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A Raja arrested!!!


Jan 22, 2011
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India's ex-telecoms minister A Raja arrested


India's former telecommunications minister A Raja has been arrested in connection with an alleged multi-billion dollar corruption scandal.

Mr Raja, who has denied any wrongdoing, was forced to quit in November over the sale of mobile telephone licences for a fraction of their value.

Ex-telecommunications secretary Siddharth Behuria and Mr Raja's aide RK Chandolia have also been held.

Mr Raja belongs to the DMK party, an ally of the ruling Congress government.

A DMK spokesman said Mr Raja's arrest would not affect the party's ties with the Congress.

The arrests were made in the capital, Delhi, by the federal investigation agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

According to the national auditor, the so-called 2G spectrum phone licences were sold in 2008 for a fraction of their value, costing the government $37bn (£23bn) in lost revenue.
'Low returns'

Mr Raja is accused of issuing the 2G licences on a "first-come, first-served" basis instead of auctioning them.

Critics said the low return was underscored when India's auction in May last year of 3G bandwidth for mobile phone services ended up reaping $15bn, twice the sum expected.

Mr Raja presided over the world's fastest growing mobile market - there are about half a billion mobile phone subscribers in India.

The 2G spectrum scandal has prompted the most serious political stand-off in recent times in India.

The winter session of parliament was deadlocked over opposition demands for a major inquiry.

India has seen a slew of high-profile corruption investigations in recent months.

Organisers of the Delhi Commonwealth Games are accused of swindling millions of dollars during the October event.

The Congress party in November ordered the chief minister of the western state of Maharashtra to quit over his alleged role in a scam involving homes meant for war widows being given to relatives and bureaucrats.

Source: BBC
Take my words, the way he's smiling, I'm sure he'll be out soon! For now A.Raja ka Band Baaja! :partay:
There goes the poor scapegoat !

I am from his constituency and he is not capable nor brave enough for doing such a job.
there are strong evidences of Sonia Gandhi being involved in this scam and getting a major chunk of the loot, even here sisters are involved too.

Raja is only being made a scapegoat here.
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Damn Politics! Is Raja really not involved? I doubt! :blink::blink:

It is the worst kept secret that two families are the biggest beneficiaries (Gandhi family in the centre and Kalaignar family in TN)
Raja's arrest was expected..

DMK chief was in Delhi last week , a possible rift in party is what it shows.
Raja's arrest was expected..

DMK chief was in Delhi last week , a possible rift in party is what it shows.

Rift ?? Raja is a non-entity in DMK.

He is not even in the second-rung leadership.
Rift ?? Raja is a non-entity in DMK.

He is not even in the second-rung leadership.

So that explains his arrest.. a scapegoat for DMK in gaining political mileage and shutting up AIDMK's mouth in the progress.
So that explains his arrest.. a scapegoat for DMK in gaining political mileage and shutting up AIDMK's mouth in the progress.

Do you think AIADMK will shut after this.......:lol:

The attacks have always been directed not against DMK but against Kalaignar family , so I think Jaya will anyway not stop.

But the bigger culprit here is the Gandhi Family without whose knowledge this is simply not possible.

So basically the situation is one robber(AIADMK) blaming the thief (DMK) and his dacoit (Congress) friend for a robbery. :lol:
ok guys - if he is arrested and found guilty

what happens to all that money ?????

will they forget it just like billions of $ in swiss account

or its coming back to help indian economy
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