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A Letter Sent to DIG Traffic Karachi

Panther 57

Aug 18, 2013
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Dear Sir,
Karachi is among the cities which are growing at a tremendous rate. This fact has resulted in increase of commuters on the roads. Influx of new cars has started choking city’s main arteries and public transports have inundated the traffic network.
I have been travelling around the world and seen cities with smaller roads and traffic jams. Yet I have to see a menace like Karachi. I have been observing the causes of these jams and most of the time it is the stupidest reason which is causing this chaos. Just to enumerate a few:
1. Lately cuts/breaks in islands on dual carriages have been close. This has been done to ensure smooth flow of traffic. It is a worldwide practice to keep abreast growing traffic needs. On the contrary it has become a further nuisance. Sights of people coming wrong side to avoid a U-Turn which is farther ahead from their point of entry on road. Few examples are Numaish Chawrangi, Jail Flyover, Road from Sir Syed College to Lasbella, etc. Once I asked a traffic police official standing at Numaish, as to why they are not stopping people coming wrong way to enter road from Numaish to Guru Mandir. To my horror he blamed it on Traffic Engineering for having closed the crossing and he did not want commuters to pay for their mistake.
2. Double Parking / irregular parking on main roads like Tariq Road, Khalid Bin Waleed Road, Islamia College Road, Bahdurabad, Patel Para, etc. Most of our main roads are three lanes, whereas only one is available for the traffic. These roads have been made three lanes keeping in mind quantum of traffic. But, double parking, encroachment of two lanes by car dealers and workshop owners is denying free flow of traffic.
3. Abiding by traffic rules is a rare commodity on Karachi roads. Interestingly these violations take place right under the nose of traffic officials, as they while away their time in chatting. Most of these violations are done by heavy traffic, rickshaws and public transport; even private vehicles are not an exception. However, public transports and motorcyclist remain the major contributors to it. Most of these people hold counterfeit driving licenses. People have no concept of lane and probably in our future roads lane markings will also be removed. Police vehicles violate traffic rules with impunity; their practice of using siren unnecessarily has compromised the importance of such warnings. Last week a police mobile was standing next to my car and apparently there was no urgency. The driver was contentiously honking to the car in front, which had stopped on traffic light, instigating the driver to violate the red light. I being responsible citizen pointed out this wrong behavior and was faced with scornful looks. If implementers become violators, how can they check other people for traffic violation? If, traffic rules can be implemented and enforced on Motorways effectively; there should not be any difficulty in implementing those on city roads. It clearly shows carefree attitude of our traffic officials.
4. Beggars and vendors are one of the perpetuators to instigation of people to violate traffic rules. Street crimes in Karachi have led jittery behavior of people on the roads. They are always trying to avoid any sort of interruption in their journey, due to fear of being robbed or pestered by beggars. Armed looting at traffic lights and in traffic jams are not uncommon. On traffic light turning green commuters have to wait till these beggars and vendors clear off and only then traffic flow can resume. Removing beggars and vendors from roads and ensuring free flow of traffic is duty of traffic officials. Laws exist to ensure such people to be removed from roads. Most interesting part is that these individuals operate right under the nose of traffic officials. This leaves no doubt that beggary and main road vending are under full protection and patronisation of traffic police.
5. Over the period of time concept of bus stops has vanished altogether. Pubic transports stop just everywhere and anywhere; mostly in middle lane thus effecting traffic flow in two lanes together. If a public transport is already occupying middle lane, there is no hesitation for the next one to stop in the third lane as well. No matter what happens these vehicles do not move till the time they have ensured their revenue passengers on board.
All the above factors are addressable, provided there is a will to implement laws. Traffic police does not seem to have valid justification for turning a blind eye to such issues, except their own vested interest. It may sound a very blunt statement, however, not deniable or defendable.
Issues can never be resolved by putting those under the carpet and bull has to be taken by the horn. Senior police officials will have to come out of their offices, roll their sleeves up and lead by example. Turning any further blind eye to traffic menace will result in further commotion and security of commuters will be further endangered. Therefore, my earnest request to you will be to take firefighting measures in resolving these issues, develop out of the box solution and provide relief to Karachites. I will conclude by saying: People come and go, but only those are remembered eternally who create a difference.
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