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A nuclear armed Iran: Indian perspective


Aug 4, 2009
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A nuclear armed Iran

It is possible that Western countries will seek a mandate from UNSC to coerce Iran into giving up these weapons or, failing which, take military action against it. India is, at present, a non-permanent member of UNSC. Under no circumstances should it vote with countries seeking to punish Iran militarily

It has for long been suspected that Iran’s nuclear programme had military dimensions. On Tuesday, the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report which gave ample hints that this is indeed the case.

The report details not only the activities to get nuclear materials, but also “acquisition of nuclear weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear supply network”. Iran has also worked on developing an indigenous design for a nuclear weapon. While not overtly nuclearized, there is little doubt that Iran is well-along the way to get a nuclear weapon.

This has, predictably, stirred a hornet’s nest in the Middle East and in Western countries. There have been calls in Israel to attack and destroy Tehran’s nuclear weapons. Israel has in the past—with Iraq in 1981 and possibly Syria in 2007—destroyed nuclear facilities it has suspected of creating nuclear weapons in its periphery. This time, however, the surprise element is gone and Iran is, to put it delicately, a “different country”.

It is simply too late in the day to stop the Iranians from getting a nuclear weapon and the military option is no longer realistic. That is possible when a country is some years away—technologically and materially—from a nuke, not when it is just a screw’s turn away from it.

Sooner or later, the matter will head to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). It is possible that Western countries will seek a mandate from UNSC to coerce Iran into giving up these weapons or, failing which, take military action against it. India is, at present, a non-permanent member of UNSC. Under no circumstances should it vote with countries seeking to punish Iran militarily. If anything, it should vote against such a measure.

Iran’s nuclear dynamics have a lot to do with its rivalry with Saudi Arabia and other complicated factors in the Middle East. It has been a friend of India for long. Geographically, it is not distant from Indian shores and it neighbours Pakistan on its south-eastern part. It also has a large border with Afghanistan. If only due to geopolitical factors, India needs to support Iran.

One failure of Indian diplomacy in recent years has been its inability to play the role of an effective intermediary between the US and Iran. Both countries are friendly to India, and Iran, especially, trusts India. India has left the space open for other countries (Turkey and Brazil come to one’s mind) to play a creative diplomatic role with Iran. It needs to reclaim that space.

A nuclear armed Iran - Views - livemint.com


Israel is a strong ally of India. But an attack on Iran will spell big trouble for India for several reasons, including --

1) India annually imports 400,000 barrels of oil from Iran (more than a quarter of total imports). Replacing this is extremely difficult since Indian refineries are built for heavy grade crude (the type found in Middle East) and therefore, cannot replace Iranian crude with oil from Africa or South America.

2) There is a high chance that the situation in the region (particularly Afghanistan) will become more volatile. Iran is a major part of India's long-term plans for Afghanistan. Without Iranian support, making Afghanistan less reliant on Pakistan would be near impossible.

3) Nobody wants to watch two good friends fight and get hurt. India cherishes strong relations with both Israel and Iran and it is unfortunate that the two are after each other's neck.
Any potential attack against Iran is not going to be UNSC authorized. At the very least, India and Brazil would vote against, with Russia and China likely using a double veto.
A nuclear armed Iran

It is possible that Western countries will seek a mandate from UNSC to coerce Iran into giving up these weapons or, failing which, take military action against it. India is, at present, a non-permanent member of UNSC. Under no circumstances should it vote with countries seeking to punish Iran militarily

A nuclear armed Iran - Views - livemint.com


Israel is a strong ally of India. But an attack on Iran will spell big trouble for India for several reasons, including --

1) India annually imports 400,000 barrels of oil from Iran (more than a quarter of total imports). Replacing this is extremely difficult since Indian refineries are built for heavy grade crude (the type found in Middle East) and therefore, cannot replace Iranian crude with oil from Africa or South America.

2) There is a high chance that the situation in the region (particularly Afghanistan) will become more volatile. Iran is a major part of India's long-term plans for Afghanistan. Without Iranian support, making Afghanistan less reliant on Pakistan would be near impossible.

3) Nobody wants to watch two good friends fight and get hurt. India cherishes strong relations with both Israel and Iran and it is unfortunate that the two are after each other's neck.

lol, China is closer to Iran than India is.

China already beat India there. :lol:
i dont know wat the cong party will do, the officials and people want india to be a mediator and if the question arise of military action india should standby iran and try to diffuse tension
I doubt india will either vote against iran (as in past) or at max remain neutral.... while Pakistan being a non permanent member of UNSC will always be pro Iran n against any military aggresion towards Iran....

About Afghanistan... it will always remain dependant on Pakistan in one way or another.
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