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A Syrian Mig-23 shot down today morning

You always have to adjust when reading any story about the military by civy reporters. I remeber in the first gulf War CNN moaning that we hit SAM site radars but didn't hit the missles...not knowing that bnott only were the missles useless without guidance, but a liability (The same reason wounded soldiers tax logistics more than dead ones)
Taliban and Al Qaeda do the same when they behead their prisoners
these "freedom fighters" are glorified terrorists

destroying Syria. what really makes me upset is why people dont question the "unholy" alliance of the freedom fighters.. they include Western intelligence people and Al Qaeda as well.
its a known fact that wherever Western powers support or initiate the conflicts, Al Qaeda also joins in.

we have already chosen sides so I know I am talking to brick walls

for me this is a human tragedy. for me, both sides are culprits because both have killed prisoners and unarmed civilians so as far as I am concerned I curse them both and I specially curse the Muslim governments that are supporting the Americans just to oust Asad's Govt.

just reviist this thread after 3 years.. this place will be Al Qaeda heaven, with regular bombings like in Iraq and Pakistan.

Allah o Akbar indeed

does it concern you my bother?
does it not run shivers through your spine? my dear?

dont you ask yourself?

ask what?

dont you ask? why American and British are so heavily involved in removing Asad? why Israelis are partying and celebrating?
is this all for the glory of Islam? for the freedom of Syrian people?
and explain the Al Qaeda involvement as well

how can something good be expected with this unholy alliance of CIA/ MI6 and Al Qaeda murderers?

FSA might be fighting a noble cause but it seems like a blind bull being steered by forces who never keep their anti-Muslim intentions a secret.
Its literally impossible to find a country more "anti-Muslim" than Bathist Syria. Ask Syrians. Israeli government most certainly is much more concerned about FSA than their obedient puppet Bashar. Ask Israelis.
Israeli government most certainly is much more concerned about FSA than their obedient puppet Bashar. Ask Israelis.

Brother you don't look too well versed in international relations. The current Syrian regime is one of the most anti-Israel of them all.

> The Ain es Saheb airstrike (an Israeli Air Force mission against Palestinian militants inside Syria) in 2003.
> Operation Orchard (an Israeli air and commando mission against Syria's alleged nuclear program) in 2007.
> During the 2006 Lebanon War, Syria threatened to enter the war on Hezbollah's side, provided support to Hezbollah, and allowed Iran to ship supplies to Hezbollah through its territory.
> Syria withdrew from the Turkey-mediated peace talks with Israel after the 2008-09 Gaza War.
> In 2010, President Bashar al-Assad accused Israel of avoiding peace, and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem warned that in the event of a future war, Israeli cities would be targeted by Syrian missiles. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded by saying that the Syrian military would be defeated in a war with Israel, and Assad and his family would be forced from power.

Doesn't look like much of a puppet to me.
bashr father killed 26,000 people and he is also getting near to the number...

all the irani supporters have to understand that shia only form 5-8% of population and if they force to rule majority situation will will worsen..at the end of this war we might see the massacre of those who supported the govt..

its time iran shoud wake up and pressurize syrian govt for rule of majority...killing 50,000 people in two rebellion attempts will only create more rebels..all of which will be blood thirsty for all shai population of syria..!!
I would love to see something like this (what has happened in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and now Syria) in Pakistan against all the politicians and their family members.
I would love to see something like this (what has happened in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and now Syria) in Pakistan against all the politicians and their family members.

Let's make sure Bashaar the Butcher goes quickly.

for Pakistan. Yeah the politicians should be hanged. Luckily we have elections coming. Make sure to vote for your favorite candidate and make sure he is as honest as Imran Khan
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So Irfan with all due respect don't EVER and I mean EVER tell me that FSA are the terrorists and Assad is the angel in this. Because to me you sound like someone who also pulled the trigger on my friend's head no different than the soldier who did it when you do.

if you look up my post again
I am condemning both for civilian deaths. I have seen enough videos from both sides to establish that there are no angles on either side.

specially the involvement of the Western covert forces & the infiltration of Al Qaeda is really upsetting.
I dont care about the current Syrian rulers. I only care for the people and I see that our Arab brothers are being stung from the same spot yet again.

"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me,"

the countless people who disappeared in Behrain's unrest have the same story, till today they are being hunted through social media sites. if they have Iranian backing then FSA has Western and Saudi backing as front runners. we chose to criticise and speak up depending on who the victim is and who the culprit is. thats what I find very disturbing,

my condolence and grief for the dead of the Syrian conflict is unqualified, I dont care who's side they where when they were lined up by the wall and shot point blank. to me they are victims and they didnt deserve such a death.

finally I pray that some sense prevails and this bloodshed comes to an end. I wish that Assad announces to step down and given an exit to Russia or whatever if it helps in preventing another death then its worth it. otherwise Syria will bleed like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

trust me, there are two entities that are laughing their heads off.. Israelis and Al Qaeda.
if you look up my post again
I am condemning both for civilian deaths. I have seen enough videos from both sides to establish that there are no angles on either side.

specially the involvement of the Western covert forces & the infiltration of Al Qaeda is really upsetting.
I dont care about the current Syrian rulers. I only care for the people and I see that our Arab brothers are being stung from the same spot yet again.

"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me,"

the countless people who disappeared in Behrain's unrest have the same story, till today they are being hunted through social media sites. if they have Iranian backing then FSA has Western and Saudi backing as front runners. we chose to criticise and speak up depending on who the victim is and who the culprit is. thats what I find very disturbing,

my condolence and grief for the dead of the Syrian conflict is unqualified, I dont care who's side they where when they were lined up by the wall and shot point blank. to me they are victims and they didnt deserve such a death.

finally I pray that some sense prevails and this bloodshed comes to an end. I wish that Assad announces to step down and given an exit to Russia or whatever if it helps in preventing another death then its worth it. otherwise Syria will bleed like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

trust me, there are two entities that are laughing their heads off.. Israelis and Al Qaeda.

Well you are free to think what you want. I for one will not care if all fighters and countries in this world stuck their nose into the Syrian Revolution, I will still support it whole heartdly.

Assad must be brought to Justice. Not step down and that is it no not anymore. He must be dragged by his feet to an execution ground and made an example of. And as I said I am angry at my own government for nor doing enough.

All it is doing is supporting FSA publicly when it should be doing more, much much more. Russia, Iran, China aren't all those foreign involvement in Syrian affairs as well or is that just a one sided thing??

It is sad that you Irfan don't know Arabic to really see into the whole things, you only look at a thread title in English and make an assumption out of it and the English videos about the Syrian revolution and extremely full of BS where many is staged or thread titled wrongly to fool the watcher. And it is sad to see that you are one of those who were fooled as well.
Also the news says that a 14.5 Anti Aircraft gun was used to down the MIG
Also the news says that a 14.5 Anti Aircraft gun was used to down the MIG

FSA's armaments is getting better and better as more and more Assadi forces defect and join the rebels. God bless the FSA the most noble fighters on the face of the Earth these days.
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