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8 Pakistani Taliban militants arrested in Kandahar

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Brother Barry


New Recruit

Apr 13, 2013
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According to local authorities in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan, Afghan security forces arrested at least 8 Pakistani Taliban militants in Panjwai district.

District governor for Panjwai, Haji Fazal Ahmad confirming the report said the Pakistani Taliban militants were sent to suppress anti-Taliban uprising forces.

Mr. Fazal Ahmad further added Taliban district governor for Zherai was also among those arrested.

In the meantime local officials in Panjwai district said militants attacked Afghan security forces while they were eradicating opium from the fields in this district.

The officials further added at least one Afghan police officer was injured and their equipments were set on fire by militants during the gun battle.


Good job by Afghan security forces. Now we must wait for Karzai to forgive them and set them free.
How abt arresting Fazlullah and company... not to forget BLA dogs tht hide in ur country with ur govts permission...
provide a respected source not some online junk. Thread will be shut if no source is provided.
provide a respected source not some online junk. Thread will be shut if no source is provided.

I don't agree with banning online news sources. There are few respected (Western) agencies who are willing to report from south Afghanistan, like Kandahar. We have to make due with the small scraps of information that we can get.
I don't agree with banning online news sources. There are few respected (Western) agencies who are willing to report from south Afghanistan, like Kandahar. We have to make due with the small scraps of information that we can get.

I don't care what you agree with, what i care about is to have something discussed which has legit origins and not some junk made up news. PM me a better source and i will re-open.
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