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5 Most Powerful Navies of All Time


:china: :china:
. .
After 1433, the next powerful navy was Royal Navy in 19th century ... what a joke ...

Didn't Ottoman's dominated the european waters at their peak... They challenged Italian, Spainish navies for long. They even attacked Italy.

They did dominated the Mediterranean until the battle of Lepanto, but perhaps as it relied heavily on galleys so was not really a blue water navy, it was not listed.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. othmanis dominated christian europe in land and sea, full-spectrum dominance of the battlespace at the time. mediterranean sea was an othmani lake. same for black sea, red sea, arabian sea, and basra korfezi or gulf of basra (aka arabian gulf, persian gulf). it is this domination that forced europeans to seek other routes, cape of good hope, and other places to terrorise and plunder, america.

othmani turk sultan, as khalifa of all sunnis, is obligated to protect all sunnis against their enemies, europe, russia, china and iran, and protect they did. as othmani navy closed off mediterranean sea to europeans, christian navies started to terrorise african sunnis on the atlantic coast. othmanis responded by sending the navy to protect the african coast on the atlantic ocean.

christian europeans then threatened and terrorised hijaz, yemen, and sunnis living in turk empires on the sub-continent, pakistan, bangladesh, india. othmani navy was deployed to the indian ocean to stop christian european terrorism. turk sultans of the sub-continent and turkey and sunnis of respective empires had continuous and extensive relationship.

christian europeans, subsequently started to terrorise sunnis of aceh sultanate in sumatra, indonesia. othmanis mounted several naval expeditions to aceh sultanate to protect aceh against europeans. othmani military participated in the conquest of non-sunni regions for the aceh sultanate, expanding its borders. pakistan, bangladesh, egypt, india and others contain millions of sunni ethnic turks. indonesia has sunni ethnic turk population for 450+ years.

othmani navy dominating european navies in the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean demonstrates the othmani navy is a blue water navy.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. non inclusion is no surprise. sunnis enemies not going to remind sunni nations of their power. navy is for defeating enemies naval forces, as in othmani turk navy exterminating combined forces of christian european navies, and not for around the world cruise, as in the chinese.

ethnic jewish media, such as the publisher of this article the national interest, increasing intellectual support for all things china and chinese is also no surprise. ethnic jew rothschilds financial support of chinas rise to power, same thing it did to usa and uk. ethnic jew rothschilds multi-national companies are moving from usa to china.

european navies of portugal, netherlands, spain and others are considered one of the most powerful navies of all time. europeans tactics were hit-and-run, terrorists can do that too. it takes real power to defend a massive area, ones own and not ones own (but sunni kinsmen in africa, pakistan, bangladesh, india, indonesia, malaysia), and to deny an area to an enemy. how powerful is the sunni othmani turk navy that chased and dominated christian european navies around the globe.

as to the future the turks president erdogan, exterminated the secular ethnic crypto regime (what is a crypto? link), established defence industry, established qatar alliance & base, imposes turkey on the secular regime in egypt, rebuilding somalia, building amphibious assault ship, aaw frigates, submarines. qatar, egypt, somalia are three strategic chokepoints of sealanes and military hardware to back it up. lot of turbulent waters ahead for the enemies of sunnis. :)

sunni othmani turk maps, apparently, made by e.t. say european civilizations experts. putting antenna and green paint on turk soldiers might help with next round of invasions. "we come in peace." :)

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Can't believe no one has mentioned byzantine navy - The byzantine greek-fire spitting Dromon was the greatest terror weapon of the middle ages on sea.Defeated arab navies way many more times their size and foiled sieges of constantinopole.
Also do not forget the spanish during their heydey.Very powerful.Reason i'm not going for ottomans is that they never had a great ocean going fleet even when they were aware their opponents were building such ships and probably had the means to build themselves,galleys were only useful in shallow waters of mediterranean.Spanish had both galleys that fought at lepanto for example and a huge armada(treasure fleet) of galleons and ocean sailing ships.
Carthage is a forgotten mention from ancient times,very strong.The original great naval power of the mediterranean - Carthage and Athens.

All time
1.Royal Navy (1805-1919)
2.Us navy(1945-now)

Rest are much below these 2.In terms of global reach these 2 are the strongest in history.
othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. othmanis dominated christian europe in land and sea, full-spectrum dominance of the battlespace at the time. mediterranean sea was an othmani lake. same for black sea, red sea, arabian sea, and basra korfezi or gulf of basra (aka arabian gulf, persian gulf). it is this domination that forced europeans to seek other routes, cape of good hope, and other places to terrorise and plunder, america.

othmani turk sultan, as khalifa of all sunnis, is obligated to protect all sunnis against their enemies, europe, russia, china and iran, and protect they did. as othmani navy closed off mediterranean sea to europeans, christian navies started to terrorise african sunnis on the atlantic coast. othmanis responded by sending the navy to protect the african coast on the atlantic ocean.

christian europeans then threatened and terrorised hijaz, yemen, and sunnis living in turk empires on the sub-continent, pakistan, bangladesh, india. othmani navy was deployed to the indian ocean to stop christian european terrorism. turk sultans of the sub-continent and turkey and sunnis of respective empires had continuous and extensive relationship.

christian europeans, subsequently started to terrorise sunnis of aceh sultanate in sumatra, indonesia. othmanis mounted several naval expeditions to aceh sultanate to protect aceh against europeans. othmani military participated in the conquest of non-sunni regions for the aceh sultanate, expanding its borders. pakistan, bangladesh, egypt, india and others contain millions of sunni ethnic turks. indonesia has sunni ethnic turk population for 450+ years.

othmani navy dominating european navies in the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean demonstrates the othmani navy is a blue water navy.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. non inclusion is no surprise. sunnis enemies not going to remind sunni nations of their power. navy is for defeating enemies naval forces, as in othmani turk navy exterminating combined forces of christian european navies, and not for around the world cruise, as in the chinese.

ethnic jewish media, such as the publisher of this article the national interest, increasing intellectual support for all things china and chinese is also no surprise. ethnic jew rothschilds financial support of chinas rise to power, same thing it did to usa and uk. ethnic jew rothschilds multi-national companies are moving from usa to china.

european navies of portugal, netherlands, spain and others are considered one of the most powerful navies of all time. europeans tactics were hit-and-run, terrorists can do that too. it takes real power to defend a massive area, ones own and not ones own (but sunni kinsmen in africa, pakistan, bangladesh, india, indonesia, malaysia), and to deny an area to an enemy. how powerful is the sunni othmani turk navy that chased and dominated christian european navies around the globe.

as to the future the turks president erdogan, exterminated the secular ethnic crypto regime (what is a crypto? link), established defence industry, established qatar alliance & base, imposes turkey on the secular regime in egypt, rebuilding somalia, building amphibious assault ship, aaw frigates, submarines. qatar, egypt, somalia are three strategic chokepoints of sealanes and military hardware to back it up. lot of turbulent waters ahead for the enemies of sunnis. :)

sunni othmani turk maps, apparently, made by e.t. say european civilizations experts. putting antenna and green paint on turk soldiers might help with next round of invasions. "we come in peace." :)

Lol ...

@The Last of us @haman10 @rmi5@Blackmoon :D
I contradict the first one in the list...

Greeks didn't have powerful navy during Greco-Persian War.In fact,Persians had great fleet..Greek Navies relied on rather unusual tactics and assault to take over Persian ships as their ships were no match for persians.

Yes,persians got defeated,but mostly due to the tactics.also,nearly half of their ships got shipwrecked and badly battered.

somebody missed the Vikings.. :lol:

frankly saying,this list missed a lot..

what about Carthaginian Navy??
I contradict the first one in the list...

Greeks didn't have powerful navy during Greco-Persian War.In fact,Persians had great fleet..Greek Navies relied on rather unusual tactics and assault to take over Persian ships as their ships were no match for persians.

Yes,persians got defeated,but mostly due to the tactics.also,nearly half of their ships got shipwrecked and badly battered.
NO.1 and THE OLDEST navy in the world:

Persian Achaemeneid Navy
. .
Persian Achaemeneid Navy:

Persian Trireme.jpg


The Royal Navy obviously.


The only navy to have ruled the four corners of the Globe and reign supreme over Four continents, establishing/shaping the modern world(by inventing industrialization and spreading its language/way of life worldwide and making sure peace and stability is maintained ovee the world ) as we know it today.


Without the Royal navy none of us will even be on here having a discussion on this forum in the first place. Our navy by conquering the world and spreading our values/language and way of life brought the world together and made it a better place, just think about that. The only other navy which have had any such worldwide/global impact/comes close to us is our child the U.S navy itself. :enjoy:


Pax britannia all the way.
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Reason i'm not going for ottomans is that they never had a great ocean going fleet even when they were aware their opponents were building such ships and probably had the means to build themselves,galleys were only useful in shallow waters of mediterranean.

imagine us navy + uk navy + french navy + russian navy... locked out of mediterranean sea, black sea, red sea, arabian sea, and basra korfezi or gulf of basra (aka arabian gulf, persian gulf), and chased out of africas atlantic coast, indias indian coast, indonesian & malaysian coasts; and it is done by navy of one single country. a navy that can do this is one of the most powerful navies of all time, is it not? that is what the othmani navy did.

sunni othmani turk navy was chasing christian european navies in the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean. othmani navy protected the indian coast of the turk empires in india from european navy attacks. othmani navy mounted many expeditions to aceh sultanate in indonesia. othmani navy, like the european navies, not making pillage & plunder expeditions in the americas is not a negative. goal of the two navies are different. christian european navies were no more than terrorists and pirates, centuries later not much has changed. othmani navy, as the navy of the khalifa, is obligated to protect all sunnis, in othmani soil and non-othmani soil.

After 1433, the next powerful navy was Royal Navy in 19th century ... what a joke ...

Didn't Ottoman's dominated the european waters at their peak... They challenged Italian, Spainish navies for long. They even attacked Italy.

They did dominated the Mediterranean until the battle of Lepanto, but perhaps as it relied heavily on galleys so was not really a blue water navy, it was not listed.
But Spanish navy should have been in the list as it was the strongest navy of the world for a century or so, only after the destruction of Spanish Armada at hand of British in 1588 they lost their edge.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. othmanis dominated christian europe in land and sea, full-spectrum dominance of the battlespace at the time. mediterranean sea was an othmani lake. same for black sea, red sea, arabian sea, and basra korfezi or gulf of basra (aka arabian gulf, persian gulf). it is this domination that forced europeans to seek other routes, cape of good hope, and other places to terrorise and plunder, america.

othmani turk sultan, as khalifa of all sunnis, is obligated to protect all sunnis against their enemies, europe, russia, china and iran, and protect they did. as othmani navy closed off mediterranean sea to europeans, christian navies started to terrorise african sunnis on the atlantic coast. othmanis responded by sending the navy to protect the african coast on the atlantic ocean.

christian europeans then threatened and terrorised hijaz, yemen, and sunnis living in turk empires on the sub-continent, pakistan, bangladesh, india. othmani navy was deployed to the indian ocean to stop christian european terrorism. turk sultans of the sub-continent and turkey and sunnis of respective empires had continuous and extensive relationship.

christian europeans, subsequently started to terrorise sunnis of aceh sultanate in sumatra, indonesia. othmanis mounted several naval expeditions to aceh sultanate to protect aceh against europeans. othmani military participated in the conquest of non-sunni regions for the aceh sultanate, expanding its borders. pakistan, bangladesh, egypt, india and others contain millions of sunni ethnic turks. indonesia has sunni ethnic turk population for 450+ years.

othmani navy dominating european navies in the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean demonstrates the othmani navy is a blue water navy.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. non inclusion is no surprise. sunnis enemies not going to remind sunni nations of their power. navy is for defeating enemies naval forces, as in othmani turk navy exterminating combined forces of christian european navies, and not for around the world cruise, as in the chinese.

ethnic jewish media, such as the publisher of this article the national interest, increasing intellectual support for all things china and chinese is also no surprise. ethnic jew rothschilds financial support of chinas rise to power, same thing it did to usa and uk. ethnic jew rothschilds multi-national companies are moving from usa to china.

european navies of portugal, netherlands, spain and others are considered one of the most powerful navies of all time. europeans tactics were hit-and-run, terrorists can do that too. it takes real power to defend a massive area, ones own and not ones own (but sunni kinsmen in africa, pakistan, bangladesh, india, indonesia, malaysia), and to deny an area to an enemy. how powerful is the sunni othmani turk navy that chased and dominated christian european navies around the globe.

as to the future the turks president erdogan, exterminated the secular ethnic crypto regime (what is a crypto? The Arab Traitors | Page 7 established defence industry, established qatar alliance & base, imposes turkey on the secular regime in egypt, rebuilding somalia, building amphibious assault ship, aaw frigates, submarines. qatar, egypt, somalia are three strategic chokepoints of sealanes and military hardware to back it up. lot of turbulent waters ahead for the enemies of sunnis. :)

sunni othmani turk maps, apparently, made by e.t. say european civilizations experts. putting antenna and green paint on turk soldiers might help with next round of invasions. "we come in peace." :)

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othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. othmanis dominated christian europe in land and sea, full-spectrum dominance of the battlespace at the time. mediterranean sea was an othmani lake. same for black sea, red sea, arabian sea, and basra korfezi or gulf of basra (aka arabian gulf, persian gulf). it is this domination that forced europeans to seek other routes, cape of good hope, and other places to terrorise and plunder, america.

othmani turk sultan, as khalifa of all sunnis, is obligated to protect all sunnis against their enemies, europe, russia, china and iran, and protect they did. as othmani navy closed off mediterranean sea to europeans, christian navies started to terrorise african sunnis on the atlantic coast. othmanis responded by sending the navy to protect the african coast on the atlantic ocean.

christian europeans then threatened and terrorised hijaz, yemen, and sunnis living in turk empires on the sub-continent, pakistan, bangladesh, india. othmani navy was deployed to the indian ocean to stop christian european terrorism. turk sultans of the sub-continent and turkey and sunnis of respective empires had continuous and extensive relationship.

christian europeans, subsequently started to terrorise sunnis of aceh sultanate in sumatra, indonesia. othmanis mounted several naval expeditions to aceh sultanate to protect aceh against europeans. othmani military participated in the conquest of non-sunni regions for the aceh sultanate, expanding its borders. pakistan, bangladesh, egypt, india and others contain millions of sunni ethnic turks. indonesia has sunni ethnic turk population for 450+ years.

othmani navy dominating european navies in the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean demonstrates the othmani navy is a blue water navy.

othmani turk navy is one of the most powerful navies of all time. non inclusion is no surprise. sunnis enemies not going to remind sunni nations of their power. navy is for defeating enemies naval forces, as in othmani turk navy exterminating combined forces of christian european navies, and not for around the world cruise, as in the chinese.

ethnic jewish media, such as the publisher of this article the national interest, increasing intellectual support for all things china and chinese is also no surprise. ethnic jew rothschilds financial support of chinas rise to power, same thing it did to usa and uk. ethnic jew rothschilds multi-national companies are moving from usa to china.

european navies of portugal, netherlands, spain and others are considered one of the most powerful navies of all time. europeans tactics were hit-and-run, terrorists can do that too. it takes real power to defend a massive area, ones own and not ones own (but sunni kinsmen in africa, pakistan, bangladesh, india, indonesia, malaysia), and to deny an area to an enemy. how powerful is the sunni othmani turk navy that chased and dominated christian european navies around the globe.

as to the future the turks president erdogan, exterminated the secular ethnic crypto regime (what is a crypto? link), established defence industry, established qatar alliance & base, imposes turkey on the secular regime in egypt, rebuilding somalia, building amphibious assault ship, aaw frigates, submarines. qatar, egypt, somalia are three strategic chokepoints of sealanes and military hardware to back it up. lot of turbulent waters ahead for the enemies of sunnis. :)

sunni othmani turk maps, apparently, made by e.t. say european civilizations experts. putting antenna and green paint on turk soldiers might help with next round of invasions. "we come in peace." :)


Some guys here are talking about a long time ago but lets discuss about Iran navy 35 years ago.

Operation Morvarid (Persian: عملیات مروارید‎, meaning "Pearl") was an operation launched by the Iranian Navy and Air Force against the Iraqi Navy and Air Force on 28 November 1980 in response to Iraq positioning radar and monitoring equipment on the Al-Bakr and Khor-al-Amaya oil rigs to counter Iranian air operations. The operation resulted in a victory for Iran, which managed to destroy both oil rigs as well as much of the Iraqi Navy and inflicted significant damage to Iraqi ports and airfields.

5 Osa II boats sunk
4 P-6 boats sunk
1 Aérospatiale Super Frelon downed
6 MiG-23s downed
1 MiG-21 downed
Several SAM-sites destroyed
Several oil terminals destroyed
Unknown ground losses

Iraqi forces causalities and losses in just ONE DAY. 28–29 November 1980.


Now if we want to go back a long time ago...

During the 16th century the Portuguese had established bases in the Persian Gulf. In 1602, the Iranian navy under the command of Imam-Quli Khan managed to expel the Portuguese from Bahrain. In 1622, Abbas retook Hormuz from the Portuguese in the Capture of Ormuz (1622). He replaced it as a trading centre with a new port, Bandar Abbas, nearby on the mainland.


Some guys here are talking about a long time ago but lets discuss about Iran navy 35 years ago.

Operation Morvarid (Persian: عملیات مروارید‎, meaning "Pearl") was an operation launched by the Iranian Navy and Air Force against the Iraqi Navy and Air Force on 28 November 1980 in response to Iraq positioning radar and monitoring equipment on the Al-Bakr and Khor-al-Amaya oil rigs to counter Iranian air operations. The operation resulted in a victory for Iran, which managed to destroy both oil rigs as well as much of the Iraqi Navy and inflicted significant damage to Iraqi ports and airfields.

5 Osa II boats sunk
4 P-6 boats sunk
1 Aérospatiale Super Frelon downed
6 MiG-23s downed
1 MiG-21 downed
Several SAM-sites destroyed
Several oil terminals destroyed
Unknown ground losses

Iraqi forces causalities and losses in just ONE DAY. 28–29 November 1980.

Really? Against Iraq, sure Iran did outclass them badly, but this thread is for the top 5 and against the US - well, Iran didn't quite measure up:

Operation Praying Mantis

1 frigate sunk (45 crew killed)
1 gunboat sunk (11 crew killed)
3 speedboats sunk
1 frigate damaged
2 platforms damaged

It would have been worse had the US not decided Iran had enough and ordered its forces into a defensive posture.



The Royal Navy obviously.

Some one looking for a fight:partay:. US Navy versus Royal Navy


*yeah, I know it's french:nana:! I could find a RN frigate and US ship together!

I'd put you guys in my top 10 all time based on today's Royal Navy:




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I have to agree with @jhungary that some nations somehow were able to exert control over territory on the other side of the planet. Now whether they were able to do that due to a strong navy I'm not sure.

Obviously the British make the list.

The Netherlands controlled the Indonesian area for a long time.

Portugal had Macau and other territories.

France the Vietnam area and numerous other places.

All far away from their shores.
Really? Against Iraq, sure Iran did outclass them badly, but this thread is for the top 5 and against the US - well, Iran didn't quite measure up:

Operation Praying Mantis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 frigate sunk (45 crew killed)
1 gunboat sunk (11 crew killed)
3 speedboats sunk
1 frigate damaged
2 platforms damaged

It would have been worse had the US no decided Iran had enough.

Seriously ? You are so dumb comparing Iran navy with USA ? That operation happened in 1988 which Iran had ended the war with Iraq after 8 years.

How can you expect Iran's military to stand against USA after 8 years of devastating war with Iraq ?

USA has many failures; Vietnam war , Iraq war , war on terrorist , ISIS , Syria and Ukraine in all USA has fail .

1-Vietnam war which USA used all the inhuman tactics but failed in the end

2-Iraq war fought for more than 7 years with many casualties and losses and later on ISIS came back

3-War on terrorist was joke like it's name, Taliban is on the rise again in Afghanistan

4- Bombing for more then a year with his own allies ;) ISIS unfortunately gaining more

5-Cannot handle situation in Syria after 4 years, spent 500 million dollars trained 60 fighter later on all of them captured by al nusra ( al Qaeda in Syria ) and dissolved (no joke)

6-Ukraine is also unknown situation Russia allies gain some areas more importantly Crimea

7- Don't have a guts to go to war with Iran.

8- Cannot support his own allies such as Saudi and Israel
So please don't compare USA military to Iran , they are way stronger then us :pleasantry:



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