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50,000 fewer unemployed in August: the curve is reversed


Aug 13, 2013
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50 000 chômeurs de moins en août : la courbe s'inverse - Emploi - leParisien.fr

After 27 consecutive months of increase, the rise in unemployment has finally reversed in August! The number of job seekers Class A ( no activity ) registered at employment center has increased to 3,235,700 in August , or 50,000 fewer than in July (-1.5%) , according to figures released by the Directorate for the Coordination of research, Studies and Statistics ( DARES ) on Wednesday evening .

The number of registered unemployed in categories B ( who had a small short in the month activity) also decrease (-2.6%) (+5.6 % yoy ) , while the number of unemployed category C ( who had a long reduced activity ) increased by 0.5 % ( +5.2 % yoy ) . The three categories, the number of jobseekers in France stood at 4,789,200 .

Labour Minister Michel Sapin , however, has refused to discuss a "flipping" , explaining that the government expects a "sustainable curve inversion unemployment on the horizon at the end of the year," more convincing than temporary decline . President Francois Hollande himself guard " declare victory immediately ."

4% of the French do not believe in the promise of Holland

The government reassured by figures of July (+0.2% compared to June , after rising 0.5% between May and June) , expected this lull . Hollande still had promised this summer to "maintain " the goal of reversing the unemployment , while recognizing that it would be " still hard ."

"It is close! " Had even assured the head of state during his speech back on TF1 mid-September. But according to a recent survey, conducted in early August by Ifop institute for the weekly Current Values ​​, 84% of French people do not believe that this promise was feasible.

Need to boost employment growth in the period

The experts were less skeptical. For Eric Heyer , deputy director at the French Economic Observatory ( OFCE ), " nothing ( is prohibited ) lower unemployment ," he considered " more likely " at the end of the year. "The politics of social treatment of unemployment rose to a completely different gear ratio ," he explained before the numbers fall , especially referring to the lengthening of subsidized contracts , which, now "200 000 people in employment can have massive effects of year end. " "But can we say that this will be a lasting reversal of the trend ? No, because the job losses continue in the private sector " in 2014 , he nuance .

Prime Minister Jean -Marc Ayrault had granted himself at a meeting with social media information ( SJIA ) in mid- September, the policy supported employment ( contracts generations , jobs of the future ) will not no win " the battle for the job" " over time ." "If the situation improves over time, it is also necessary that the growth reparte that companies can invest and hire ," said he added. Economists estimate that about 1.5 percentage point of annual GDP growth is needed to create jobs, a figure well beyond that expected in 2013 ( 0.1 % according to the latest forecast by the Ministry of Economy) and even in 2014 ( 0.9 %).
Mods, pls delete this topic to stop @AUz and others like him from having a heart attack.:help:
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Mods, pls delete this topic to stop @AUz and others like him from having a heart attack.:help:

Why would I have an heart attack? :lol:

Europe coming back online is good for the world.

Chinese, Turks, Arabs, Iranians(?), Indians, Pakistanis, Americans etc etc trade alot with Europe...

I guess 7+ growth rate is coming back to Turkey...and i.e...7+ growth rate with 75 million population and an economy of about $ 1 trillion....

In next decades, Turkey is all set to enter the league of "big boys" of Europe...

You see, I have an interest in Turkey's growth...I, just like you and others, want Middle-East to be more under Turkey's influence than Saudi Arabia's influence :)
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This is good for the world. If EU recovers, it means that the world economy is on a rise once again.
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