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A long, brutal history: How dangerous are chemical weapons?

Yes you touched your dirty nigger face. Why ban me? You chinese call everyone you don’t like as Indian. In VN we call such people like you as Nigger. That is fair.

No, I referred to poison gas. Similar to poison gas attack in Syria.

where do I dismiss US war crimes? here chinese idiots. now your turn: give me sources, where the Japanese used chemical weapons on Chinese!

Ask The Vietnamese About War, And They Think China, Not The U.S.

At least 200,000 Chinese troops poured into northern Vietnam all along the border. China was aiming to punish Vietnam for its invasion of Cambodia the month before to oust the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge. There were so many Chinese attacking, Nguyen Duy Thuc remembers, that the soldiers in his bunker "fired our AK-47s until the muzzles turned red and they couldn't fire anymore."

But the Chinese kept coming; eventually his bunker was overrun. The Chinese, he says, pumped gas into the ventilation system. There were 800 people, including soldiers, women and children, who fled the fighting in his bunker, Nguyen says.

Hahah I read that article before!!!

Talk about revisionist! NPR article downplaying American atrocities and involvement and playing up Chinese ones!

Did the PLA use gas? I don't know. But this article sure isn't enough to persuade anyone except Viet nationalists.

The Americans dumped millions of gallons of agent orange. And you want to lump the PRC into that crowd?
China using Chemical weapon is likely fake news. Trust me, I research a lot in Sino Vietnam war.

It is funny that PLA want to pump gas in your bunker after overrunning it. Not the typical chemical weapon deployment.

The reason is you need chemical weapon unit to tag along these infantry. The infantry need to run far away when chemical weapon unit is doing their job. The infantry get collateral damage as well.

It is easier to use flame thrower.

again, in the all wars the chinese conducting against Vietnam have one thing in common: max brutality. that is pretty pathetic.

Consider this: for centuries, the Japanese waged numerous incursions against China, looting their villages, taking booties, and what did the Chinese? emptying the villages along the coast, forbidding the vessels going out the sea. Even if some Japanese were captured, they were soon released into freedom. The Chinese said: Japanese are good people. Apart from WWII, the Japanese only attacked Vietnam one time, and never again, after they learned Vietnamese fist. in Vietnam, we consider Chinese as weaklings and cowards.

Hahah I read that article before!!!

Talk about revisionist! NPR article downplaying American atrocities and involvement and playing up Chinese ones!

Did the PLA use gas? I don't know. But this article sure isn't enough to persuade anyone except Viet nationalists.

The Americans dumped millions of gallons of agent orange. And you want to lump the PRC into that crowd?
What is the difference between white and yellow skinned rapist?
I said chemical not biological. The PLA pumped poisen gas into bunkers where Vietnamese civilians were hiding when overrunning Vietnamese defence positions in 1979 war. That is proven.
Don't buy into Vietcong propaganda. AFAIK the PLA were using flamethrowers to clear trenches and bunkers in Vietnam, actually it's much more effective and deadly than any “poison gas” in your imagination

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again, in the all wars the chinese conducting against Vietnam have one thing in common: max brutality. that is pretty pathetic.

Consider this: for centuries, the Japanese waged numerous incursions against China, looting their villages, taking booties, and what did the Chinese? emptying the villages along the coast, forbidding the vessels going out the sea. Even if some Japanese were captured, they were soon released into freedom. The Chinese said: Japanese are good people. Apart from WWII, the Japanese only attacked Vietnam one time, and never again, after they learned Vietnamese fist. in Vietnam, we consider Chinese as weaklings and cowards.

What is the difference between white and yellow skinned rapist?

You can believe what ever you want to believe. It is pointless talking to you.

If the current generation of Vietnamese are like you, I have no hope for your people. A complete write off and a waste of Confucian teachings.
You can believe what ever you want to believe. It is pointless talking to you.

If the current generation of Vietnamese are like you, I have no hope for your people. A complete write off and a waste of Confucian teachings.
Pls stop talking about Confucism. You don´t know what is it. We don´t need your approval, Vietnam will progress, with or without China. as seen for centuries. The only thing we need to improve is our military power. Vietnam enjoys 300 years peace during the Le dynasty because of our overwhelming fire power that deters any Chinese aggression.
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