Ambassador of Pakistan in Afghanistan Mohammad Sadiq in a press release said that 729 Afghan students will go to Pakistan in July and December of the current year through bachelor and Master degree bourses from Pakistani universities and government. The educational bourses consist of medical, engineering, information and technology, commerce and administrative, agriculture, economic natural science and education sections. 600 educational bourses under the program of 2009 and 2000 have given by Pakistan government in three educational phases to Afghan students and 129 educational bourses were given by Khaibar Pashtonkhwa and Panjab universities under the educational cooperation program among Pakistan and Afghanistan universities. From December 2009 up now, 700 Afghan students went to Pakistan on educational bourses that funded by Pakistan government. Currently approximately, 6500 Afghan students are in bachelor and Master Degree bourses in the universities of Pakistan, said the source. Translated by Suraya-Yarzada
Bakhtar News Agency - 729 Afghan Students Will Go Pakistan For Higher Education
Bakhtar News Agency - 729 Afghan Students Will Go Pakistan For Higher Education