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90 ‘ready-to-use’ IEDs found at Indian Mujahideen hideouts

Muslim are too big of a minority for that to happen... You could have done that during the 50s or 60s but now its too late as media is too strong...

Btw ur posts is really scaring me... U r some Hindu terrorists it seems...
@acetophenol this guy is your brother bro....

@Aeronaut plz take care of this guy... he is a threat to many other hindu kids who are browsing the internet here... he may brainwash them

Media cant do $hit once close to 1 billion hindus unite in 1 country.

And mark my words, the fate of muslims in india will be the same as the fate of hindus in pakistan...

Maximum Stupidity.

More like maximum logic. indina mujahideen and pakistan have the same aims with regards to india. They want to kill and convert hindus.
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Media cant do $hit once close to 1 billion hindus unite in 1 country.

And mark my words, the fate of muslims in india will be the same as the fate of hindus in pakistan...

More like maximum logic. indina mujahideen and pakistan have the same aims with regards to india. They want to kill and convert hindus.

Yeah.. ok... now you will be in a pink saree.and you can show your complex torwards muslims somewhere else...

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @nuclearpak
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it's not led by Indians.. some brainwashed muslim fag are being given training in pakistan to create ruckus in India ..

A moderate version of those muslims had the gaul to kick the Amar Jawan Jyoti ..

They are Indians and Ind govt. must swiftly eliminate this virus !

Because of one Idiot DGP we were not able to control the Virus, or Mumbai Police would have kicked there *****....
also i stay some where near Mumbai, if i ever ever get hold of this guy I'm gonna kick on his Groi^
Nothing extra ordinary will happen.Mark my words.

I was going to reply to you, until i saw your location. You West Bengalis are free to leave inida and join islamic republic of bangladesh, most of you have been outnumbered by muslims in your own state anyways because of letting illegal muslims in.

Better hope all the d!ck-sukcing you have been doing for them in the past 65 yrs leaves them in a good mood so as to not get eradicated like the bangladeshi/east-pakistani hindus though...
@Raj1990, your wish had already come through - yasin bhatkal and tunda have pakistani passports as in, they are pakistani citizens so do riyaz and his brother.
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I was going to reply to you, until i saw your location. You West Bengalis are free to leave inida and join islamic republic of bangladesh, most of you have been outnumbered by muslims in your own state anyways because of letting illegal muslims in.

Better hope all the d!ck-sukcing you have been doing for them in the past 65 yrs leaves them in a good mood so as to not get eradicated like the bangladeshi/east-pakistani hindus though...


@DRAY: anything on this? Akash theke porhlam aar khejur gache atke gelam,mone hocche na ? :D
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I was going to reply to you, until i saw your location. You West Bengalis are free to leave inida and join islamic republic of bangladesh, most of you have been outnumbered by muslims in your own state anyways because of letting illegal muslims in.

Better hope all the d!ck-sukcing you have been doing for them in the past 65 yrs leaves them in a good mood so as to not get eradicated like the bangladeshi/east-pakistani hindus though...

Chill brah !! If your will is strong enough.. no one can convert you ! And Indian muslims are also patriotic .. You should keep in mind that a lot of converts were ill informed and decided to move to the land of the pure only to come in to senses after the below the belt drubbing they got from the muslim brothers there.. A lot of them decided to stick to their original motherland and are doing well for the country !

If we should try to eliminate some thing are the people will zero will who decided to convert on the face of the least danger !
Hindu brainwashed kid showing his inferiority complex torwards Pakistan again...
Why are you guys so obsessed with us?

Keep your problems and blame it on the occupation of Islamic Kashmir and persecution of Muslims and 2002 Guajarat riots which is why IM started...

Not because some magician ISI came and did it..

Hey kid let me tell you some thing.

1) Gujarat Riots were all because of Godhra Kand, so no Godhra then no Gujarat Riots.
2)For Islamic Fundamentalism Muslim's were given Pakistan and Bangladesh, if any Muslim want to live in India, then live by India's Jurisdiction and not by some funky weird Fundamentalism where by saying, TALAK TALAK TALAK the life of women is ruined.
3)ISI is not Magician,it is a Rabid agency set on loose.(wait few months we will take care of you're Monster)
4)Kashmir hamara he,Punjab or Sindh bhi(listen to our National Anthem and wait for proper time)
5)We have more Muslims than Pakistan,who stay with Harmony and Peace with Others,unlike you guys who Rape and Kill Hindu Girls.
6)Hindu kids are not Brainwashed and we do not have and Inferiority complex towards Pakistani, and why would we be obsessed with you? Obsessed on what you're low IQ? what have you guys really achieved after Independence, leaving the terrorist attacks on innocent people and Rape Records you have done nothing.
I was going to reply to you, until i saw your location. You West Bengalis are free to leave inida and join islamic republic of bangladesh, most of you have been outnumbered by muslims in your own state anyways because of letting illegal muslims in.

Better hope all the d!ck-sukcing you have been doing for them in the past 65 yrs leaves them in a good mood so as to not get eradicated like the bangladeshi/east-pakistani hindus though...

Huh?Muslims are 25% of West Bengal .
Also i am sure modi will "fix" kashmir issue, if you know what i mean :P

Yes! Take out 370. Settle faujis. Problem over.:yay:


@DRAY: anything on this? Akash theke porhlam aar khejur gache atke gelam,mone hocche na ? :D

Dont know why Hindu majority Khulna was given to Pakistan in exchange for Muslim majority Murshidabad. Any idea why?
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