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6th International Defence Fair Partner 2013


Jan 13, 2013
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6th International Defense Fair


June 25 – 28, 2013


The 6th International Defense Fair PARTNER 2013 will be held on June 25 - 28, this year, at Belgrade Fair, as in previous years, under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, the Co-Organizer is Yugoimport SDPR and the Executive Organizer Belgrade Fair.

The Serbian Defense Industry justified the expectations and accomplished important results in production, exports and employment and remained one of the leading Serbian economic branches and the generator of economic activities. By its activities it created preconditions for other economic branches development and assisted the commencement of the economic recovery and reputation growth of Serbian economy in the region, Europe and the world.

We are sure the presentation of its achievements, as well as business contacts to renowned international participants, experts and business visitors accomplished at the five PARTNER events held so far at Belgrade Fair, also contributed to the positive results of the Serbian Defense Industry.

In addition to an economic get-together, the PARTNER is also a meeting of experts working within weapons and military equipment and a good opportunity for an exchange of trade information and getting new skills by participation in the meetings and presentations following this event.

The sixth International Defense Fair PARTNER 2013 will provide insight into:

- Programs of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and scientific-technical and maintenance capacities of the Ministry of Defense institutions;

- Activities of the institutions and companies from the Republic of Serbia carrying out research, development and manufacturing of weapons and military equipment;

- Technological possibilities and those of service providing by international companies interested in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Army and manufacturing and trading companies within weapons and military equipment;

- The product range of the additional equipment manufacturers.

The sixth International Defense Fair PARTNER 2013 will be held at 17, 600 square meters of gross exhibiting space in the Halls 1 and 4 and at 5,000 square meters of Belgrade Fair outdoor space. At the event held in 2011, there were 88 Serbian and international exhibitors. According to the so far shown interest of the local and international participants, we expect this number to be exceeded at the next PARTNER.

Opening Hours of the 6th International Defense Fair PARTNER 2013:

- June 25 – 27 from 10:00 a. m. tо 05:00 p. m, for business visitors only with an invitation letter of a participant and completed registration form;

- June 28 from 10:00 a. m. tо 07:00 p. m, for business visitors with an invitation letter of a participant and completed registration form free of charge, and for the remaining interested parties with a bought entry ticket.

Systems and Programs to be Exhibited at the PARTNER 2013 Event

* Shooting Weapons

* Fire Support Weapon Systems (mortars, grenade launchers, towed and self-propelled conventional and missile artillery)
• Medium-caliber guns
• Anti-tank and infantry fire-support systems
• Combat and non-combat vehicles (tanks and other armored combat vehicles, reconnaissance vehicles, patrol vehicles, transport vehicles, and logistic vehicles)
• Air defense systems, artillery and missile systems
• Guided missile systems
• Vehicle weapon systems and equipment
• Ammunition (shooting, grenades, non-lethal ammunition, signal ammunition, ammunition for grenade-launchers, ammunition for medium-caliber guns, mortar ammunition, artillery ammunition, tank ammunition, unguided missiles)
• Guided ammunition for fire-support systems (artillery and missile systems) and tank guns
• Guided missiles
• Explosive substances (powders, propellant charges, explosives and pyrotechnics)
• Electronic surveillance and reconnaissance systems
• C4I systems
• Optoelectronic equipment
• Telecommunications and signals equipment
• Radar and computer equipment
• Engineering equipment
• Quartermaster equipment
• Protective gear
• NBC protection equipment
• Military logistics
• Anti-terrorist action equipment
• Aircraft (aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles)
• Aircraft equipment and weapon systems
• Aircraft ammunition (unguided and guided missiles, unguided and guided bombs)
• Vessels
• Ship borne equipment and weapon systems
• Training aids and simulators
• Overhaul of land forces’ equipment
• Overhaul of ammunition
• Overhaul of air force and air defense equipment
• Overhaul of naval equipment
• Programs of modification, modernization, and conversion of army, air force and air defense and navy equipment
• Transfer of defense technologies
• Defense infrastructure
• Joint development of defense systems and equipment
• Testing of defense systems and equipment
• Add-ons, components and spare parts


Press Conference on the Occasion of the Upcoming Fair "Partner 2013"

At the Belgrade Fair today a press conference was organised concerning the upcoming fair of arms and military equipment "Partner 2013" which is to be held from 25 to 28 June. Sponsor of the event is the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, the co-organizer is "Yugoimport - SDPR", and the executive organizer is the Belgrade Fair.


The speakers at the gathering were Assistant Minister for Material Resources Jasminka Todorov, Chief of the Defence Technology Department of Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Bojan Zrnic, PhD, Assistant General Director of "YUGOIMPORT - SDPR" Nenad Miloradovic, PhD, and, on behalf of the Belgrade Fair, Mirjana Lukic .

On this occasion, the Assistant Minister of Defence said that "Partner 2013" will be the point for meeting of important scientific and research institutions and companies in the field of defence technologies, but also an opportunity for foreign and domestic producers of arms and military equipment to lay the foundation of a successful business-technical cooperation or to improve the existing one.

- Defence Industry of the Republic of Serbia is a vital part of our economy since it used to achieve significant results even in the years of crisis, not only for our economy but also the world. We are planning to maintain our growth trend and I am sure that this event will enable new business contacts and create new opportunities for business cooperation - Jasminka Todorov said.

She said that the Serbian Government and relevant ministries have taken active measures to support the defence industry in developing its competitiveness and securing new markets.


Brigadier General Zrnic announced that the development resources, funded by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Army Forces will be presented at the Fair. Thus, a version of the modular rocket launcher system, labelled as the Morava project complemented with logistics vehicle will be shown. An integral part of that system is the improved 128 mm rocket Oganj (Fire). A new 30 mm automatic cannon and upgraded "Bumblebee" missile system with a new guiding and launching device will be shown for the first time.

From the reconnaissance and sensor systems, the system for acoustic reconnaissance and localisation of opponent's artillery systems – a project known as "Hemera" and wideband HF scope radio direction finder will be also shown for the first time. Mobile integrated platform MIP 11 has also been improved, and the complete system of "Sparrow" and "Pegasus" UAVs will be also shown.

A special segment will be related to the command and information systems and the hardware platform for their development and implementation – project of integrated communication systems. In addition, the off-road vehicles from joint development project of MTI and the FAP factory from Priboj and a new off-road vehicle from the production programme of "Zastava kamioni" (Zastava Trucks).

Nenad Miloradovic, PhD, made a presentation of Yugoimport. He said that Yugoimport will appear also this year as an integrator of performance of our defence industry to exhibit a wide range of their products. Also, the exhibition space of Yugoimport will be enriched with 15 complex combat systems from their development and production programme.

This year's event "PARTNER 2013" will be held in Halls 1 and 4 of the Belgrade Fair. Hall 1 will be dedicated to the Serbian defence industry, and Hall 4 is reserved for foreign exhibitors.
It's starting tomorrow, but here are some of the first pics :D

Probably some command version of the BOV armored vehicle:

Multiple modular rocket launcher Morava:

SORA self propelled howitzer 122mm, with a new auto loader:

NORA B52 self propelled howitzer 152/155mm:
Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 :D

It is just confirmed by our defence minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Vučić je takođe rekao da bi i Pakistanu do kraja godine trebalo da budu isporučena tri borbena vozila, Lazar 2, koje proizvodi Jugoimport SDPR.

Pakistan je prvi kupac ovog oklopnjaka, za čiju je nabavku zainteresovana i Vojska Srbije.

Vucic said that Pakistan should get first three Lazar 2 vehicles until the end of the year. Pakistan is the first country to buy this vehicle.
Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 :D

It is just confirmed by our defence minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Vucic said that Pakistan should get first three Lazar 2 vehicles until the end of the year. Pakistan is the first country to buy this vehicle.

Excellent news.............How many have been ordered? also are they coming with ToT or just off the shelf?
Three vehicles until the end of the year. Pakistan and Serbia will both buy this vehicle. So i am guessing that they will put it through some tests together. It's the new vehicle, first time shown to the public today.
SORA self propelled howitzer 122mm, with a new auto loader:

NORA B52 self propelled howitzer 152/155mm:

bro many sources say following picture is Nora B-52


and this SORA SPH

i am really confused, they looks almost same (apart from wheels), what are differences between them ?
and you posted the picture of Nora B-52 is different from what i posted :confused:
i am really confused, they looks almost same, what are differences between them ?
and you posted the picture of Nora B-52 is different from what i posted :confused:

This is SORA:

For start you can see that the truck is different. SORA is upgraded D30 122mm howitzer on 6x6 platform, while NORA B (basic version) is the NORA A 152/155 on the 8x8 platform. On the second picture you can see Nora B 52 K2, which is the latest version of NORA B, with armor, and on the picture you posted we can see NORA without armor, but with the same characteristics. Without armor it is possible to transport Nora with a planes like Ilyushin 76. So potential buyer can choose between strategic mobility and extra protection. There is also version of the SORA with armor, it called SOKO.

It looks great. Which company is the maker?

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