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5 Palestinians dead, 8 IDF troops hurt in Jenin battle; Apache carries out airstrikes


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States

5 Palestinians dead, 8 IDF troops hurt in Jenin battle; Apache carries out airstrikes​

Israeli military vehicle hit by roadside bomb, gunfire; helicopter gunship fires missiles at gunmen to allow evacuation of wounded troops; 91 Palestinians said hurt​

Five Palestinians were killed as heavy clashes broke out between gunmen and Israeli troops in the city of Jenin on Monday morning. An Israeli helicopter gunship carried out rare strikes, the first in the West Bank in some two decades, in order for eight wounded soldiers to be evacuated from the battle zone after a vehicle was hit by an explosive device, the military and local officials said.

In a brief joint statement, the Israel Defense Forces and Border Police said forces entered the northern West Bank city in the early morning hours to detain two wanted Palestinians.

“During the activity, a massive exchange of fire took place between the forces and armed gunmen in the area. Large numbers of explosive devices were hurled at the forces. The forces responded with live fire,” the statement said, adding that several suspects were hit.

The Palestinian Authority health ministry reported that five people were killed and at least 91 people were wounded amid clashes with Israeli troops in the city.

The ministry identified those killed as Khaled Asasa, 21, Qassam Abu Sariya, 29, Qais Jabareen, 21, Ahmed Daraghmeh, 19, and 15-year-old Ahmed Saqr, and said at least 23 others were seriously wounded in the shootout, including a young girl.



Israeli's on murder rampage and invading a Palestinian city inside the occupied West Bank which they aren't supposed to even be in according to Oslo Accords Palestinian authority signed.
Correction: 6 'palestinian' terrorists eliminated from the terrorist nest known as 'Jenin' which the so-called 'palestinian authority' has abandoned to criminal gangs, terrorists and mafia-type extortionists.

If the 'palestinian authority' which was trained and armed by the west does nothing to control their own cities, then Israel will do it - and do it with aplomb.

Nice to see the Apaches getting a run out in the 'west bank' for the first time in 20 years. Long overdue and hopefully we'll see targeted eliminations from the air returning.
There is Civilization beyond Barbarism when a power recognizes as Citizenship the population of the territory it controls.

"Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in the land of Canaan founded (1917-) by violent Ukrainian and Polish emigrants is pure Barbarism.

A Viking tribe with atomic weapons is not a State.
Correction: 6 'palestinian' terrorists eliminated from the terrorist nest known as 'Jenin' which the so-called 'palestinian authority' has abandoned to criminal gangs, terrorists and mafia-type extortionists.

If the 'palestinian authority' which was trained and armed by the west does nothing to control their own cities, then Israel will do it - and do it with aplomb.

Nice to see the Apaches getting a run out in the 'west bank' for the first time in 20 years. Long overdue and hopefully we'll see targeted eliminations from the air returning.
@WebMaster @waz
Is the facist nazi who's clearly the product of hitlers loins going to be allowed to call shaheed terrorists.
We Muslims get banned if we sneeze yet these terirorts sons of Adolf Hitler can say what they like.
I expect a ban but shame mods are asleep. Should have banned the nazis immediately

Hitler had a point
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Surprised Na-Pak fouj hasn't condemned the Palestinians yet, they already accepted Israel as the 'rightful' heirs to Durusalem, PTI refused to accept the latter, at least after their regime change via their PDM spawns, they were able to meet in an official capacity.. Tel aviv and GHQ should be twinned cities...!

Both fascist regimes hell bent killing the people of the soil..
Long live the settler intifada!!!!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!

No more will the indigenous Jewish people in JUDEA be killed without reprisal. 200 of these brave warriors ransacked the terror nests of the Arab colonialist squatters and apparently eliminated a couple. Many homes, cars and fields exterminated.

This is the new normal for 'palestinians'. Jews will no longer let the IDF take care of things, they do it themselves now. I'm going to start a gofundme for the setter intifada!!
another day in the living hell, as long they keep inside their shithole, it's not a world problem, as long they wont threat Iran.

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