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A Blind Boy telling how he learnt Quran it will make you cry

your religion is waste of time for me mine is for you... not a big deal

Its not about religion, its about a blind person resiliance, As we have already seen many disabled person achieving so many things, that his achivement looks small to us..

Though I agree that this boy teach us many thing. But cry, lol! no one will cry of it...
Didnt make me cry :drag:

cry with emotions if you feel that way that a handicapped boy didnt let his disability come in his way to achieve something
he set himself a goal and achieved it.
look around you and see how people without limbs are larger than the normal people because of their achievement. you feel for them its an inner state of emotions not necessarily out of pain. there are cries of joy and passion as well arnt they?

I am sure you would have cried if the video talked about the torture and beating up the boy had to suffer in order to lean the Quran. that would have melted the heart of any ordinary human .. what do you say?
cry with emotions if you feel that way that a handicapped boy didnt let his disability come in his way to achieve something
he set himself a goal and achieved it.
look around you and see how people without limbs are larger than the normal people because of their achievement. you feel for them its an inner state of emotions not necessarily out of pain. there are cries of joy and passion as well arnt they?

I am sure you would have cried if the video talked about the torture and beating up the boy had to suffer in order to lean the Quran. that would have melted the heart of any ordinary human .. what do you say?

I should have been more clear, I admire the guy, but not his goal. But maybe thats because I am very allergic to religious brainwashing in general.

How is learning the Quran going to change his life in any productive way? If he is doing it for spiritual reasons, fair enough. I just feel he could have used that dedication to actually learn a skill that might have helped him in life. All that dedication, and the only skill hhe has to show for it is praying, which is as effective as doing nothing.
Made me cry....such a waste of time...

contradicting your self are we ? you cried and you think it was a waste of time?

tu tut tut

slaps on the wrist
naughty corner for you young man.

what if the boy was Jewish and had learnt the old testament? would you call it waste of time? perhaps you will but thats a matter of opinion (but lets not be so brass about it) women find a lot of things we do as a waste of time and vice versa.

a guy without legs crosses a lake or does anything exceptional which is even hard for a normal human being, you do admire the person dont you? okey never mind, does the national Anthem or any patriotic song bring strong emotions in you?



okey watch the X factor Finale ... that will definitely make you cry if you dont then I am reporting you to NSA you must be an emotionless Alien communist Jihaidst

I should have been more clear, I admire the guy, but not his goal. But maybe thats because I am very allergic to religious brainwashing in general.

How is learning the Quran going to change his life in any productive way? If he is doing it for spiritual reasons, fair enough. I just feel he could have used that dedication to actually learn a skill that might have helped him in life.

point taken thank you thats why we must look beyond our personal opinions and likes dislikes.
you been going fishing for years and one day you catch a 100 pounder catfish . to many of us its a waste of time and pointless but to any fishmonger it was an achievement.

all down to personal opinions.. maybe it was a spiritual path he wanted to follow, learning something practical to enrich his lifestyle is too much of a capitalistic and materialistic thought which some of us are now allergic to.

remember the free will.. people find solace in different things some dedicate their lives in denying god some dedicate their lives praising the unseen. all down to personal free will and should be tolerated at the least
What it says???

Stereotyping, racism in civilized country... you can get punishment for hate crime, if you tell this to any Afro-American or NRIs... This kind of statements don't hold value in civilized society..
The ayat is when you are at war remain firm and kill your enemies where ever you find them but if they don't find you escort them to place of safety but if they attack you or your religion than take them out
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