjoying the freedoms offered by them.

what i dont understand is you speak against so called talibans(terrorist) in pakistan.yet at the same time you talk like them who are you trying to fool :azn:

Brainwashed is the idiot goes and blows himself cause he or she thinks they will go straight to heaven:rofl:

or the one who can justify ones ridiculous law yet condem the others?
so iam brain washed cause i dont follow some one blindly i can actually think for my self and see right from wrong.too bad your parents didnt send you to school to get education so you can understand islam in reality.

Leaving aside the parental obsession you have, you've quoted a piece, and accepted as reality, a piece that says all Muslims are terrorists. I have given you at least 4 examples of non Muslim terrorist groups. Is it not you that is following blindly a piece I have disproven?

iam willing to bet you are one of those people that calls every body infidel while living in westren society and enjoying the freedoms offered by them.

Lol! No, I'm the infidel by some people's standards. No need to assume what you'll never know.

what i dont understand is you speak against so called talibans(terrorist) in pakistan.yet at the same time you talk like them who are you trying to fool :azn:

I'm not against the Taliban as a religious group. I never was. I'm against suicide bombings, and war. They can worship as they see fit. Religious freedom for everyone. When the line is crossed, and people start disobeying laws, that is when they need to be eliminated. The Taliban (or people like them) have done this. If they can't co-exist, they need to go. Once again, don't tax your mind on what my religious affiliation are, you're already heading in the wrong direction!

Brainwashed is the idiot goes and blows himself cause he or she thinks they will go straight to heaven:rofl:

Just as brainwashed is the idiot that reads a newspaper article and believes all Muslims are terrorists, despite the names of 4 big non Muslim terrorist groups mentioned. Or the idiot that fails to understand that the rule of law matters in a country even!

or the one who can justify ones ridiculous law yet condem the others?

Why is the Saudi law stating you are not allowed to mix with the opposite sex in a car before marriage, stupid for the Saudi people?
roadrunner;117980]Leaving aside the parental obsession you have, you've quoted a piece, and accepted as reality, a piece that says all Muslims are terrorists. I have given you at least 4 examples of non Muslim terrorist groups. Is it not you that is following blindly a piece I have disproven?

if you still needs proof of most terrorist activities are done by whom you shouldnt be calling others blind. i suggest get your self educated.mullah supplied b.s is not worth following.

Lol! No, I'm the infidel by some people's standards. No need to assume what you'll never know.
Funny how so many people start like this ''iam not a racist and i have a ------- friend but those ------- are up 2 no good''.cheez love for house of saud calling the victum the prpetrator who could guess who you are.

I'm not against the Taliban as a religious group. I never was. I'm against suicide bombings, and war. They can worship as they see fit. Religious freedom for everyone. When the line is crossed, and people start disobeying laws, that is when they need to be eliminated. The Taliban (or people like them) have done this. If they can't co-exist, they need to go. Once again, don't tax your mind on what my religious affiliation are, you're already heading in the wrong direction!
Again i dont need to find out or give a ratz azz who you are.all i have to do is just cut and paste your replies about Talibans from this same forum.people can make up there mind about your views.

Just as brainwashed is the idiot that reads a newspaper article and believes all Muslims are terrorists, despite the names of 4 big non Muslim terrorist groups mentioned. Or the idiot that fails to understand that the rule of law matters in a country even!
Iam sure the guy who is going to go commit suicide for the heavens and 70 virgins probably says the same about people he is about to kill.without realizing that ''Quran forbids suicide in any condition''
thats the information comes from reading not listening to local mullah and believing him.get my drift iam sure its hard for you to belive reading helps.
I dont give a hoooooooot if all the rest of people are terrorist or not.as that dont concern me IAM a Muslim ISLAM is my religion its been hijacked by TERRORIST u like it or not dosnt concern me.if we dont acknowledge this problem and nip it in the but it will only grow
Till yesterday Few were supporting it against shias in pakistan today they are the once paying the heaviest price for it.
Most kept quite about this pakistan or were actually supporting Terrorist in pakistan as long as they were killing shias.today same monster is ready to destroy the whole country and costing the pakistan its future.
sitting and denying will not change the reality.this time they are not only out to kill shias and ifidels only this time they will kill you 2. welcome to the club i guess
Point is simple (i have to simplify it so you can understand)
closing your eyes and thinking eagle will fly away as i cant see him he cant see me.

Why is the Saudi law stating you are not allowed to mix with the opposite sex in a car before marriage, stupid for the Saudi people?
Again you are missing the point as expected fine she gets the jail term and 90 lashes for breaking the so called law(that many lashes for females means death)but we go with your view.

now why are the men who raped her are getting few years in jail as ISLAM says to kill them stone them to death.why is that part of islam being ignored.
But what i do enjoy is most pakistanies when they meet the arabs for the first time and get treated like garbadge.its the best site when there love turns to hatred.
but that only happens when they meet each other my point is simple these same people you defend at all cost will walk over you to Meet a westrener.
Iranian and saudi money have poisoned my country.they wish nothing but bad for us.iam a proud pakistani you dont like me go FOOK yourself.
IAm proud to call any westrner my friend over any arab or iranian any day.
if you still needs proof of most terrorist activities are done by whom you shouldnt be calling others blind. i suggest get your self educated.mullah supplied b.s is not worth following.

Terrorist activities are spread right across the board. Yes, Beslan was terrorism, and yes what the IRA does is terrorism, just as what ETA does is terrorism. For every bomb going off by a Muslim and killing 50, 60 people, there are just as hideous crimes committed by non Muslim groups..here are two from this month alone..such as the Maoists

Japan Today - News - Body of Nepali journalist killed by Maoists found

or the Tamil Tigers

Sri Lanka bomb attack kills 16

let's not even debate whether the Iraq invasion was a case of terrorism or not. As the saying goes, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter

And you really need to get a few more brain cells if you think I've anything to do with Mullahs. You sound like a psycho that someone has let loose out of a mental institution. How on earth you worked out I was religiously inclined is a mystery. The reason I have an opposing view to you on the Saudi girl issue, is because you don't seem intelligent enough to understand Saudi laws, and what it means to abide by the laws of a country. If someone tries to steal my wallet, and I murder them, I get punished. The Saudi girl was raped, and broke the law herself. Two crimes in each scenario.

Funny how so many people start like this ''iam not a racist and i have a ------- friend but those ------- are up 2 no good''.cheez love for house of saud calling the victum the prpetrator who could guess who you are.

:rofl: Someone really needs to take you away and lock you up my friend.
  • I never stated anything about racism. I stated that some people call me an infidel by their standards. Nothing to do with racism or "I'm not racist, but....." What on earth does that have to do with what I said? :crazy:
  • Show me where I called the victim the perpetrator genius. I'll be waiting for the quote.

Again i dont need to find out or give a ratz azz who you are.all i have to do is just cut and paste your replies about Talibans from this same forum.people can make up there mind about your views.

LOL! Please do cut and paste all my replies. I'm curious myself as to what sort of a mental point you're going to try and make. I'm sure it'll be something deranged, along the lines of these replies you have given. But yes, please do paste all the replies I have made about the Taliban on this forum. You will find I have been very consistent in my stand, it is simply that you're not intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying. I wait for the pastes.

Iam sure the guy who is going to go commit suicide for the heavens and 70 virgins probably says the same about people he is about to kill.without realizing that ''Quran forbids suicide in any condition''
thats the information comes from reading not listening to local mullah and believing him.get my drift iam sure its hard for you to belive reading helps.

LOL! Look you nutjob. I totally agree with that! Suicide is forbidden in Islam, and the people that do it are perverted. I have said this consistently and constantly, it's just your knucklehead has blown a fuse and you can't seem to comprehend anything! What does this have to do with anything. I await your pastes where I said that suicide was Islamically acceptable also genius!

I dont give a hoooooooot if all the rest of people are terrorist or not.as that dont concern me IAM a Muslim ISLAM is my religion its been hijacked by TERRORIST u like it or not dosnt concern me.if we dont acknowledge this problem and nip it in the but it will only grow

Then you're not being realistic.

Till yesterday Few were supporting it against shias in pakistan today they are the once paying the heaviest price for it.

Noone is supporting it against Shias in Pakistan. The Shias are well mixed with the Sunni population in Pakistan. You need t get out of your warped media hideout, and go see the shia-sunni hybridization within families.

Most kept quite about this pakistan or were actually supporting Terrorist in pakistan as long as they were killing shias.today same monster is ready to destroy the whole country and costing the pakistan its future.
sitting and denying will not change the reality.this time they are not only out to kill shias and ifidels only this time they will kill you 2. welcome to the club i guess
Point is simple (i have to simplify it so you can understand)
closing your eyes and thinking eagle will fly away as i cant see him he cant see me.

Noone was supporting killing shias in Pakistan except, a mad very small minority. They are the ones Pakistan Army is after.

Again you are missing the point as expected fine she gets the jail term and 90 lashes for breaking the so called law(that many lashes for females means death)but we go with your view.

This is the whole point I'm trying to convey to you. FINALLY, YOU'VE UNDERSTOOD IT! Miracles happen! SHE BROKE THE LAW.. WELL DONE GENIUS, I'M REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU THAT YOU MANAGED TO WORK THIS OUT! You'll be pleased to know the lashes are going to be administered on separate days.

now why are the men who raped her are getting few years in jail as ISLAM says to kill them stone them to death.why is that part of islam being ignored.

I don't know. Ask the Saudi court. I can only speculate. Perhaps they felt they had a clean sheet, and were trying to punish the two for breaking their Shariah (Saudi) law. I don't agree they should have reduced the sentence. Both should get the full treatment.

But what i do enjoy is most pakistanies when they meet the arabs for the first time and get treated like garbadge.its the best site when there love turns to hatred.

Why should that affect your neutrality. If they treat you badly, why don't you treat them badly? No need for that to cloud your judgement. Grow up!

but that only happens when they meet each other my point is simple these same people you defend at all cost will walk over you to Meet a westrener.
Iranian and saudi money have poisoned my country.they wish nothing but bad for us.iam a proud pakistani you dont like me go FOOK yourself.
IAm proud to call any westrner my friend over any arab or iranian any day.

Well I can see why they treat people like you badly. You probably have not even been treated badly by an Arab..but if that's the way you act with them, it's not difficult to see why one would.
Depends on the perception...
For muslims it will be Americans,CIA,MOSSAD, RAW
For entire world its muslims...
If the same post was created by indian, he would be banned...
But this is the first time i am seeing pakistanis debating on this topic...
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