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7 killed: China, Uighurs offer different account of deadly shooting

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Big Boss

Dec 22, 2011
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7 killed: China, Uighurs offer different account of deadly shooting

Beijing (CNN) -- Chinese officials said they killed seven members of the Uighur ethnic group in the restive western region of Xinjiang in order to free two hostages -- an account the Uighurs disputed.

The hostages -- local villagers looking for their lost sheep in the rural county of Pishan outside of Hotan city-- were kidnapped by a group of Uighurs on Wednesday night, said Hou Hanmin, a spokeswoman for the chief of the regional information office in Xinjiang.

The operation to rescue them left one police officer dead and wounded another, he said.

However, Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for the Stockholm-based World Uighur Congress, said the shooting did not stem from a rescue operation.

Police opened fire when locals clashed with officers during a demonstration outside the police bureau, he said. The Uighurs were protesting a recent security crackdown in Hotan city.

"This is incident was not an accident," he said. "It is a direct result from the Chinese crackdown on Uighurs. It has become unbearable for Uighurs there to accept the oppression and current rule from the Chinese government."

The Chinese authorities have often blamed militants of Uighur descent for outbreaks of violence in Xinjiang in recent years. Uighurs are ethnic Turks who are linguistically, culturally and religiously distinct from China's majority Han population.

Beijing has said Uighur militants are often based overseas and has linked some of them to the East Turkistan Islamic Movement that allegedly trains in Pakistan.

The clash comes after a two-month security crackdown, which ended in October, against violence, terrorism and radical Islam across the resource-rich region, which borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and numerous unstable Central Asian states.

The tightened security measures included 24-hour security patrols of troubled areas, identity checks and random street searches of people and vehicles.

Uighur activists say the crackdowns have only heightened anger among Uighurs who already accuse the government of religious and political repression. Uighurs also say they feel economically disadvantaged as a thriving Han population continues to move into the region.

China, Uighurs offer different account of deadly shooting - CNN.com
At least 8 dead in ethnic fighting in western China

REPORTING FROM BEIJING -- At least eight people were killed in a western farming town fraught with ethnic tension in what Chinese authorities claimed was an attempt to foil a kidnapping by members of a “terror gang.”

As is often the case in China, the accounts of who did what to whom were maddeningly contradictory, with Chinese police divulging few details and activists for the Uighur minority largely in the dark about what transpired.

The incident took place late Wednesday night in Pishan, an impoverished cotton-growing county about 200 miles from the Pakistan border. Chinese authorities said the deaths occurred when police tried to rescue two shepherds taken hostage.

"The assailants resisted arrest and launched assaults, killing one police officer and injuring another," said a report on the official website for the Xinjiang region of far northwestern China. Other Chinese media suggested the attack was perpetrated by Islamic extremists.

Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the World Uighur Congress, an exile group, offered another version of events. He said a group of Uighur men had gone to a police station to protest random searches of people’s homes and were shot.

"This is the way that the Chinese resolve all conflicts. Uighurs have no way to have a peaceful protest," Raxit said in a telephone interview from Sweden.

Raxit said the residents of Pishan were angry that police had been barging into private homes without notice, searching for Korans and religious literature :angry: and clothing that they claimed was evidence of religious extremism.

"Many young men have been taken away for no reason. I think the local Uighur people couldn’t take the pressure anymore," said Raxit.

The Uighurs, a minority group of roughly 9 million, are increasingly threatened by an influx of Han Chinese who have migrated westward in search of economic opportunity. Pishan, as well as the larger nearby cities of Kasghar and Hotan, have witnessed numerous flare-ups of violence. Uighurs armed with knives and homemade explosives have at times attacked police or civilians. The police in turn have dealt harshly with Uighur protests.

Often, the conflicts have revolved around religion. The Chinese Communist Party had banned civil servants from observing the fasting month of Ramadan and attending mosque.:angry: :tdown: Xinhua, the official Chinese news service, said Islamic extremists in Pishan had kidnapped and murdered a Uighur man earlier this month for drinking alcohol.

At least 8 dead in ethnic fighting in western China - latimes.com
Some pics of Uighur Muslims





Nothing special, Indian are interested in any "bad" news happened in Tibet and xinjiang!! They don't care about the achievement gained by china, Just browse the indian website, You will find that easily, and I like read the comment, then, I get the conclusion, The word "free" is the most frequently used by them!! And from their comment, You also can find that They use their "mouth" to fight you!!! HEHE!
Nothing special, Indian are interested in any "bad" news happened in Tibet and xinjiang!! They don't care about the achievement gained by china, Just browse the indian website, You will find that easily, and I like read the comment, then, I get the conclusion, The word "free" is the most frequently used by them!! And from their comment, You also can find that They use their "mouth" to fight you!!! HEHE!

Most are functionally illiterate according to the PISA exam. Don't expect deep analysis like how do Uighurs in Europe know what's going on in China, especially if China controls information like they say. Logic is also not their strong point.
Nothing special, Indian are interested in any "bad" news happened in Tibet and xinjiang!! They don't care about the achievement gained by china, Just browse the indian website, You will find that easily, and I like read the comment, then, I get the conclusion, The word "free" is the most frequently used by them!! And from their comment, You also can find that They use their "mouth" to fight you!!! HEHE!

Ohh really. So innocent. I never ever seen a chinese member came with pro-india thread. Leave pro-india. Chinese always comes with news about maoist insurgency or anything which china is superior and indian econmy is dooming. You can say that this thread is for little paybeck.
Ohh really. So innocent. I never ever seen a chinese member came with proo india thread. Leave pro-india. Chinese always comes with news about maoist insurgency or anything which china is superior and inidan econmy is dooming. You can say that this thread is for little paybeck.

There is a funny thread right now about Indian high speed rail in 2089. You don't see Chinese trolling it with "how can Indians afford HSR and copy-paste from Japan", do you????
Most are functionally illiterate according to the PISA exam. Don't expect deep analysis like how do Uighurs in Europe know what's going on in China, especially if China controls information like they say. Logic is also not their strong point.

When did you pass PISA exam ?
For Gods Sake...i request my indian friends to not to worry about Uighurs...just cuz there was some minor demonstration...throughout the muslim world..there are problems...

Hundreds and thousands are being killed in Syria and Lybia and Iraq, Thousands in Pakistan's tribal areas cuz of drones, 80,000 Kashmiris killed by Indian troops in Kashmir..the world should worry about them rather worrying about a few a hundred Uighurs
For Gods Sake...i request my indian friends to not to worry about Uighurs...just cuz there was some minor demonstration...throughout the muslim world..there are problems...

Hundreds and thousands are being killed in Syria and Lybia and Iraq, Thousands in Pakistan's tribal areas cuz of drones, 80,000 Kashmiris killed by Indian troops in Kashmir..the world should worry about them rather worrying about a few a hundred Uighurs

May I ask why ? Because this happened in China ?
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