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80 years old Hindu man beaten for eating in Ramazan

I don't condone the beating of this 80 year old hindu.
But the reality is that hindus in sindh are fifth columnists and surrogates of india in Pakistan
Wow. Those policemen who were beating him at that time mist have thought themselves the highest of momins despite the fact that in roza you are absolutely forbidden to even raise your voice in anger or use slurs bcz it breaks the fast and the fast becomes meaningless much less beating somebody up. In Islamic tenents even in a state of war we are not allowed to hurt an elderly so how fan this be justified.

Why? Bcz you were so weak in your fast that you couldn't watch anybody else eat. If people are going to act like animals then its better they don't fast.

There is no set law in Pakistan that forbids publicly eating in ramzan however it is a social taboo ( which hold greater power than law in the subcontinent in some areas) ...

However I will say this that one incident doesn't mean a nation. These pigs that beat up the old men do not represent pakistan and I hope they get the worst of punishments bcz battery and assault are punishable by law.

Fasting is an act of worship were you abstain from all sins and anger and hurting others. Its to make us a better person.
There IS a law ( ehteram e Ramzan ordinance) which prohibits anyone, Muslim and non Muslim from eating in public during fasting hours but the appropriate action (which is not beating anyone ) has to be taken by the authorities only. Mostly people don't report on the offenders. Incidents like this are very very rare. I hope the culprits are brought to justice.
80 year Hindu man = animal?

Are you insane???? Wouldn't I have to be an animal myself to consider an old man an animal? However, I could have meant the animal who posted the ridiculous question about caged animals and fasting.
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Then it will be on will of affected party on some money settlement. Keep it in mind policeman is a wadera.
If the policeman can beat him up, then what power does that man have? He will agree without receiving anything. The policeman is behind bars because of the story blowing up.
If the policeman can beat him up, then what power does that man have? He will agree without receiving anything. The policeman is behind bars because of the story blowing up.
what did you say in ur first comment "jigra", that is power
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like I said policeman is also not a wadeera so both will be in almost same condition
Majority is Authority. "Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan" Both are muslims. I don't think there is any powerful hindu figure which would be included in the Jirga so policeman is in a higher standing than the victim.
What about the right of exempted people? Islam has given them the right to eat. Why not respect their right and only the right of people fasting. People who fast must respect the people who do not fast and are exempted, place of exemption is NOT mentioned.

Respect is not one way traffic. If i am eating i am given right by God to do so anywhere. If you can't see me eating turn your face away, simple as that.

This Ordinance is another BS by Zia. It suggests that people who are eating are actually sinners, and are looked down upon, hated, taunted, not that they are availing their right. If they are availing their right why are they forced to hide and eat. This is plain hypocracy by those who fast.
Old are exempted from fasting right??? I mean beyond 80 ????
If you are poor and powerless you are an animal even if you are a Muslims.

If you are poor and powerless you are an animal even if you are a Muslims.

It been quite tough ?
To convince these peoples .We knows that nut dont represent entire Pakistan .But your countrymen always try to score points even if some lunatic do the same thing in India .
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