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9/11 Families 'Ecstatic' They Can Finally Sue Saudi Arabia

Doritos11 wrote:
Osama Bin Laden is connected to the royal family


Are you talking about the Bin Laden family which are one of the most wealthy families on earth and owners of the Saudi Binladen Group which is the biggest construction firm? If that it the case then you are right which we already wrote and that is no secret.

If you claim that Osama bin Laden WAS (he is dead as you know) then you are wrong.

People are reacting because you seemed to imply that the last thing was the case.
they have killed far more ppl, in their war, than the people that were killed in 9/11, still they are hungry for blood
Is that some sort of defensive mechanism? :lol:

BL family isn't Saudi actually, they have no connection to a damn powerful family whatsoever.

Next ....

Well originally the bin Laden family are not from KSA, at least not in modern day times but who knows where OBL's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather came from?:lol:

Anyway today the family has married into Saudi Arabians and they live mostly in KSA and are Saudi Arabian citizens and Arabs too.

I think that we can call them Saudi Arabians just like we embrace Saudi Arabians of Arab backgrounds but originally from other Arab countries, non-Arabs originally and Afro-Arabs etc.;)

Well, I was actually looking forward to @Doritos11 giving us links but if he just meant the Bin Laden family then that is not interesting. Well-known fact and hardly a secret. Thought it was something more exciting.:lol:
Is that some sort of defensive mechanism? :lol:

BL family isn't Saudi actually, they have no connection to a damn powerful family whatsoever.

Next ....

Nothing defensive, you read it wrong, don’t blame me.
I'm okay with the BL. I'm just stating facts, that's all.

Nothing racist in this as I myself happen to be a hybrid.

Well originally the bin Laden family are not from KSA, at least not in modern day times but who knows where OBL's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather came from?:lol:

Anyway today the family has married into Saudi Arabians and they live mostly in KSA and are Saudi Arabian citizens and Arabs too.

I think that we can call them Saudi Arabians just like we embrace Saudi Arabians of Arab backgrounds but originally from other Arab countries, non-Arabs originally and Afro-Arabs etc.;)

Well, I was actually looking forward to @Doritos11 giving us links but if he just meant the Bin Laden family then that is not interesting. Well-known fact and hardly a secret. Thought it was something more exciting.:lol:
Not watched it but just found it.

The history of the Bin Laden Family-good!-4/6 - YouTube

The history of the Bin Laden Family-good!-5/6 - YouTube

The history of the Bin Laden Family-good!-6/6 - YouTube

Not sure about the accuracy of this photo:

OBL and his siblings:


Apparently taken in 1971 in Falun, Sweden.

Seems genuine:

Below, a 1971 photograph of a 14-year-old Osama posing with just a fraction of his 50-plus siblings, while on holiday in the small Swedish town of Falun, shows just how westernised his roots were.

Fashionably dressed in flares and tight tops, and posing against a pink Cadillac, the Bin Ladens were on a family trip as tourists. These were highly educated and cosmopolitan Arab youngsters who enjoyed their recreation anywhere around the globe.

Osama Bin Laden family: Glamour model, billionaire patriarch and child terrorist | Mail Online

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what next, iranian judge allows to sue USA for iraq war crimes..
who cares?

So can the people in Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq sue the US for their crimes?
You know how much KSA can screw US if for instance they do a currency swap agreement with China? And persuade other GCC to do the same:)

Dollar will start to lose it's exclusivity as reserve currency. But timing is of essence too late and most major energy consumer will be using local shale gas and oil China included and KSA will lose all it's leverage.

@mods, keep sleeping:)

And KSA has been waiting for what? in reality KSA is the US' B*** it does what it is ordered to do.
It's quite funny to see the US ditching the KSA, as we have been telling you people for decades to not trust uncle sam, but you really thought they liked you didn't you? In reality they only kept you for your oil and money. You know access to oil and major weapons' deals every-time the US needs some hard cash.
And KSA has been waiting for what? in reality KSA is the US' B*** it does what it is ordered to do.
It's quite funny to see the US ditching the KSA, as we have been telling you people for decades to not trust uncle sam, but you really thought they liked you didn't you? In reality they only kept you for your oil and money. You know access to oil and major weapons' deals every-time the US needs some hard cash.

You do know that KSA has benefited even more from the partnership with USA than the opposite right? KSA is a sovereign country and has always been that. We were never colonized nor were our borders drawn by outsiders. It was the Saudi Arabians themselves who united the country and conquered it and established what is now KSA in 1932. In a region where ALL the other countries (outside of 3 others (Ethiopia, Turkey and Iran) were colonies.

Anyway are you the user Farooq? He writes similar posts like you and you both have the exact same avatar?:o:

Anyway were are you from? I am 100% sure that your mother country is a ally of USA or another world power.

Lastly USA never did us any harm. Unlike some neighboring countries.

The past relation was based on business alone. Nothing more nothing less. 100% of all Muslim countries have had or have relations with USA or other super powers. There is no other way around it.
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