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5 Countries That Hate America Most


Mar 29, 2014
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5. Iraq
> Disapproval rating:
> GDP per capita: $7,132 (79th lowest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 69 years (57th lowest)

The United States and Iraq have a long history of conflict. The Gulf War in 1991 was followed by the Iraq War, which began in 2003 and lasted until U.S. forces left Iraq in December 2011. Although the war has ended, the U.S. State Department warned that traveling to the country is extremely dangerous because of civil unrest and threat of kidnappings and terrorist attacks. The long-running presence of the U.S. military and the years of conflict, during which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, including civilians, died have likely contributed to negative opinions of Americans. The new government has struggled since the war began. Many citizens disapprove of the regime of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who was elected to office in 2010 under a free election overseen by the United States. As of 2012, however, Iraqis were less likely to express confidence in their national government, military or judicial system than citizens of peer nations, and just 30% believed their country had fair elections — lower than in any country in the region.

4. Yemen
> Disapproval rating: 69.0%
> GDP per capita: $2,348 (38th lowest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 63 years (38th lowest)

More than 100 Yemeni citizens have been detained at Guantanamo Bay over the years. The United States also has been concerned over terrorist activity in Yemen. It is therefore no surprise that the two countries have a strained relationship and that nearly 70% of survey respondents disapproved of U.S. leadership. Also, just 9% of Yemenite respondents approved of U.S. leadership, less than in any other country reviewed by Gallup. The country suffers from a very poor economy, with GDP per capita at just $2,348 last year, among the very lowest in the world. According to the World Bank, more than half of the country’s population lived in poverty as of 2012. U.S. citizens are currently under advisory from the U.S. State Department to avoid traveling to Yemen due to the extremely high security threat level.

3. Lebanon
> Disapproval rating: 71.0%
> GDP per capita: $15,832 (66th highest)
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 80 years (tied for 23rd highest)

Like many countries that disapprove of U.S. leadership, Lebanon has a long history of conflict with Israel. Hezbollah, a militant group and political party deemed a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union, has operated out of Lebanon for several decades. In February, Israeli forces bombed a Hezbollah convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border. Hezbollah subsequently claimed responsibility for the roadside bombing of an Israeli patrol along the Lebanese-Israeli border in retaliation. The country is also strapped with debt. Its gross debt was nearly 143% of its GDP last year, the third highest in the world. According to a recent AP report, the country’s debt problem is compounded by corruption and a government unwilling to act. In 2012, 85% of residents stated that corruption was widespread, the most of any comparable country.

2. Pakistan
> Disapproval rating: 73.0%
> GDP per capita: $3,144 (48th lowest)
> Unemployment: 6.7% (47th lowest)
> Life expectancy: 66 (46th lowest)

While 73% of Pakistani respondents still disapproved of U.S. leadership in 2013, this was a six percentage points improvement over 2012. Relations with Pakistan have been tense since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States by al-Qaeda. Shortly after the attacks, the U.S. made Pakistan the base of its operations in its hunt for al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the war on Afghanistan’s then-leadership, the Taliban. In 2009, a survey revealed that 59% of the Pakistani people viewed the United States as a bully and as a bigger threat than al-Qaeda. Further exacerbating the country’s negative view of the U.S. may be Pakistan’s struggling economy and poor governance. Just one in 10 Pakistanis said they lived comfortably on their incomes in 2012, according to Gallup, and only 23% of Pakistanis expressed confidence in their government.

1. Palestinian territories
> Disapproval rating: 80.0%
> GDP per capita: N/A
> Unemployment: N/A
> Life expectancy: 73 years (95th highest)

Four of five Palestinians disapproved of American leadership, by far the worst perception of the United States globally. One explanation for the country’s hostility toward the United States is Palestine’s conflict with Israel. Hamas, the organization that has effectively governed the Gaza Strip territory since 2007, is considered by the United States and European Union to be a terrorist organization. Possibly emphasizing the deep divides in the Palestinian territories, just 18% of respondents told Gallup the place they lived was a good place for racial and ethnic minorities in 2012, less than all but one other country in the region.
9 Countries That Hate America Most - TIME
I expected North Korea too.

Anyways, if I were a Pakistani, I will never hate someone who has always given me money, always helped me in my war time and now is killing terrorists in my backyard which I cant do.

Oh Come on.. there are many many reason to hate America... 1st and above of it is Drone attacks many innocent people died in Waziristan... which is increasing terrorism...
Oh Come on.. there are many many reason to hate America... 1st and above of it is Drone attacks many innocent people died in Waziristan... which is increasing terrorism...

That's rather simplistic. Without those drone attacks, many of your TTP leaders would be alive today, and if Pakistani forces had to kill them, the collateral damage would have been far worse.

I expected North Korea too.

They couldn't conduct the survey in north korea, because the surveyors were sent to gulags for being american agents.:coffee:
Oh Come on.. there are many many reason to hate America... 1st and above of it is Drone attacks many innocent people died in Waziristan... which is increasing terrorism...
Its not that simple bro. US leadership is not like India's Congress leadership. US will retaliate if anyone attacks them and hide somewhere in Pakistan.

Had Pakistan not given a chance to terrorists to survive on its soil, none of this would have happened. So if you wanna hate someone, hate those policy makers who allow terrorists to flourish in Pakistan.

Finally, someone will have to pay the price.
I expected North Korea too.

Anyways, if I were a Pakistani, I will never hate someone who has always given me money, always helped me in my war time and now is killing terrorists in my backyard which I cant do.
U'll kiss them if they Violate ur airspace??? Drone Attacks, Salala Chkpost incident.. What will be india's reaction on them? Someone killing ur soldiers what u expect in return..LOVE??
U'll kiss them if they Violate ur airspace??? Drone Attacks, Salala Chkpost incident.. What will be india's reaction on them? Someone killing ur soldiers what u expect in return..LOVE??
Well if that happens then I will think about it in a logical manner.

Had my country been supporting terrorism on our soil, providing safe havens to them, getting money from US in the name of fighting the terrorists and then hiding OBL for half a decade, not killing terrorists even after regular requests by society, then the logical conclusion is, drone strikes are justified.

I will be angry of course for Salala like incident. But then, I can't discard all the help I got from them right from my existence.
Well if that happens then I will think about it in a logical manner.

Had my country been supporting terrorism on our soil, providing safe havens to them, getting money from US in the name of fighting the terrorists and then hiding OBL for half a decade, not killing terrorists even after regular requests by society, then the logical conclusion is, drone strikes are justified.

I will be angry of course for Salala like incident. But then, I can't discard all the help I got from them right from my existence.
We have supported them more then anyone in their Operation Enduring Freedom... And i personally think that drones are the best way to hit Talibans But Civilian Casualties cannot be tolerated.. Salala Chkpost attack is now the main reason of hatred for America and One cannot deny our Help in Russia War in Afghanistan and Operation Enduring Freedom... And Save haevens Scenario is now gone New military leadership is all against TTP and any other Terrorist Organization as they are Hitting us more than Anyone...
i also would have expected NK to be on list

They couldn't conduct the survey in north korea, because the surveyors were sent to gulags for being american agents.:coffee:

you would think they would love it ifmedia comes and asks "how much do you hate america", heck i woulda thought kim jr. would demand everyone in NK write an essay on their hatred for the US lol.
you would think they would love it ifmedia comes and asks "how much do you hate america", heck i woulda thought kim jr. would demand everyone in NK write an essay on their hatred for the US lol.

The question was not how much they hate USA, but whether they hate it or like it - whether they view it positively or negatively. Guess where anybody who says they view the US positively would end up?:azn:

Such crowd sourced surveys can only be conducted in places where even a modicum of freedom to speak one's mind and freedom from reprisals exist.
Its not that simple bro. US leadership is not like India's Congress leadership. US will retaliate if anyone attacks them and hide somewhere in Pakistan.

Had Pakistan not given a chance to terrorists to survive on its soil, none of this would have happened. So if you wanna hate someone, hate those policy makers who allow terrorists to flourish in Pakistan.

Finally, someone will have to pay the price.

Who are these terrorists who helped America in war with Russia... they back stabbed Afghans now America calling them Terrorists... yeah they were given chance to survive here and they are still surviving here we do hate those policy makers cause of them we are facing terrorism in our country 60000 lives are lost and much damage to infra structure...
Oh Come on.. there are many many reason to hate America... 1st and above of it is Drone attacks many innocent people died in Waziristan... which is increasing terrorism...

Anyways, if I were a Pakistani, I will never hate someone who has always given me money, always helped me in my war time and now is killing terrorists in my backyard which I cant do.
I think Question need to be elaborated...
Pakistanis wont hate Americans...their Policies....:police:
So if i write any point ..it means that we hate American Policies not People
1. They're representative of ZIONIST System "Secret Masonic Cult" - ZIONIST Banksters sucking wold treasure by their paper FIAT Currency
2. They use to interfere in world affairs and have double standard Policy
- Kashmir issue unresolved ..favoring india (bcoz of its size)
- East timor issue was resolved because of its Christian population
- Palestine dispute....Highest number of VETO against Palestinians in favor of Israel
- Top Weapons Exporter of the world (contrary to its Peace keeping policy)
- Following Anti-Muslim policy...Busted many muslim countries economically, and engaging war'z
- World Nuclear Program is ONLY ALLOWED for Israel & European countries.
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