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A nation in denial

"Widow Burning" as you call it, no longer happens in India - that practice vanished decades ago. You need to get your facts right before typing. 99% of all criticism against India on defence.pk is like this - simply false propaganda. India has several faults, but most of the time I see Pakistani members here bringing up totally wrong and unjustified points.

This 'widow burning' may have diminished in most of India but exiling widows is not uncommon. Have you seen the movie 'Water'? It is about the life of a child widow in India. Guess what happened?
2,000 protesters had stormed the ghats, destroying and burning the main film set and throwing the remnants into the Ganges in protest

The film was banned in India and they had to shoot in another country...

And remember - Indian media and Indians are the biggest critics of India. Most recent example - just look at the expose of the corruption in the CWG. It is Indians who ferret out negative aspects of administration and scream it out for the world to hear. What "hiding" is that Omani fellow talking about?? Yeah, he might have been right 20 years back, but certainly not now!

So this India born-Indian blood 'omani' fellow, who said he moved there from Delhi is no longer Indian because of his opinion? He was quite pro Indian. Our media does quite expose any faults. What matter is it of India to criticize Pakistan anyhow? Don't they have any other things to do?

India may have many faults, but we are very self-critical. From what I have seen so far, Pakistanis do not seem self-critical and self-examining. The focus seems to be more on conspiracy theories and externalization of blame. Just when I thought I'd heard everything, the latest I hear is blaming a different country for FLOODS.

I'm 15. Call me an 'inexperienced amateur', but it is always the Indians at school who comes up to me to blame Pakistan for this-and-that.


See what you did there?
I'm 15. Call me an 'inexperienced amateur', but it is always the Indians at school who comes up to me to blame Pakistan for this-and-that.
And that is the exact reason, why kids like you should stay in School and get educated ; U see a few Indians in school and stereotype all Indians !!! Indians are not the ones who live in Denial ; I will tell you a very pertinent case in point. Go through this link and see who lives in Denial. Pakistan has become a whirlpool of mud-slinging, passing-the-buck and conspiracy theorists, where the primary outlook has become one of finger-pointing instead of having a root-cause analysis into the problem.

We also face Social evils, Economic disparities, A high-handed bureaucracy and corruption at every spoke of the wheel which drives the economic engine. But we fight them, albeit very very slowly. An example is found here.
Now look at the Indians and their response to the revelations surrounding the Hansie Cronjé affair 10 years ago. Mohammad Azharuddin and Manoj Prabhakar were among the players implicated. They were never convicted in a criminal case, but the Indian board was strong. They never played for India again, nor did Ajay Jadeja, even though his ban was quashed in 2003. The selectors cannot be forced to pick people they don't want to pick. Having these sort of players in your dressing-room can damage the team's morale, as well as its credibility.
So yes, India is not a nation in denial as long as we have a free media and an equally competent judiciary. Though again, we may lag even on these fronts, but we bootstrap them and rectify them.

I believe this post is a good start of your Education.
And that is the exact reason, why kids like you should stay in School and get educated ; U see a few Indians in school and stereotype all Indians !!! Indians are not the ones who live in Denial ; I will tell you a very pertinent case in point. Go through this link and see who lives in Denial. Pakistan has become a whirlpool of mud-slinging, passing-the-buck and conspiracy theorists, where the primary outlook has become one of finger-pointing instead of having a root-cause analysis into the problem.

We also face Social evils, Economic disparities, A high-handed bureaucracy and corruption at every spoke of the wheel which drives the economic engine. But we fight them, albeit very very slowly. An example is found here.

So yes, India is not a nation in denial as long as we have a free media and an equally competent judiciary. Though again, we may lag even on these fronts, but we bootstrap them and rectify them.

I believe this post is a good start of your Education.

When did I ever stereotype Indians? I never said they lived in denial. I only say that there is no need for them to criticize us.

As I said earlier, I know what Pakistan may/may not have become.

Have you watched Geo TV? It is 100% anti-pakistani propaganda but it still runs in Pakistan media. After watching it, you expect a bomb blast in every corder.

Anyway, I need to eat Iftaar now, so I won't reply for some time
When did I ever stereotype Indians? I never said they lived in denial. I only say that there is no need for them to criticize us.
Here is the statement of stereotyping.
For some reasons Indians always seem to experts on this 'issue'.


Nearby, there was this Indian dude (who came over to the shop) and while we were discussing the floods with the Balochi, that Indian man said "Pakistan was supposed to be more successful than India"...

My father, just wanting to hear his opinion, asked the Indian man "Tell me your opinion on Pakistan's lack of 'taraki' (conversation was in Urdu, I am translating)". He pretty much repeated what most Indians criticize about pakistan, but he said something else that was very interesting-

"In India, much worst things happen. But we hide it and make it look beautiful. Pakistan needs to do that."

I don't know why he admitted that... but my question is- What do you Indians think about this? If you want to use an anti-pakistani article as 'criticism', what exactly do you expect us to say? Just like this man says, in India, much worst things happen. Do you see us posting every single article about it? No, because we aren't jealous!

The way you carry forward your argument is that Indians are not supposed to criticize us and you show an example of an Indian in Oman covering our faults and then u go ahead and ask our opinion on the same(the denial). Here is where u go awry and assume that Indians live in denial and hence you question the very basis of it.

So, please stop obfuscating and lend credible inputs to solve the state of your Nation. This is where your true education would start, not in School.
Here is the statement of stereotyping.

The way you carry forward your argument is that Indians are not supposed to criticize us and you show an example of an Indian in Oman covering our faults and then u go ahead and ask our opinion on the same(the denial). Here is where u go awry and assume that Indians live in denial and hence you question the very basis of it.

I think you misunderstood what I said. The reason I gave the example of that 'Omani Fellow' was because it was from an Indian in person.

Let me put what I think straight:

When you say 'Here is where u go awry and assume that Indians live in denial and hence you question the very basis of it.', you are wrong.

If you want me to make it clear to you, I will say this now; I do not think Indians are in denial but that does not give them the right to criticize their enemies expecting them to change. Shouldn't Indians be happier with the current state of Pakistan? Tell me. Why would any Indian point out why Pakistan is failing and tag it as criticism? Would they do it to improve Pakistan or are they just playing on old grudges and unavoidable hatred? Both Pakistan and India pass remarks to each other. When you do it on a Pakistani forum, don't expect us to take it seriously. You are entitled to your opinion. I can say all the Indian 'criticism' I like on Indian forums but I will not expect a serious response.

So, please stop obfuscating and lend credible inputs to solve the state of your Nation. This is where your true education would start, not in School.

Inputs in a forum? You know, in Pakistan, guests and their hosts in parties always discuss politics and give credible input over tea. But we all know that it is not as easy as it looks. I am afraid real life is much more complex than 'We should have had a good leader'. Good leaders are hard to come by. May Allah bless us with one.

Also, if it makes you sleep better at night, everyone at the dawat also mentions something similar to 'Us Pakistanis have ruined our country ourselves' over these discussions. I am sure many other Pakistanis will know what I am talking about. Inviting a guest for conversation doesn't mean India bashing for 3 hours straight, contrary to what you seem to believe.

Also, I don't see what any of this has to do with my educational life. I am sure that it will do more good saying the same thing to that Krishna kid who comes to me for a double dose of Pakistan bashing (though I've given him enough 'criticism' for a long time. Just a while ago he said Pakistan Kashmir was quite 'beautiful' after I showed him my anger, :no: :lol:)

So good day.
I consider this an end of the argument as there are no replies :cheers:
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