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A plan to build two artificial islands near the coasts of Bahrain & the KSA


May 9, 2007
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A plan is under way to build two artificial service islands near the coasts of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to accommodate rising numbers of passenger cars and cargo trucks, a senior official said here recently.


King Fahd Causeway Authority chief Badr Al-Otaishan unveiled the plan during a meeting with causeway officials and Eastern Province Gov. Prince Saud bin Naif.
The present island will be turned into a recreational and tourist attraction.

Al-Otaishan said the project includes the construction of the two artificial islands over 600,000 square meters each. These will accommodate up to 4,000 small vehicles per hour in each direction. Inspection yards will accommodate 400 trucks and a waiting area for trucks with a capacity to accommodate 400, in addition to other facilities.

“The bridge has been undergoing development since 2008, which contributes to easing travel procedures and traffic movement.”

Prince Saud urged causeway workers to speed up procedures for travelers between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain but said security and safety procedures should not be compromised. “We want to facilitate matters, but we don’t want to disrupt our work,” he said.

“We encourage them to maintain the safety of the country. There is no room for complacency in the field of security and safety,” he said.

Prince Saud said there has been a four-fold increase in the number of travelers crossing the bridge and plans are underway to ease the congestion. “These solutions will take time, and both countries are working hard to speed up the implementation process and ease the current congestion especially during peak hours,” he said.

2 traffic islands to be built at Causeway | Arab News
I was so much carried away when watched this the first time:

Even though Jordan wasn't apart of the PSA or the GCC back in the day, they put some boots on the ground when the PSA entered Bahrain. Now, The GCC is welcoming a new member, but you're now obligated to come whenever the PSA is on a state of alert, and the PSA is obligated to go to you whenever Jordan is on a state of alert. In other word, there are some PSA boots on the ground in your place now waiting for any sort of action that may come from rouge states or their proxies.
I was so much carried away when watched this the first time:

Man, there was no way that the Safavids or their stooges would ever be successful in Bahrain. We will not allow that.;)

The island of Bahrain has great strategical importance and it is also part of the historical Greater Bahrain/Dilmun region/civilizations that otherwise covers todays Eastern Province and large parts of Eastern Arabia.

Well aside from Bahrain being a GCC member state and the ruling family having ties to KSA.

We just have to wait a few years, before 2020 I predict, and then both Jordan and Yemen will be part of the GCC. After that we might expand even more. Depends on the country, political and financial climate etc. Although I have a good feeling.
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A plan is under way to build two artificial service islands near the coasts of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to accommodate rising numbers of passenger cars and cargo trucks, a senior official said here recently.


King Fahd Causeway Authority chief Badr Al-Otaishan unveiled the plan during a meeting with causeway officials and Eastern Province Gov. Prince Saud bin Naif.
The present island will be turned into a recreational and tourist attraction.

Al-Otaishan said the project includes the construction of the two artificial islands over 600,000 square meters each. These will accommodate up to 4,000 small vehicles per hour in each direction. Inspection yards will accommodate 400 trucks and a waiting area for trucks with a capacity to accommodate 400, in addition to other facilities.

“The bridge has been undergoing development since 2008, which contributes to easing travel procedures and traffic movement.”

Prince Saud urged causeway workers to speed up procedures for travelers between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain but said security and safety procedures should not be compromised. “We want to facilitate matters, but we don’t want to disrupt our work,” he said.

“We encourage them to maintain the safety of the country. There is no room for complacency in the field of security and safety,” he said.

Prince Saud said there has been a four-fold increase in the number of travelers crossing the bridge and plans are underway to ease the congestion. “These solutions will take time, and both countries are working hard to speed up the implementation process and ease the current congestion especially during peak hours,” he said.

2 traffic islands to be built at Causeway | Arab News

I hope they make these artificial islands keeping tsunamis in mind.
Here is the question, will you come when we finish building up these islands? Yes or No?

More or less a tsunami-like yeah.

But that only happens to countries that have a coast to sea/ocean, I dont think waters are that unstable in semi isolated water.
I dont think tsunamis happen in the gulf

I don't think there are any. At least I have not heard about it. The Gulf region is not really a mountainous or volcanic area unlike the Red Sea region in KSA and Yemen. The only mountains that border the Gulf are those found in parts of UAE and Oman.

New island forms in Red Sea off Yemen: NASA

Water levels in the Gulf are stable and only seismic activity could cause a tsunami but it is highly unlikely.

Aside from that then the Eastern Province and Bahrain are only separated by the Gulf of Bahrain and there is already the King Fahd Bridge that connects both countries and it's about 25 km long from what I remember.

There are not really any natural threats in the Gulf from what I am aware of.
But that only happens to countries that have a coast to sea/ocean, I dont think waters are that unstable in semi isolated water.

People find it a bit terrifying when you call it a tsunami but no, it's not even close to it. That's why they say tsunami-like.
Yes, calm waters like the Caspian sea.

If you look at Google maps sattelite you can see the difference of the waters in the gulf and the Arabian sea for example.
I dont think tsunamis happen in the gulf

I am not sure about the exact location of these artificial islands. But regardless,I think it would be better if gulf states take precaution and take preventive measures against tsunamis, in general. They have the money and resources right now. There already have been recent series of small earth quakes in Gulf and Persian region.

There have been some major natural disasters in the past 10-15 years. Though I hope such a thing never happens.
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