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A nation in denial


Sep 21, 2009
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A nation in denial

Pakistan’s failure to evolve as a stable and civilized society with a viable political system relates to some fundamental contradictions with deep roots in its history. It needs to come to terms with and recognize what may be unpleasant facts that have contributed to doubts about national identity, pervasive hypocrisy, misconceptions about the role of religion in the affairs of the state, and failure to generate a climate for honest public discourse perversely dominated by a section of media patronized by the intelligence agencies. The nature of the establishment-media-mullah nexus has never allowed a mature discussion of these issues but grown-ups with troubled childhoods sometimes need to face their difficult past.

Those issues are as follows: Pakistan was founded by a great leader, with the rare historic distinction of creating a new country, who drank scotch and wore modern English suits. He was an exceptionally principled and honest man driven by a desire to secure the interests of Muslims in the post-British India but was not a religious person at all. He married a non-Muslim woman, and selected a distinguished lawyer – an Ahmadi – as Pakistan’s foreign minister. Both he and Iqbal as leaders felt very strongly about the political and economic rights of the Muslim minority in united India but never envisioned Pakistan to be a theocracy or an orthodox society.

After independence, the Muslim League came to be dominated by a feudal aristocracy that contributed little to the Pakistan movement. It was full of opportunists who jumped on the Muslim League bandwagon and had no vision for Pakistan’s future beyond empty rhetoric. In 1945, Sindh was the only Muslim majority province where the Muslim League formed the provincial government.

Pakistan’s founders were responsible for sowing the seeds of a client-state relationship with the US. As head of a newly-born ‘moth-eaten Pakistan’, to use Jinnah’s own words, and with little or no financial resources, he was wrong to seek a military solution to Kashmir with Pakistan completely dependent on Britain for its survival and so desperate that it requested a two-billion dollar loan from America in October 1947, negating the very spirit of independence from colonial rule. The secession of former East Pakistan negated the assumption that religion alone could keep a nation or a country united.

Pakistan’s current constitution does not represent the thinking of its founders. Terms like ‘Islamic Ideology’ and ‘Nazaria-i-Pakistan’ were coined by the Jamaat-i-Islami whose rise was supported by the long standing official policy of the US to encourage religious extremism in the Muslim world to prevent the rise of anti-imperialist nationalist leaders. The Jaamat had close ties with Said Ramadan (de facto head of the Akhwanul Muslimeen or the Muslim Brotherhood and son-in-law of its founder Hassan al Banna) who worked with the CIA as it plotted against Gamal Abdul Nasser. The Jamaat’s chief Mian Tufail Muhammad’s nephew was Ziaul Haq, and both worked to further US interests in Pakistan and the region. The US supported and financed the so-called fundamentalist groups for decades [refer: The Devil’s Game by Robert Dreyfus] and continues to do so because these groups are considered a buffer against the potential threat of Russia and/or China. Pakistanis must probe deeper into history and inside their souls to face some difficult, perhaps harsh facts and problems dating back to 1947. Pakistanis have never faced and resolved these grave historic contradictions. It is time for some deep soul-searching, collective introspection, and recognition that we need to grow up. Pakistanis have the potential to do just fine only if we can come to terms with what was a troubled childhood.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 6th, 2010.
he writer is an analyst (yousuf.nazar@tribune.com.pk)

A nation in denial – The Express Tribune
These are American CIA payrole people who wrote such articles...
thier aim is to create hated amoung Pakistani community.

Its the same story in india ......................
what makes you the voice of entire Pakistan then ?
I didn't say i am & it's not about me either. So get over yourself. I am not the one judging my entire nation just because i have certain issues with the society.
From that post what i get is jinnah was more liberal muslim and he wanted pakistan to be a more liberal and modern nation. but some fundamentalists hijacked his plan.(and pardon me if this is anti pakistan or propaganda)
A nation in denial about 20 insurgencies in 29 of its proviences
A nation in denial about its occupation of land against the wishing of its people
A nation in denial about its millions of starving toilet-less citizens
A nation in denial about its war crimes in occupied land
A nation in denial about its rising role in terrorism
A nation in denial about increasing violence by its nationals abroad
A nation in denial about its open economic terrorism in forigen land

Please India and Indian mind your own business and fix your own home before pointing fingers at others.

Mod Edit: Please spell a countries name properly.
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you do not have to be an analyst, genious or a scholar to realise what path pakistan is taking!! it's more like 'the curious case of benjamin button', growing backwords. i know it's going to sound harsh to some of my friends here, but you can not be blind to the real facts on the ground. take look at the pakistan of pre '90 & post '90!! now you know what i mean??
Criticism is the highest form of flattery - yes, friends, it is the highest form of flattery -- Criticism is distinguished from hate speech because it is always reasonable, truthful and caring.

I would urge readers to see that if Pakistan is a nation in denial, about how the most promising Muslim majority country in the world came to be seen as a basket case by it's own citizenry - we can fix all this, we can set it right (for a while, because setting things right is a constant work, a work in progress)

Please never be affraid of criticism, welcome it, it is flattering to be criticized, because it show the depth of care of relevance, of purpose and meaning - so don't be affraid of it, welcome it and fix, right the wrong, it will only make Pakistan stronger and stronger.
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