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8 Wing Trenton airlifts COVID-19 aid to India

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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8 Wing Trenton airlifts COVID-19 aid to India

Author of the article:
Derek Baldwin

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Critical Canadian COVID-19 aid continues to be sent to India from 8 Wing Trenton.
Critical Canadian COVID-19 aid continues to be sent to India from 8 Wing Trenton. Photo by DND Article content

Canada’s humanitarian aid to COVID-19 stricken India continues to be airlifted from 8 Wing Trenton.

Canadian Armed Forces’ ground crews loaded a CC-150 Polaris Tuesday with 350 ventilators to help the country cope with a new wave of the coronvairus that has claimed the lives of 250,000 people as health officials struggle to meet the demand.

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The shipment also contained 25,000 doses of Remdesivir medicine to help patients fight the virus.

India reported 348,421 new daily cases of COVID-19 Wednesday and its total cases has exceeded 23 million.

Alexia Crozier, public affairs officer with Department of National Defence, told The Intelligencer Wednesday the first humanitarian aid flight May 5 landed May 8 and was followed Tuesday with a second airlift.

“The medical supplies on board the RCAF aircraft included the antiviral Veklury (Remdesivir), as well as 50 ventilators both provided by Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). A second flight to India to transport an additional 300 ventilators departed from Trenton yesterday morning,” Crozier said.

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“The CAF has the unique ability to rapidly deploy anywhere in the world to deliver humanitarian assistance to countries in need and is well suited for these types of tasks. We remain prepared to support additional Government of Canada efforts in the region, as requested by Global Affairs Canada,” Crozier said.

Global Affairs said in its initial rollout of the assistance to India that the Canadian government “is also providing support through UNICEF’s response to the pandemic in India with the urgent provision of 1,450 oxygen concentrators. The funds for these operations come partly from the $230-million contribution to the therapeutics pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, announced in December 2020.

“This support is in addition to Canada’s $10-million support to the Canadian Red Cross Society, which is supporting the Indian Red Cross Society’s procurement of essential supplies and medicines,” Global Affairs said.

“The supplies identified for this donation will not compromise continued efforts of the COVID-19 response at home in Canada,” the government stressed.

“Canada continues to stand in solidarity with the people of India. We must all unite in this hour of need and work together in the global fight against this virus that is devastating lives across the globe,” said Marc Garneau, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a statement earlier.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge and has reminded countries around the world that we are better off with each other’s help. That’s why the Canadian Armed Forces will support and transfer supplies to our friends in India to help defeat COVID-19. Throughout this pandemic and into the future, Canada will continue to be there for our allies in the Indo-Pacific region,” said Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence.

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