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5 myths about China as named by former Australian PM Kevin Rudd


Mar 1, 2012
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5 myths about China as named by former Australian PM Kevin Rudd: Shanghaiist

Kevin Rudd, the former Australian Prime Minister and now a senior fellow researching US-Sino relations at Harvard's Kennedy School, spoke in front of an audience of 1,200 educators at the National Chinese Language Conference in Los Angeles, California on May 8 where he addressed, in part, misperceptions between power nations such as China and the United States.

Rudd, a Mandarin speaker, worked as a diplomat in China in the 1980s and is now heading “a major research effort” the strategic relationship between the US and China at Harvard's Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs. The project will explore US-China relations and its impact on the global economic, political and strategic order, according to The Australian.

In his speech, Rudd specifically cautioned against these five commonly held notions about China:

1.China is a single monolithic state. Though it may speak with one voice, China is vast and diverse. Language is a vehicle for understanding this complexity.

2. China intends to rule the world. Historically, China has focused on domestic issues. It has been far more concerned about trade than imperial ambition. This was true during the era of the Ming voyages as it is today.

3. China is motivated by wealth, power and, above all, face (面子). The West is also concerned with these things and China is no more concerned than others.

4.There are fundamentally conflicting values between the West and China. There are many values — equality, freedom, solidarity with those across borders, and sustainability — that we increasingly share. Many of the philosophical and historical traditions bear some similarity, and it requires deep understanding and study before we write them off as different.

5. Chinese is too hard to learn. Chinese grammar is easy and straightforward, and far simpler than Germanic languages, for instance. To learn another's language is a mark of respect and a doorway to understanding. It is do-able even if you start later in life.
I truly believe that Chinese Hegemony would be much more benign than American one.

The World should welcome China as a Super Power and a Hegemon because it will create a Balance in the World.

The World became a very dangerous place when the US became the World's Sole Super Power and Hegemon.
I truly believe that Chinese Hegemony would be much more benign than American one.

The World should welcome China as a Super Power and a Hegemon because it will create a Balance in the World.

The World became a very dangerous place when the US became the World's Sole Super Power and Hegemon.

It is our official policy to never seek global hegemony (永远不称霸).

Our focus is much more internal, we don't seek the kind of global hegemony that America or the Soviet Union had. :cheers:
The idea that Chinese care more about face than their western counterpart was originally developed by Chinese internet users who have no idea what the people in the west is like. The idea transmitted over the internet to western internet users who have no idea what Chinese are like.

Having lived in both China and US, I have to say that people of certain statue all have needs to care for their reputation and dignity regardless of the culture and in both countries, this care for face is tempered by pragmatic needs.
The idea that Chinese care more about face than their western counterpart was originally developed by Chinese internet users who have no idea what the people in the west is like. The idea transmitted over the internet to western internet users who have no idea what Chinese are like.

Having lived in both China and US, I have to say that people of certain statue all have needs to care for their reputation and dignity regardless of the culture and in both countries, this care for face is tempered by pragmatic needs.

Westerners are very face-conscious too. People who have lived in Anglo countries know that "keeping up with the Joneses" is an important social concept - you have to make sure your house, car, clothes, etc match up with your neighbours.
China should seek hegemony. History is not kind to second and third place finishers.
Kevin Rudd - Worst Australian prime minister in history, didn't even get to finish his term before he was booted out of office.
End of the day Australia and New Zealand will remain in NATO camp, but nice words of wisdom from Kevin Rudd. I am thinking of learning Chinese some day, when I have a little more free time.
Kevin Rudd - Worst Australian prime minister in history, didn't even get to finish his term before he was booted out of office.

I've met this guy in person before. He seemed nice and personable, although a lot more shrewd than his laid-back blokey persona let on. What don't you like about him?
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