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70 RUPEES PER 1 DOLLAR??? WHERE IS ISHAQ DAR? investors starts running away

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Jan 28, 2008
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United States
SOS+++ :hitwall:ITS,,,,,,, going out of hand now ! it was said in AJJ KAMMRAN KHAN KEY SATH? that because of the dangerous statments by ISHAQ DAR investors starts... taking out thier investments from pakistan...... and now.... its out of hand.

all the , economic forcasts starts..... melting up..... and the govt.. dont have any answer????

plz..... every,,, patriotic.... fellows plz,,,,, give your sugestions and ideas... wht can be done to make situation in control.:hitwall:

SOS+++ :hitwall:ITS,,,,,,, going out of hand now ! it was said in AJJ KAMMRAN KHAN KEY SATH? that because of the dangerous statments by ISHAQ DAR investors starts... taking out thier investments from pakistan...... and now.... its out of hand.

all the , economic forcasts starts..... melting up..... and the govt.. dont have any answer????

plz..... every,,, patriotic.... fellows plz,,,,, give your sugestions and ideas... wht can be done to make situation in control.:hitwall:


$ is high because of rising demand due to surging oil prices.
$ is high because of rising demand due to surging oil prices.

$ is low all over the world expect in Pakistan, people here in Canada are getting rid of dollars and are getting Euros.

Oil does not play a big factor, look at the countries that produce no oil; they are in much better shape then us.
Instability, and the history of short lived democratic governments (58-2b and Military coups) are to blame.

Confidence in the system will take time. Investors will not want to come to Pakistan precisely because there is the precedent of coups taking place when the going gets tough.

Pakistan needs to grow up, stop looking for adhoc solutions (coups and government dismissals) and work constructively to improve the systems and institutions we have.
its going to get worse before it stabilises. people are talking about 80:1 parity rate - buy $ if one can.
inflation is going to get worse - buy large quantities of grain like 60 kg bag of rice and wheat etc.
Rupee is in free fall due high inflation and negative trade balance caused by balooning import bill (oil) and indeed the situation will get worse during the following weeks. Though its too premature to hit alarm.

$3.5 billion is expected to flow into the country on very short term which will stabalise rupee.

Some of the inflows that are expected include $2.1 billion from multilateral banks, $500 million from friendly countries, $200 million from earthquake relief, $100 million from Britain, $700 million from MCB Bank's stake sale to a Malaysian bank, $100 million investment by Barclays Bank and the rest through private sector GDRs (global depository receipts) and other regular sources. :coffee:
$3.5 billion is expected to flow into the country on very short term which will stabalise rupee.

When is the $3.5 billion coming in. And since it is getting bad at a thunderous pace will it actually help the rupee.:pakistan::pakistan:
Wouldn't it be wise to actually change it to Euro or gold? U.S foreign polices and oil prices are the main reason for this fall.
Correction its 1$=67.5PKR , and not 70. and 1$=41.5INR.

Please dont post false info, this creates further panic among the people, which is not good for the economy.

INR had appreciated 12% in 2007. Can someone tell me how much PKR appreciated in 2007 or just tell me what was the dollar value of PKR in begining of 2007.
PKR has never appreciated against the dollar as far as I know.

It was at 60 for a long time but now it's getting out of hand. This huge decline in the Rupees value is really hurting me.
If Pakistan were an exports based economy, this would have been excellent news.
It will actually help some people just wanna make a big deal out of nothing.This is good news for local manufacturer and bad for importers.as far as iam concerned we are heading in the right direction.
Lots of people in Pakistan wanna buy foreign made goods higher dollar will move them to buy locally build goods and that will create good employment opportunities for population and investors to build in Pakistan and export:yahoo:. :pakistan:
It will actually help some people just wanna make a big deal out of nothing.This is good news for local manufacturer and bad for importers.as far as iam concerned we are heading in the right direction.
Lots of people in Pakistan wanna buy foreign made goods higher dollar will move them to buy locally build goods and that will create good employment opportunities for population and investors to build in Pakistan and export:yahoo:. :pakistan:

No, this will hurt us because our trade deficit will grow massively. We can't help but import oil, and a sliding ruppee and climbing oil prices mean it will hurt us very, very badly. There are some thing we cannot help but import.
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