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A blink of ISI intransigence towards politics


Oct 9, 2011
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Who killed Azeem Ahmed Tariq?


Azeen Ahmed Tariq was the chairman of MQM who was murdered on May, 1 1993 at 3:10 AM by unidentified gunmen in a safe-house in F.B Area in Karachi. The murder to this day remains a mystery.
In this pursuit, I met Major(retd) Faheem Ahmed a former employee of a powerful intelligence agency in Pakistan in Chicago, United States of America in 2008. “I will for asylum in the United States which was eventually granted to me in 1998 as I feared that my former employer would kill me if I would not have deserted Pakistan” Major (retd) Faheem confirmed me sitting in a coffee shop in what’s known as Jinnah-Gandhi street in Chicago.
“I was asked by superiors to assassinate Azeem Ahmed Tariq to further destroy capability of Altaf Hussain, MQM and break MQM. Azeem Ahmed Tariq was a reconciliatory figure who was in touch with Aamir Khan, Afaq Ahmed and Altaf Hussain as Chairman to bring peace and stop further splitting of MQM” Faheem now in his 50’s confirmed.”

“ Col. Imtiaz Junjua was heading a cell which was confidentially given a task to clean what they precieved as rats of MQM. The objective was clear, to break MQM which I was against. It was not our duty nor my superior officers knew the dynamics of Karachi. Its very unfortunate how intelligence in our country functions with totally wrong priorities.”

"a certain Captain XXXXX XXXX was assigned to do the job and Azeem Ahmed Tariq's location was given to us by a close associate of him from MQM who worked for us from within and we watch and recorded Azeem Ahmed Tariq's activities until a six member team decided to hit to my objection - "

According to Major Faheem who give me chilling details of how intelligence agency under the directives of then military high-command were active to assassinate MQM leadership which will be published in my upcoming book due to be released later in 2013 with names and details with evidence on who was involved in the murders and extra judicial killings. It is clear that Major Faheem run-away from Pakistan and was granted asylum by US on grounds of security fears also Major Faheem was kind enough to give me paperwork which proves that there was credible fear on his life because of which he was granted asylum in the US.
(a full version of the piece will be published in my book named, “MQM” later this year)
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