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90 percent of Chinese think India poses big threat

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We should not do this. Do not misinterpret any media source, particularly poll.
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Wow, such open support for terrorism, its obvious what state controlled chinese media has been feeding its people.

Also beginning to understand the basis of certain freidnships and why JUD was saved by the Chinese in the UNSC mutliple times.
'Public Support'
'Fuzzy Treatment'
'Does not support.'
'Does not talk clearly'.

Point 1- I never claimed I know chinese, but my flat mate is chinese :)
Point 2- Could you please let me know what does the question 1 implies which you have refuted earlier ?

Point 3- Spot the difference between Bold and Normal words !!!

'Public Support'-Open Support- 38.17%
'Fuzzy Treatment'- Covert Support- 42.94%
'Does not support.'- Should Certainly not Support- 15.30%
'Does not talk clearly'. - Cant Say-3.59%

Cheers !!!...and check your "Fuzzy support" chinese vocabulary again mate..thats a tip from my flat mate :)

Now you have edited. So thank you. We should not do this.

Did you see what I have edited ?? from "India's Anti- Seperatist Forces" to "India's Anti-Indian Seperatist forces"... typo happens..

Now come back to the question..whats media doing here by putting this question ?
Did you see what I have edited ?? from "India's Anti- Seperatist Forces" to "India's Anti-Indian Seperatist forces"... typo happens..

Now come back to the question..whats media doing here by putting this question ?

The poll was related to Tibet and not India.
awww...I thought you were debating with me...where I presented the source which you refuted by saying that the translation is not correct...I asked you the translation assuming I did not knew chinese which you did not provide...Is this when members are to be reported ??
Correction...So called South Tibet...

Starts with "Indian PM speak sharply about China's South Tibet territory"

That is Indian Arunachal Pradesh which chinese claim as part of south tibet !!!

and I am done with you..:) Enjoy !!!

Any thread that's inocnvenient about China, you will see some China lovers trying to derail it and completely avoiding the topic. I've already commented on this in the section for mods.
When did I say you are reported?

lol...you and I know it..dont we :cheesy:

And Arunachal Pradesh does not exist. It is NEFA.

Treat yourself with this from ADB... which caused loads of articles from China ...

ADB to Help India's Arunachal Pradesh Combat Floods, Erosion

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing additional technical assistance to help the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh


Seems the loan is provided to non existent state of India... lol

Cheers and Bye mate...:yahoo:
Whats interesting is that you could say 20% of the world just finds India a threat, that is an awful lot people not supporting Indian attitude or ignorance. This excluding all other enemies of India. India needs to fix its self projected ignorance if it wants a future in south asia.
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india cant even stare at China!
even if it does mess up with China it would also need to deal with Pakistan!
so back off india!
India biggest threat? Another way to boost your *** mentality? Indians have been called Asan in Chinese because your ancestors came to China as slaves of British. They usually served as door keepers in China, a third class people (=Asan). Indian military with much better resources couldn't even have a single clear win over smaller army of Pakistan in the past 60 years. Why should anyone consider you as a threat? Because you consume so much of cow urine?
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