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50% decline in militancy this year


Apr 26, 2011
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Director General of Police, Kuldeep Khoda, Saturday said that there was 50 percent decrease in militancy in Jammu and Kashmir in 2011.
“We have observed that there has been 50 percent decrease in militant related incidents in 2011,” Khoda said during a press briefing at Bakshi Stadium here. The briefing was called in connection with the 13th police martyrs memorial football tournament-2011. “The security forces have exerted pressure on militants and the fallout of it is visible,” he said.
He said the militant presence in north Kashmir was definitely more than south. “The incidents indicate the presence of Hizbul Mujahideen outfit as having large presence. There is presence of LeT and Jaish also in the state,” Khoda said.
He said the security forces have continued their anti-militancy operations especially in north Kashmir and they have achieved major successes.
Khoda said at a time when militancy was going down, normal crime involving the use of arms has shown an upward trend.
“There is always an apprehension of recycling of surrendered militants,” the DGP said. “These people are often utilized by people for personal interests. The government is planning to rehabilitate such persons where the scheme is to give them vocational training.”
He said the weapons used for crimes like in Lal Chowk killing and more recently in Shopian have come from across the border.
“The arms were used by militants at a certain time. They passed on from one hand to other before they finally reach to people who want to commit petty crimes,” DGP said.
On the contradicting figures regarding the infiltration of militants, DGP said there are various agencies collecting the information regarding it. “Every body has its own inputs and thus they assess the situation,” Khoda said.
On May 25, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said that some 40 militants had crossed over from across the LoC into the state. However, the following day army rebuffed the statement saying their stand was clear on the issue that no infiltration has taken place so far this year.
Asked about recent remarks by SHRC about human rights violations taking place in the valley, he said police was taking cognizance of all violations.
He said FIRs have been filed into the cases of the persons killed in the summer unrest of 2010.
To bridge the gap between police and public, the DGP said they have established 41 youth clubs across the state.
“Our primary focus is on Kashmir. We want to channelize the energy of youth,” he said. “Besides, we have established five community centres”.
He said police would be vigorously participating in the welfare activities of the State.

50 decline in militancy this year DGP Lastupdate:- Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
Good news, momentum needs to be sustained along with addressing the causes of militancy arising from within the state itself- on track to do so, Kashmir on the Indian side is already far more prosperous as is and in coming years with the billions now flooding into J&K and Indian economic growth touching double digits. Stick and carrot have to both be used and in equal measures. I have hope though:
20 new tourist destinations to come up in JK Sahay Lastupdate:- Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
First phase of sports development plan for J&K finalized
KashmirWatch - Latest News & In-depth Coverage on Kashmir Conflict
Not only this year but if you compare the situation to 15-16 years ago you would see that militancy has really come down.
it was 50% last year too, so effectively it is 25% of what it was, good sign.
Even the separatists are under pressure to let the tourism prevail without the ruining strikes. Recently Gilani followed Yaseen Malik by giving a call to Kashmiris to treat tourists international and Indian alike as esteemed guests. There is hope.
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