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61% International Students report abuse in Australian University


May 3, 2009
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Overseas students main target for abuse: uni survey

Updated 29 August 2012, 15:58 AEST


The University of Newcastle is talking up its security credentials in the wake of a report that shows Asian and Middle Eastern students are the main targets of physical and verbal abuse.
The University of Newcastle talks up its security credentials in the wake of a new report on student abuse.

The University of Newcastle talks up its security credentials in the wake of a new report on student abuse. (Credit: ABC)

More than 160 incidents were reported by students over the last year via an online tool established by the Newcastle University Students Association, NUSA.

There were 40 cases of physical assault, with the majority taking place close to the University's Callaghan campus at Shortland and Jesmond.

Association President and author of the report, Heather Richards, says students from particular cultures stood out.

"The majority of reports came from Asian students, the next highest being from Middle Eastern students," she said.

"International student representatives have believed for a long time that some of these, particularly verbal abuse, have been racially motivated.

"This would appear to confirm that perception."

The University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kevin McConkey says campus security is a priority.

"We've significantly improved safety and security arrangements on campus.

"We've also significantly improved the information that is provided to international students about how to be safe and stay safe.

"We've also increased our work with the community, through a range of activities, cultural awareness, cultural festivals."

Professor McConkey also warns the survey had a very small sample size and says the results need to be looked at in context.

"I think it's always useful to hear what people have to say but that needs to be triangulated with other information, with actual hard statistics," he said.

"The statistics would tell us it's not quite as dramatic as this report points to."

The Greens say the report suggests a concerning trend of racially motivated abuse within Australian universities.

The party's Higher Education Spokeswoman, Senator Lee Rhiannon, says the Federal Government should use the reporting tool across the country.

"We will be certainly suggesting that this where the Federal Labor Government could play a constructive role," she said.

"We already have the methodology there, it ran for a year, this online multilingual module."

Overseas students main target for abuse: uni survey | ABC Radio Australia

* This is just one University survey.
I think you'll find the cultural differences is causing the problem.

I know that people from some asian countries don't understand the concept of lining up for things and they don't understand how rude it is to push in line, this could lead to physical fights and verbal abuse.
Education in Australia is a scam. International students are tricked, they are promised PR once they graduate. Not by Australian Universities but by recruitment agencies. They are told about these non-exist job shortages and endless opportunities. But the reality is, the Universities there are not worth the paper the degrees are printed on, the quality of teaching isn’t that great, there is no job shortages and students are seen as cash cows.

Most of the students end up jobless and work menial jobs and receive abuse by the racist Australian people for working these jobs and supposedly taking their jobs. We all saw the racist attacks on International students in Australia; it’s a free for all against them,

I'd think wisely before spending 10's of thousands on education in Australia in sub standard Universities in an expensive racist nation
the fact is Australia is trying really hard to cash in on being a white nation but actually has money guzzling private universities with ghetto students.
For Australia, international students are nothing but a way of making huge amounts of cash. Students are truly tricked by a huge marketing campaign waged by the Australian Universities. The fact of the matter is that you would be paying same amount of fees as you would pay at Harvard, Standford, Oxford and MIT. The only difference is that your University won't exist on top 500 or even 1000 rankings in many cases when considered for subject to subject basis and yes, except a handful of Universities, your Australian degree is NOT recognized anywhere in the world.

Australian students don't pay much for the same education. Australian institutes, discriminate against international students by not allowing them into courses which are preferred by the job market, most of the students don't realize until they graduate, have spent a $100,000 or more and then try to get jobs which never happens or if it does happen, they start at the bottom of the barrel. This survey is just from one University, abuse against international students, making fun of their accents and looks is pretty normal. Lastly, Australian education system is totally controlled by the Immigration department instead of department of Education when it comes to International Students. They are issued visas according to their "Nationality" not according to their skills and grades.

Australian immigration's slogan "People our business" should explain everything, all in all its a ******* rip off !
Education in Australia is a scam. International students are tricked, they are promised PR once they graduate. Not by Australian Universities but by recruitment agencies. They are told about these non-exist job shortages and endless opportunities. But the reality is, the Universities there are not worth the paper the degrees are printed on, the quality of teaching isn’t that great, there is no job shortages and students are seen as cash cows.

Most of the students end up jobless and work menial jobs and receive abuse by the racist Australian people for working these jobs and supposedly taking their jobs. We all saw the racist attacks on International students in Australia; it’s a free for all against them,

I'd think wisely before spending 10's of thousands on education in Australia in sub standard Universities in an expensive racist nation

I agree with half of what you are saying. Recruitment agencies trick people, they are the scammers. People attending university here should do their research.

We have some of the best university and teachers in the world, hence why a lot of people are coming here to learn. So i don't know why you are claiming otherwise.

Most of the international students working "menial" jobs do so to support themselves while studying. I find it horrid that you are trying to claim a whole nation is racist because a few people racially abuse another few people. I don't know why people still bring out the line "racist attacks against students" it's already been debunked as bogus and a fictional story created by the Indian Media.
I don't think its the same everywhere. Newcastle is boganville.

All the universities in the major cities like Sydney, Melbourne Brisbane are very international student friendly.
For Australia, international students are nothing but a way of making huge amounts of cash.

Yep. What's wrong with that? You act as if there is something wrong with that. Most other western countries are doing the same.

High level education for money is a great export for many different economies.

Students are truly tricked by a huge marketing campaign waged by the Australian Universities. The fact of the matter is that you would be paying same amount of fees as you would pay at Harvard, Standford, Oxford and MIT. The only difference is that your University won't exist on top 500 or even 1000 rankings in many cases when considered for subject to subject basis and yes, except a handful of Universities, your Australian degree is NOT recognized anywhere in the world.

Not true at all. The degrees are recognized in most places around the world when going for a job. Employers in Australia and around the world hold Australian graduates in high esteem.

Australian students don't pay much for the same education.
Not true. Australians pay basically the same amount.

Australian institutes, discriminate against international students by not allowing them into courses which are preferred by the job market,
Not true. Students pick the courses they want to do before they even come out here. The purpose of studying in Australia is not so you can get a job in Australia, it's to get a high level education and then go back to your own country and use your expertise.
most of the students don't realize until they graduate, have spent a $100,000 or more and then try to get jobs which never happens or if it does happen,
A job in Australia isn't offered as part of the deal. The students are paying to come study in Australia, if they want to stay and become a resident and get a job. That's a whole other ball game. There is many employment services for international students to work in Australia. The Australian Government skilled migration program targets young people who have skills, an education and outstanding abilities that will contribute to the Australian economy. International students with Australian qualifications account for about half the people assessed under the skilled migrant program

Lastly, Australian education system is totally controlled by the Immigration department instead of department of Education when it comes to International Students.

Incorrect. All education is handled by the department of education. All immigration issues is handled by the department of immigration.

They are issued visas according to their "Nationality" not according to their skills and grades.
Incorrect. Visas to stay and work after graduation is solely based on skills and grades.

Australian immigration's slogan "People our business" should explain everything, all in all its a ******* rip off !
I'v never seen such a slogan.

I think you should do a bit more research on topics before you speak about them.

I don't think its the same everywhere. Newcastle is boganville.

All the universities in the major cities like Sydney, Melbourne Brisbane are very international student friendly.

60% of the people at my university in Melbourne were international students.
Education in Australia is a scam. International students are tricked, they are promised PR once they graduate. Not by Australian Universities but by recruitment agencies. They are told about these non-exist job shortages and endless opportunities. But the reality is, the Universities there are not worth the paper the degrees are printed on, the quality of teaching isn’t that great, there is no job shortages and students are seen as cash cows.

Most of the students end up jobless and work menial jobs and receive abuse by the racist Australian people for working these jobs and supposedly taking their jobs. We all saw the racist attacks on International students in Australia; it’s a free for all against them,

I'd think wisely before spending 10's of thousands on education in Australia in sub standard Universities in an expensive racist nation

Australia gets two kinds of students. First kind are the genuine students who come here to study at universities do their bachelors, masters or doctorate.

Second kind are here in the guise of students just to get an Australian PR. They do diplomas in hair dressing, cookery, and such, get their PR, and then start doing menial jobs like driving a cab or working at the service station. Why they do such "skill less" jobs, because they don't have any skills to get other kind of jobs, and the skills they achieved with their study in Australia (Hair Dressing, Cookery) they don't want to work in that industry, so thats useless too.

So no, Australian Education system is not a scam, people very well know what they are getting themselves into. Which is doing a low cost diploma, getting PR/TR, doing menial(yet very highly paid) easy jobs.
I don't see why people would chose austrailian unis over pakistan, i know many people who had money plus the skills to get into any western uni but chose pakistan willingly
The University of Newcastle is essentially rural, so don't be surprised if there are more bigoted attitudes towards international students.

You wouldn't see this at the main universities in the major cities, seeing as non-White students make up a majority of the student population.

But I know that some non-Caucasian Australians hold prejudice against international students...
I think you'll find the cultural differences is causing the problem.

I know that people from some asian countries don't understand the concept of lining up for things and they don't understand how rude it is to push in line, this could lead to physical fights and verbal abuse.

No mate. I don't think that you're being entirely honest in your analysis. Aussies are one of the most racist bunch out there. If I were to compile a list on racism, it would go something like this.

Racism in western societies (Descending order)

1. Canadians (Least racist)
2. Swedes
3. Danes
4. Norwegians
5. Italians
6. Spaniards
7. Germans
8. Britts
9. Swiss
10. Americans (not racist per-se, however, very self obsessed)
11. French
12. Greeks
13. Aussies
No mate. I don't think that you're being entirely honest in your analysis. Aussies are one of the most racist bunch out there. If I were to compile a list on racism, it would go something like this.

Racism in western societies (Descending order)

1. Canadians (Least racist)
2. Swedes
3. Danes
4. Norwegians
5. Italians
6. Spaniards
7. Germans
8. Britts
9. Swiss
10. Americans (not racist per-se, however, very self obsessed)
11. French
12. Greeks
13. Aussies

Eh, is that a personal opinion? I don't think the majority of Australians are racist at all, but then again I live in Sydney. I only remember once being called a racist slur by a drunk person.

The Greeks aren't that racist, I always thought it was just historical hatred for their sworn Turkish enemies.

Your idea of racism probably more to do with fear, which manifests itself as bigotry.
No mate. I don't think that you're being entirely honest in your analysis. Aussies are one of the most racist bunch out there. If I were to compile a list on racism, it would go something like this.

Racism in western societies (Descending order)

1. Canadians (Least racist)
2. Swedes
3. Danes
4. Norwegians
5. Italians
6. Spaniards
7. Germans
8. Britts
9. Swiss
10. Americans (not racist per-se, however, very self obsessed)
11. French
12. Greeks
13. Aussies

You make these broad statements without any evidence to back them up with and instead use hearsay,assumptions and false reports to come up with them.

Why even bother?
Eh, is that a personal opinion? I don't think the majority of Australians are racist at all, but then again I live in Sydney. I only remember once being called a racist slur by a drunk person.

The Greeks aren't that racist, I thought it was just historical hatred for their sworn Turkish enemies.

Yups, it's a personal opinion based on travel / education and professional relationships.

Nah, the Greeks are horrible to EVERYONE, they are very self obsessed, and the only thing they rant about is their history. I could also make a self-love stupidity list, if you wish? :D

You make these broad statements without any evidence to back them up with and instead use hearsay,assumptions and false reports to come up with them. Why even bother?
It's a personal opinion. By the way, hatred can not be quantified, what evidence would you require? Statistics on how people gaze at you? Grow up!
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