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6 LTTE arrested from Kolkata

Yeah right. First finance, train, and arm the terrorists to kill innocent civilians in their thousands and enjoy the show.

And once they are almost defeated send few token soldiers and start claiming India has defeated them, what childish hypocrites these Indians are!

Do the right thing:
- apologize officially to Sri Lanka
- hang all those govt officials who had trained, funded and armded those terrorists
- compensate the poor families who lost their kins due to Indian terrorism
- and destroy all the terrorist training camps in India

No more double games, India....no more double games.

Sending IPKF was akin to apology.

Are you on high ?? We overcompensated by paying it with our blood and breaking the spine of LTTE by sending in IPKF. They were stationed there in large number for over 2 years.

Even Sri Lanka , don't complaint about any so called terrorist training camps. From where do you get these nonsense ??

Double game is what you play by asking for economic and military H/Ws doles and at same time harboring that Osama with that one eyed Talibani.

And for a change stop being more Sri Lankan than Lankans themselves.
LTTE is a lost cause....we are dealing with LTTE- The crimanals...not The Librators...

LTTE is a lost cause in Sri Lanka.. There can never be another Tamil insurrection there.. Even the most hardcore LTTE fighters have embraced democratic means of seeking solutions for their legitimate grievances.. And they have given up separation, That hey know will never become a reality

But it's not the case in India.. Where LTTE remains a potent political weapon and many politicians in Tamil Nadu some openly and the more mainstream, Clandestinely supporting it's resurgence in Tamil Nadu.. Most of the top ranks of the terrorist group fled to TN just before the end of the war, And have found protection under these TN politicians are now
trying to revive within India

Arrest of three raises suspicion of LTTE operatives regrouping - The Times of India

RAMESWARAM: Police suspect that the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) operative held at Uchipuli on Monday was possibly smuggling materials like cyanide capsules and GPS (Global Positioning System) equipment to some people in Northern Province of Sri Lanka.

Based on a tipoff, Uchipuli police picked up three people from a car during a vehicular check at night.

Investigation revealed that they were K Krishnakumar, 33, from Kilinochi in Sri Lanka and his associates R Sasikumar, 35, and N Rajendran, 40, from Uchipuli in Ramanathapuram district. It was revealed that Krishnakumar was a former LTTE operative and had come to India when the civil war intensified in the Island Nation in 2009.

He had been staying in Trichy and had lot of contacts at refugee camps in Chennai and Trichy, police said. Krishnakumar was trying to leave the country as his marriage was getting fixed in Jaffna. But he could not go legally since he feared that his name was in the LTTE cadre list and he may be detained as soon as he landed in Sri Lanka.

"He decided to take an illegal ferry and approached his associates at Uchipuli who would take him across the International Maritime Boundary Line," police sources said.

Uchipuli police seized 75 cyanide capsules, 300g of cyanide powder, 4 GPS equipment, 7 mobile phones, Indian currency worth Rs 46,200 and Sri Lankan currency worth Rs 19,300 from the gang. The car they were travelling, a sedan, was also seized.

Krishnakumar was transporting these materials to some people in Jaffna and police sources speculated that there is some regrouping of LTTE going on in Sri Lanka, though they suffered a fatal defeat in the civil war of 2009. Q-branch has taken custody of the gang and is investigating . The exact sources who provided him cyanide and the people to whom he was transporting the materials will be known after thorough investigation, police said
@Gibbs but if these hardcore are under so called political protection then how come these arrests are being made ?? Both can't be true . But since these arrests are being made , it also highlights that they are getting some support from few quarters but don't you see our government is committed to stop them in their tracks ??

Or may be even nip them in bud.
@Gibbs but if these hardcore are under so called political protection then how come these arrests are being made ?? Both can't be true . But since these arrests are being made , it also highlights that they are getting some support from few quarters but don't you see our government is committed to stop them in their tracks ??

Or may be even nip them in bud.

Certainly not from the central government or its agencies but from Tamil Nadu polity.. LTTE is a voting trump card there.. How ever some people try to deny it.. There are certainly considerable number of people there who support it, Hence politicians keep the flag flying.. If it does not bring them dividends they won't..

Case booked for installing Prabakaran’s statue: The Hindu - Mobile edition

MDMK, PMK slams TN govt for removing Prbahakaran's statue
6 LTTE arrested from Kolkata - The Times of India

KOLKATA: On Friday six LTTE men were arrested from Chadni Chowk, central Kolkata by special task force. The six are all Sri Lankan Tamils and came to Kolkata four days before from Chennai.

The police are probing why the six came to Kolkata before the Independent Day celebrations. Two of them -- Guna Sekharan and Bala Singham are senior leaders of the banned outfit. Police are checking if they came for any operations or for any reconnaissance.

Even the police are interrogating them to find if they had links with Maoists, as there are reports that the Maoists are gradually regrouping in Bengal and have plans to start guerilla warfare in Jungalmahal area of Bengal.

Moreover, the police are also probing if LTTE was supplying arms to the Maoists.

Brilliant news
Certainly not from the central government or its agencies but from Tamil Nadu polity.. LTTE is a voting trump card there.. How ever some people try to deny it.. There are certainly considerable number of people there who support it, Hence politicians keep the flag flying.. If it does not bring them dividends they won't..

Case booked for installing Prabakaran’s statue: The Hindu - Mobile edition

MDMK, PMK slams TN govt for removing Prbahakaran's statue

Yep PMK and MDMK are suspects but they have very very little support in TN itself. And even the incumbent TN government is very strict on them as a matter of fact Q-Branch works only under TN state government.
The LTTE is nothing but a fractured remains of its old network
The LTTE is nothing but a fractured remains of its old network

Never underestimate your enemy especially a ruthless one like the LTTE.. It's network is still intact and has billions of dollars worth of funding (One time it was the richest terror org in the world according to the FBI).. Now that they don't have to spend it on weapons it's been used for lobbying Western govts and Politicians, Lobbying the UN system, Funding INGO's on pseudo Hooman rights and dubious media networks for propaganda.. LTTE Terrorists in many Western capitals turned in to human rights defenders overnight after March 2009 military defeat

They have a lot of influence within the Democrats in the US, Especially Hillary Clinton and with most of the liberal political parties globally, Clinton's probable win in the next presidentials would be a worry for Sri Lanka and it's sovereignty

It is still an existential threat
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Never underestimate your enemy especially a ruthless one like the LTTE.. It's network is still intact and has billions of dollars worth of funding (One time it was the richest terror org in the world according to the FBI).. Now that they don't have to spend it on weapons it's been used for lobbying Western govts and Politicians, Lobbying the UN system, Funding INGO's on pseudo Hooman rights and dubious media networks for propaganda.. LTTE Terrorists in many Western capitals turned in to human rights defenders overnight after March 2009 military defeat

They have a lot of influence within the Democrats in the US, Especially Hillary Clinton and with most of the liberal political parties globally, Clinton's probable win in the next presidentials would be a worry for Sri Lanka and it's sovereignty

It is still an existential threat

The reason that Pro-LTTE groups are still active in the west is that the SL government used them as propaganda material in Sri Lanka to create fear among the Sinhalese to get votes without doing anything against them. they didn't even do anything when the UN removed the LTTE ban and it was the current PM that asked the EU to keep the ban.

By giving Sri Lankan tamils there lands back and stop the Military building Hotels in High Security Areas in the name of "national security" ,creating jobs in the North and East etc the Pro-LTTE movements become weaker.

Most of the Tamil diaspora think about Maithripala positively but there is a lot of propaganda by Pro-LTTE groups against them. If they can continue to win the hearts of Tamils in SL and have good relations with the Tamils in the world the LTTE remnants will lose influence among tamils
Indian politicians, especially from Tamil Nadu continue to support the LTTE openly with impunity. The LTTE is (supposedly) a banned terrorist organisation in India.

Yet Indians scream and shout about Pakistan. Have a heart attack when Muslims turn out to the funeral of Yakub. Howl like a banshee when any Pakistani politicians support Kashmiri militants.

India has been nothing but a curse to Sri Lanka.

Some Indian politicians do, in fact the actual number is quite small. They will continue to do so as long as there is a constituency for it. Most people and most politicians do not support LTTE. The GOI does not. Having said that, india is a large country and a democracy. There is always going to be many different view points about almost anything, there are Indians who support Isis and beheading homosexuals and others who support gay marriage. No point of view can be completely eradicated in a free country with a large population, so live with it.

Also, you wouldn't have a problem in the first place if you had not treated your own Tamil population really badly and discriminated against then in the first place. You are just a little island and if you had concentrated on development instead of ethnic discrimination you could have been another Singapore by now. So own your fault first, before laying the entire blame elsewhere.
Some Indian politicians do, in fact the actual number is quite small. They will continue to do so as long as there is a constituency for it. Most people and most politicians do not support LTTE. The GOI does not. Having said that, india is a large country and a democracy. There is always going to be many different view points about almost anything, there are Indians who support Isis and beheading homosexuals and others who support gay marriage. No point of view can be completely eradicated in a free country with a large population, so live with it.

Also, you wouldn't have a problem in the first place if you had not treated your own Tamil population really badly and discriminated against then in the first place. You are just a little island and if you had concentrated on development instead of ethnic discrimination you could have been another Singapore by now. So own your fault first, before laying the entire blame elsewhere.

It's not as black and white as you assume.. I myself is from a minority community and we as well as many others like Moors ,Malays and numerous others have grievances, Which minority in which country doesn't ? But do we strap our kids with explosives and send them to bomb civilians in the name of a megalomaniac ?

Nobody is laying the entire blame anyway, Tamil supremacists and Sinhalese chauvinism is also equally to be blamed

But Indians and your politicians cannot wash their hands off the devastation and the terrorism they created and promoted for their own ulterior motives and still trying to keep alive atleast in TN,

Democracy is a vain excuse, LTTE is a banned terrorist group in Indian soil, Free country ? Yeah right, So them let the Kashmiri's espouse their right why suppress thier freedom ? Kashmir is one of the most heavily militarized regions in the world.. Or of the Maoists ? Or the Kalistani's ? Or Manipuri's, Assamese, Naga's and numerous others ?

Try not to throw stones from glass houses
Nobody is laying the entire blame anyway, Tamil supremacists and Sinhalese chauvinism is also equally to be blamed

I beg to differ here. Sinhalese turned to chauvinism because Tamils started being supremacists. This problem started when Tamil leaders asked for abnormal proportion of a government within Sri Lanka. This is the fundamental building block of the so called national issue. But it is the fact people always forget.

Sinhalese are genuinely ready to reconcile but Tamils don't, because of the propaganda campaign of their leaders and Western world.
I beg to differ here. Sinhalese turned to chauvinism because Tamils started being supremacists. This problem started when Tamil leaders asked for abnormal proportion of a government within Sri Lanka. This is the fundamental building block of the so called national issue. But it is the fact people always forget.

Sinhalese are genuinely ready to reconcile but Tamils don't, because of the propaganda campaign of their leaders and Western world.

Both are quite racist. Tamil would have stooge if not India decided to support them to wage war.

In the end, India found LTTE are fanning Tamil Nadu independence and they bomb Rajiv.

It would be exciting to see LTTE alumni preachin Tamil Nadu independence, and an independent TN will be a far better state than India.
The reason that Pro-LTTE groups are still active in the west is that the SL government used them as propaganda material in Sri Lanka to create fear among the Sinhalese to get votes without doing anything against them. they didn't even do anything when the UN removed the LTTE ban and it was the current PM that asked the EU to keep the ban.

Don't think RW is influencing the UN and EU. It is other way around. UN and EU use the LTTE card to promote their own representative in Sri Lanka such as the current leader of UNP Ranil Wikramasinge. Don't get carried away by their tactics.

By giving Sri Lankan tamils there lands back and stop the Military building Hotels in High Security Areas in the name of "national security" ,creating jobs in the North and East etc the Pro-LTTE movements become weaker.

The pro-LTTE movements lives not because of the money they wield bu the ideology which they base their claims. We need to attack that. Otherwise all other efforts are in wane.

Most of the Tamil diaspora think about Maithripala positively but there is a lot of propaganda by Pro-LTTE groups against them. If they can continue to win the hearts of Tamils in SL and have good relations with the Tamils in the world the LTTE remnants will lose influence among tamils

First of all the Tamil diaspora is still in the pro-LTTE mindset. That is a harder issue to be addressed by local politicians be it MR or MS. These diaspora people won't change their minds because the Tamil homeland theory is rooted deep in their hearts and minds. If we ever needed to eradicate it, we want a strong national policy towards the diaspora which would be supported by both UNP and SLFP for certain long period. Unfortunately I don't see any cooperation between the two of the major political parties in Sri Lanka.

Unless if we changed the minds of the diaspora people we won't be able to change the minds of the Tamils living in Sri Lanka.

Both are quite racist. Tamil would have stooge if not India decided to support them to wage war.

In the end, India found LTTE are fanning Tamil Nadu independence and they bomb Rajiv.

It would be exciting to see LTTE alumni preachin Tamil Nadu independence, and an independent TN will be a far better state than India.

Sinhalese aren't racist at all. Otherwise how come 60% of all Tamils in Sri Lanka lives beyond the North and East provinces. Indeed their were misunderstandings in 1983 and 1958 but still Sinhalese has always opened their arms to anybody.
Indian politicians, especially from Tamil Nadu continue to support the LTTE openly with impunity. The LTTE is (supposedly) a banned terrorist organisation in India.

Yet Indians scream and shout about Pakistan. Have a heart attack when Muslims turn out to the funeral of Yakub. Howl like a banshee when any Pakistani politicians support Kashmiri militants.

India has been nothing but a curse to Sri Lanka.

There is a difference. You guys tortured tamilian like anything and their becoming terrorist have a root in unparallen atrocities of Srilankan army. You could never have defeated LTTE without indian support. They used to attack your air base with small planes. We send our army to fight with LTTE and lost about 1000 soldiers. It was india who provided you with Radar and indian armed forces shoot down LTTE plane. Give tamil their rights else you may have to face even worse days. Your comparison is just a BS.

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