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A first: US allowed to check Indian warship


Jul 6, 2009
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A first: US allowed to check Indian warship


India has for the first time permitted the US to inspect an Indian warship to ensure that the navy was not distorting its use, a senior source in the defence establishment has confirmed to The Telegraph.

This is the first time that India permitted an “intrusive” inspection of one of its key military platforms by foreigners.

Ironically, the first inspection in the country has happened under defence minister A.K. Antony’s watch even though he is particularly touchy on the subject of defence relations with the US.

But instead of allowing the US “Golden Sentry” team to board and examine the equipment, the Indian Navy removed the equipment from the warship — also imported from the US — and asked the inspectors from Pentagon to check them at a different location.

The navy is still queasy and uncomfortable about allowing foreign inspectors to check its platforms. But it was complying with the provisions of an End-User Monitoring Agreement that India standardised with the US in 2009.

Asked about the inspection, an Indian defence ministry source said: “This is really a matter for the navy and it is not up to us. We are not aware of it.”

An Indian navy source said: “We are complying with what was agreed between governments,” but he declined to call the inspection “intrusive”.

Queried by The Telegraph, a US embassy official said: “These (such inspections) are really in the domain of government-to-government relations between India and the US and in accordance with legal requirements.”

The inspection took place in late 2011. Since then, the Indian Navy has refitted the INS Jalashva — formerly the USS Trenton. Much of the new electronic equipment such as navigational aids have been manufactured in India’s own defence public sector undertakings like Bharat Electronics Limited.

The INS Jalashva (L41) was known as the USS Trenton before the Indian Navy inducted it in its eastern fleet in June 2007 at a cost of about $50 million plus about $40 million for six helicopters.

The purchase of the USS Trenton was red-flagged by the comptroller and auditor general in a March 2008 report.

The equipment the US inspectors asked to check were night-vision devices used by the INS Jalashva landing platform dock and its six onboard UH-3H Seaking maritime utility transport helicopters.

Distinctly uncomfortable with the US request to inspect the equipment, the navy at first tried to fob it off. But then reached a compromise.

The navy told the US inspectors that it would remove the components from the Jalashva that is based at the eastern fleet headquarters in Vishakhapatnam where they could be checked.

It is understood that the devices were removed from the ship and the helicopters and taken to an airfield/helipad where the inspection was carried out.

The Pentagon’s Defence Sales Cooperation Agency (DSCA) classified night-vision devices as highly sensitive equipment. Modern night-vision devices used on warships are sophisticated digitised machinery packed into waterproof containers with telescopic sights.

An image intensifier highlights the target being sighted and magnifies it to a level of light that allows the trained human eye to interpret them. The digital records of the images sighted through the device can be logged. Theoretically, an inspector can go through the logs to check the images that have been sighted and recorded.

India has signed or has in the pipeline $10 billion of US-origin military hardware. Each of the projects is liable to be inspected under the US’ Arms Export Control Act administered by the Pentagon’s DSCA that has to submit “annual compliance reports”.

The US has end-user agreements with about 80 countries but it is still politically unpalatable in many countries.


Military equipment, such as the INS Jalashva, purchased through a government-to-government foreign military sales programme are subject to inspections under the Pentagon’s “Golden Sentry” programme that dispatches “Tiger Teams” to do the job.

Direct commercial sales of military hardware by US-based companies to India are subject to inspections under a programme called “Blue Lantern”.
Humiliating--to say the least. I hope this turns into a political sh1t storm.
Humiliating--to say the least. I hope this turns into a political sh1t storm.
Not really - this happens to any country which buys military supplies form the US. At least all they can do right now is inspect, imagine what they would be doing to our warships if we had signed all the pacts they wanted us to(like CISMOA)
Humiliating--to say the least. I hope this turns into a political sh1t storm.

No it is not

Equipment required for inspection removed & inspected separately
For Gods sake, some country start making all this stuff besides the US. I don't care even if it's India and China that do it, but this bullshit about 'end user' agreements and inspections needs to end!

From another story today: They are harassing Standard Chartered Bank today for not complying with "US" sanctions. F**** twats!
Indian defence institutions must remember this inscident before reaching any agreement with the US.

i am strictly agains US defence equipmens in Indian inventory.
we were happy with the Russian equipment iin the past. we have open invtation by the Europian & Isarial for JV & TOT. why do we need US???????????????????
For Gods sake, some country start making all this stuff besides the US. I don't care even if it's India and China that do it, but this bullshit about 'end user' agreements and inspections needs to end!

From another story today: They are harassing Standard Chartered Bank today for not complying with "US" sanctions. F**** twats!

Let me try to explain about this EUMA (End User Monitoring Arrangement) stuff. Any country that sells armaments has (or should have) a concern that those armaments do not get diverted to some shady or illegitimate entity. So EUMAs are built into any arms deal that takes place, from any supplier; be it USA, UK, Germany, France, Sweden or anyone. Conceivably even China may be incorporating it. The only difference is what is the scope of it and how is it enforced. The USA is (deliberately) very agressive about it, that is the difference. For instance, Pakistan has ongoing EUMAs apart from CISMOA and other similar agreements on-going with the USA (as are nearly 90 other countries). India has the EUMA with the US for its US origin arms but has refused to sign the CISMOA and the other pacts with USA. So India is unable to access some US equipment till those get bypassed.
If Pakistan (for example) exports the JF-17 to Yemen (for example again) it will seek a EUMA to ensure that they do not get diverted to Somalia for instance. That would be both valid and prudent.

About the American actions against STANC about sanctions, that is simply the American version of Pax Imperia. Love it or hate; we can't do too much about it in the present dispensation.
I do not think there would be anything so secretive th the American whould havent already seen.

And if Inda has such a think i doubt it would have been pu t up for inspection.

still indians dont learn......

as far ur own admission u aint Indian, i guess u should be ecstatic ,tht we haven't learnt nothing . I hate to think ur partner is putting u up to the task of teaching us ignorant folk.
The title is a bit misleading, since the equipment was removed from the ship..

I am sure that the Armed forces which does buy equipment under EUMA know what they are doing before they sign on the dotted line... About this being humiliating, I think not.. do not buy if you feel they are unfair, its that simple, rest is bullshit.
Indian did alright. They are working to keep the tent as well as to milk the Camel, when they're not riding it.

We will get all the milk and blood outta the camel and then kill it for meat:)

We want to taste biryani topped with camel meat.

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