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90-yr-old Dalit man burnt alive for trying to enter temple

I am talking about the article in the OP, a drunk man kills another person and all of a sudden it's anti dalit oppression.

the drunk fellow wanted to prevent the old man from entering the temple... that is significant.
When did that happened?

Is there any instance of this occurring in past week?
Nah it's a year old story.

the drunk fellow wanted to prevent the old man from entering the temple... that is significant.
Well the temple authorities would never let a drunk man stand near the temple and harass devotees to begin with.
. . .
Its a sad state of affairs we failed miserably in maintaining social equality .

But its not a surprise equal Justice and opportunity for all helps u in achieving social equality . But in a state where politicians demand release of criminals in the name of religion and govt institutions failing in providing both health and education u can never achieve equality. (But we're good in covering up our failures even in 2015 having caste based reservation system just to please the oppressed .)

@levina , @Joe Shearer @Spectre .
Its a sad state of affairs we failed miserably in maintaining social equality .

But its not a surprise equal Justice and opportunity for all helps u in achieving social equality . But in a state where politicians demand release of criminals in the name of religion and govt institutions failing in providing both health and education u can never achieve equality. (But we're good in covering up our failures even in 2015 having caste based reservation system just to please the oppressed .)

@levina , @Joe Shearer @Spectre .

Please tell me you are joking.

How do you link caste based reservation system "just to please the oppressed" to this ghastly crime? Don't you see the huge contradiction in your thinking? Even taking you at face value, whom should policy please, not the oppressed but the oppressor?
Please tell me you are joking.

How do you link caste based reservation system "just to please the oppressed" to this ghastly crime? Don't you see the huge contradiction in your thinking? Even taking you at face value, whom should policy please, not the oppressed but the oppressor?

Sir , please tell me if a guy from well to do family is getting reservation in schools , colleges and govt jobs then how are we getting equality by this? people who can't afford quality education should get reservation but meanwhile we give them to any chap with lower caste aren't we giving them a candy ?

And our Govt institutions have failed to provide students with quality education we are in a state where one part of the society is developing very fast but meanwhile the other part is kinda stagnant. (the other part is POOR people who can't afford to provide their children with quality education.)
Sir , please tell me if a guy from well to do family is getting reservation in schools , colleges and govt jobs then how are we getting equality by this? people who can't afford quality education should get reservation but meanwhile we give them to any chap with lower caste aren't we giving them a candy ?

And our Govt institutions have failed to provide students with quality education we are in a state where one part of the society is developing very fast but meanwhile the other part is kinda stagnant. (the other part is POOR people who can't afford to provide their children with quality education.)
I have a story for u...
Our Neighbour he is from SC (sorry to mention his caste) He is working as an engineer at CPWD (Central Public Works Dept).So there is no question of money problem.His father was a poor man..He got job on reservation quota..He earns well.So he can provide good education, food,uniform, other best education facilities one can get.And his son qualified for JEE-MAINS on SC quota.( qualifying marks is 40 out of 360).
WTF!!! He has money ..can have home tution even though he is looking for reservation...What is this???
Reservation for a random person should be blocked as his/her father earns more than 1 .2 lakhs annually ..
So that seat could be given to another candidate.
PS: I am not against reservation scheme...its good.But needs to implement properly.
@jamahir @ranjeet @levina @Mr.Nair
What do u think?
And myself scored 112/360....just missed by one mark for qualification..How frustating it is?
He visits my house only to mock me.As if his son won a great battle of panipat.
I have a story for u...
Our Neighbour he is from SC (sorry to mention his caste) He is working as an engineer at CPWD (Central Public Works Dept).So there is no question of money problem.His father was a poor man..He got job on reservation quota..He earns well.So he can provide good education, food,uniform, other best education facilities one can get.And his son qualified for JEE-MAINS on SC quota.( qualifying marks is 40 out of 360).
WTF!!! He has money ..can have home tution even though he is looking for reservation...What is this???
Reservation for a random person should be blocked as his/her father earns more than 1 .2 lakhs annually ..
So that seat could be given to another candidate.
PS: I am not against reservation scheme...its good.But needs to implement properly.
@jamahir @ranjeet @levina @Mr.Nair
What do u think?
And myself scored 112/360....just missed by one mark for qualification..How frustating it is?
He visits my house only to mock me.As if his son won a great battle of panipat.

I'm sure @Joe Shearer will be more interested in listening to this story.
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I have a story for u...
Our Neighbour he is from SC (sorry to mention his caste) He is working as an engineer at CPWD (Central Public Works Dept).So there is no question of money problem.His father was a poor man..He got job on reservation quota..He earns well.So he can provide good education, food,uniform, other best education facilities one can get.And his son qualified for JEE-MAINS on SC quota.( qualifying marks is 40 out of 360).
WTF!!! He has money ..can have home tution even though he is looking for reservation...What is this???
Reservation for a random person should be blocked as his/her father earns more than 1 .2 lakhs annually ..
So that seat could be given to another candidate.
PS: I am not against reservation scheme...its good.But needs to implement properly.
@jamahir @ranjeet @levina @Mr.Nair
What do u think?
And myself scored 112/360....just missed by one mark for qualification..How frustating it is?
He visits my house only to mock me.As if his son won a great battle of panipat.

i agree that reservation, whether for dalits or for muslims, is or has been the wrong path from the beginning... it was a policy that the centrist parties adopted rather than looking at turning india into a socialist and progressive society that is free from oppression or bigotry of any kind deep down in the minds of citizens.

thing is, reservations may have worked in case of government employment or in colleges but they didn't succeed in removing bigotry from minds of the people in the larger society outside of those two narrow institutions... if they had succeeded, the incident like in the op wouldn't have occurred.

i will give the example of another multi-culture society - syria... the patriotic syrian member, syrian lion, had once or twice posted that his was a society where people only came to know of their neighbor's religion at the time of weddings and deaths... it was the political system that arranged this happy state... shouldn't that be the model for india to follow??
I have a story for u...
Our Neighbour he is from SC (sorry to mention his caste) He is working as an engineer at CPWD (Central Public Works Dept).So there is no question of money problem.His father was a poor man..He got job on reservation quota..He earns well.So he can provide good education, food,uniform, other best education facilities one can get.And his son qualified for JEE-MAINS on SC quota.( qualifying marks is 40 out of 360).
WTF!!! He has money ..can have home tution even though he is looking for reservation...What is this???
Reservation for a random person should be blocked as his/her father earns more than 1 .2 lakhs annually ..
So that seat could be given to another candidate.
PS: I am not against reservation scheme...its good.But needs to implement properly.
@jamahir @ranjeet @levina @Mr.Nair
What do u think?
And myself scored 112/360....just missed by one mark for qualification..How frustating it is?
He visits my house only to mock me.As if his son won a great battle of panipat.
I've heard many such stories.

I am against reservation of any kind, be it gender, caste or religion.
In my opinion govt on its part should make sure that govt run schools function smoothly, students from poor families should be encouraged to study and scholarships should be given to those who perform well. That in my POV is deft.
Tata group of companies gives such scholarship in Maharashtra.
I've heard many such stories.
I am against reservation of any kind, be it gender, caste or religion.
In my opinion govt on its part should make sure that govt run schools are function smoothly, students from poor families should be encouraged to study and scholarships should be given to those who perform well. That in my POV is deft.
Tata group of companies gives such scholarship in Maharashtra.

Also wanna add reservation was added because we were a poor nation and couldn't provide free and quality education to the poor at that time plus tertiary sector wasn't big enough to provide opportunity for most but now times have changed but our policy haven't , make no mistake these Govt schools are provided with money but the corruption at all levels are not letting them utilize it. And Govts instead of fighting corruption here are happy to proceed that old system of reservation.

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True face of india . even the low cast hindus are not safe.
I am against reservation of any kind, be it gender, caste or religion.


In my opinion govt on its part should make sure that govt run schools function smoothly, students from poor families should be encouraged to study and scholarships should be given to those who perform well. That in my POV is deft.
Tata group of companies gives such scholarship in Maharashtra.

scholarships are a incomplete path, to put it mildly... why should anyone pay for getting educated or for getting medicine for that matter??

in india, "education" is 99 percent of the time taken so that one has a better chance at earning a livelihood, which thing comes within a environment of great competition and misery ( with people suiciding along the way )... isn't that tragic??

the political system should be such that citizens should have absolutely no troubles and misery in arranging for basic necessities ( housing, electricity, water, food ), which in turn will prevent people from looking at a fashionable field which has "scope" for better salaries but rather induce them to take up school/college courses that are in line with their natural interests.

can anyone tell me how the high-priced 600-acre campused "lovely professional university" in jalandhar is any better than a government college in madurai??
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In my opinion govt on its part should make sure that govt run schools function smoothly, students from poor families should be encouraged to study and scholarships should be given to those who perform well. That in my POV is deft.

Also wanna add reservation was added because we were a poor nation and couldn't provide free and quality education to the poor at that time plus tertiary sector wasn't big enough to provide opportunity for most but now times have changed but our policy haven't make no mistake these Govt schools are provided with money but the corruption at all levels are not letting them utilize it. And Govts instead of fighting corruption here are happy to proceed that old system of reservation.

Good points.

I believe that the present Govt is on right track but needs to be more ambitious.

Step 1. Universalized comprehensive and unique bio-metric database so that everyone is documented with regards to important parameters like income, demographic profile, etc - would also make PAN Cards redundant

Step 2. Connect everyone to banking system - this would also reduce dependence on shadow economy.

Step 3. Economic Subsidy - Directly to the aforementioned bank accounts of those deserving. Eliminates leakeges due to corruption.

Step 4. Identify the most economically backward clusters or individuals and provide them with the requisite educational reservations, housing benefits, jobs etc - in short social security cover

Step 5. Make reservations and subsidies time bound. If the individual or cluster is unable to lift itself out of extreme poverty - then look for causes - Illness, Substance Abuse etc. Those who have been successfully mainstreamed should be removed from benefits system. Would discourage rent seeking behavior as analysis will clearly seperate those who are lazy and indolent from those who are in genuine need.

I believe we have made progress with regards to above and next decade would hopefully see full realization of Indian Social Security so that only the deserving benefit.

Caste, community, religion specific benefits only reinforces the divisions in our societies and monopolization of benefits by the privileged few.

may be you can give your unique view point with regards to socialism

@Syed.Ali.Haider Would be interested to hear from you based on how US social security works or rather doesn't as the above model is heavily influenced from it.
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