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42nd Victory Day observed

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May 10, 2010
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2000 Pak troops surrendered in Faridpur on Dec 16: SA Malek

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

DHAKA, Dec 15, 2012 (BSS) - Awami League Advisory Council Member and General Secretary of Bangabandhu Parishad Dr. S A Malek today said about 2000 Pakistani troops who were involved in committing killing, rape, looting and arson during the war of liberation surrendered in front of Faridpur Police Lines on December 16 in 1971.

"We witnessed about 2,000 Pakistani armed forces led by
Colonel Tarif laid down their arms and ammunitions in Faridpur
between 3pm and 4pm on December 16 and they were sent to Dhaka
with the help of Indian army," he told BSS.

Dr. S A Malek, popularly known as Major Halim during the
nine-month War of Liberation in 1971, led several operations
against Pakistani occupation forces in greater Faridpur area and
hoisted Bangladesh flag on Gopalgonj Deputy Commissioner's office
8 days before the liberation of the country.

He said, "I along with over 4000 freedom fighters had gone to
Faridpur before the Indian Army reached there for holding the
surrender ceremony."

Sub-Sector Commander Captain Babul, Ismat Kadir Gama, Shah
Muhammad Abu Jafor, Mohammad Hasan, Emdad and some thana units
commanders, among others, were with him.

Malek said Gopalganj was freed from the Pakistani occupation
forces on December 8, 1971.

"I was also in the charge of Gopalganj administrative
district as Deputy Commissioner during that time," the veteran
liberation hero added.

42nd Victory Day observed

42nd Victory Day observed | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Sun, Dec 16th, 2012 1:47 am BdST


Dhaka, Dec 16 (bdnews24.com)—The nation is celebrating the 42nd Victory Day to mark its glorious triumph in the nine-month bloody war against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971.

On this historic day, it remembers the three million matyrs , who died for the independence for their beloved motherland.

The Victory Day is being celebrated across the country and at all Bangladeshi missions abroad with a fresh vow to uphold the spirit of the hard-earned independence and democracy.

The Day

On this day in 1971, the chief of Pakistan's eastern army, General Amir Aabdullah Khan Niazi, surrendered with the more than 93,000 troops under his command, before the joint forces of Mukti Bahini and the Indian army led by General Jagjit Singh Aurora at the Ramna Race Course (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka .

This was the venue where Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had asked Bengalis on March 7 1971 to start the fight for freedom "with whatever (weapons) you have, ahead of his final proclamation of independence of Bangladesh on Mar 25 night . Immediately after that, he was arrested by the Pakistan army and flown out to West Pakistan.

In one of the worst genocides in contemporary history , the Pakistan army aided by their local collaborators killed nearly three million people , mostly unarmed civilians, in the nine months following the crackdown on Mar 25 night..

The Jamaat-e-Islami and some Islamist political parties at that time were accused of collaborating in the genocide by joining Pakistan-raised paramilitary forces like Razakar, Al-Badr and Al-Shams .


The day, a declared public holiday, started with a 31-gun salute at dawn in the National Parade Square.

The national flag was hoisted atop all government, semi-government and other important establishments. Important buildings would be illuminated at night.

The government has drawn up an elaborate programme to observe the great Victory Day. The activities include hoisting of the national flag, placing wreaths at the National Memorial, parades, felicitating freedom fighters who have received gallantry awards, public discussions and prayer sessions.

People from different social groups and political, cultural, professional and academic organisations and institutions thronged the National Mausoleum at Savar to pay homage to the heroes of the Liberation War.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will take salute at the Victory Day parade at the National Parade Square on Sunday as President Zillur Rahman will leave for the UK to undergo medical treatment. Traditionally, the President takes salute at the Victory Day parade.

Freedom fighters, army, navy, air force, BNCC, Bangladesh Rifles, Police, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), Ansar-VDP, Coast Guard, Fire Service and Civil Defence will take part in the parade at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar this morning.

Later, the Air Force will perform a fly-past, followed by parachute jumping and other feats.

The Prime Minister placed wreaths at the monument in the morning paying tributes to the martyrs. She was followed by freedom fighters, foreign diplomats and people from all walks of life.

Bangladesh Radio, Bangladesh Television and private radio and television channels will air the parade live from the National Parade Square.

Different political, socio-cultural, professional and academic organisations have also taken up elaborate programmess to mark the Victory Day.

Special prayers will be offered at mosques, temples, churches and other places of worship, seeking divine blessings for peace and progress of the country.

Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Radio and private television channels will air special programs while newspapers will bring out special supplements on the day. Films and documentaries on the Liberation War would be screened by the TV channels.

Different socio-cultural bodies, including Bangla Academy, Shilpakala Academy, Islamic Foundation and Nazrul Institute, will observe various programmes on the day.

Colourful Victory Day marches will be brought out from different city wards in the afternoon and the marchers will proceed towards Shikha Chirantan (eternal flame) at Suhrawardy Udyan where the Pakistani forces had formally surrendered on this day in 1971.

Special diets would be served in hospitals, jails and orphanages. Children's parks will remain open.

The Messages of the President and Prime Minister

President Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Leader of the Opposition in the Parliament and also the BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and other political leaders issued messages greeting the nation on the eve of the Victory Day and called upon the people to work together to build a democratic and prosperous Bangladesh imbued with the spirit of independence.

President Rahman in his statement extended his sincere felicitations and congratulations to his fellow countrymen living at home and abroad.

"The significance of victory day is of paramount importance to the chequered history of our independence. The historic declaration of independence proclaimed by our great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on Mar 26, 1971 came true on this day through the ultimate victory that put Bangladesh as an independent, sovereign state on the world map."

He paid deep tribute to the valiant freedom fighters who made supreme sacrifices during the Liberation War in 1971 .

"On this very day, I also recall with profound respect the greatest Bangalee of all time Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."

He also extended his sincere gratitude and appreciations to the valiant freedom fighters and their family members, organisers and supporters of the war of liberation and the people from all strata who directly and indirectly made immense contributions towards achieving victory.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her message extended her sincere greetings and warm felicitations to all citizens of Bangladesh at home and abroad on the occasion of the 41st Victory Day. She also paid homage to the three million heroic people who died and 200,000 women who lost their honour for freedom.

"The history of our Freedom Fighting is not a casual event. In fact, the freedom struggle in 1971 was the culmination of the struggle of Bangalee nation for twenty four years under the indomitable leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."

She said that the death sentence to the self-confessed killers of Bangabandhu has already been executed. The re-trial of the killings of four national leaders inside the central jail and trial of war criminals were also underway.

Hasina said that the defeated forces of 1971, Jamaat-Shibir and their cohorts were engaged in fresh conspiracy to obstruct the trial of the heinous criminals. "They are carrying out destructive activities."

She urged the patriotic people of the country to unite and resist the conspiracies of the killers. The present government is committed to holding the trial of all killings and resisting the conspiracy to undermine the rule of law, human rights and democracy, she said.

The Prime Minister said that the nation will celebrate the golden jubilee of Bangladesh's independence in 2021. "Our aim is to build a happy, prosperous and peaceful Bangladesh , a Golden Bangladesh befitting the dream of the Father of the Nation , with the help of all, irrespective of party affiliation, ahead of the golden jubilee, where the rights of every citizen will be preserved."


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Sunday, December 16, 2012Front Page

V-DAY Today
Our epic victory

Our epic victory

Syed Badrul Ahshan

Freedom, a many-splendoured thing, illuminated our lives on this day, on a declining winter afternoon, forty one years ago. It came suddenly and yet it had been a phenomenon we waited for in the preceding nine months.

In those nine months, three million of our citizens fell prey to the predatory instincts of the Pakistan occupation army and its local goon squads; two hundred thousand Bangalee women were raped; hundreds of villages were burnt and, indeed, an entire country was put to the torch.

A thousand miles away, the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in solitary confinement, was on secret trial before a military tribunal set up by the junta; and in Mujibnagar, a brave political leadership comprising a quartet of Tajuddin Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, M Mansur Ali and AHM Quamruzzaman, devised battlefield and political strategy toward the attainment of freedom.

Thousands of young men from our villages and our towns had trooped off to join the Mukti Bahini, with many eventually sacrificing themselves in battle. Ten million Bangalee refugees eked out a living in camps in India. At home, in internal exile, were sixty five million other Bangaleess hoping and praying for liberty to dawn.

On December 16, 1971, the waiting came to an end. It had been a wait of nine months. You could call it a wait of a lifetime. Our struggle drew the attention of the world. India under Indira Gandhi went out on a limb to make sure we emerged as a free nation; the Soviet Union ensured, at the United Nations Security Council, that all efforts to prevent Pakistan's defeat in Bangladesh were nullified by the vetoes it cast on resolutions aimed at giving Islamabad a face-saving way out of the crisis.

The Nixon administration in Washington turned its face away from us; the Chinese made it obvious they would not abandon their friends the Pakistanis. In Britain, its government, its media and its people sympathised with us in our plight. Americans, despite Nixon-Kissinger, wished us well.

Across large swathes of the globe, people read about our misery and our struggle and clearly expected us to win the war. In France, the soldier-scholar Andre Malraux offered to lead a brigade in the war against the Pakistanis. Pandit Ravi Shankar and George Harrison sang for us in New York, to give a boost to our war for justice based on freedom.

We won that war, though the sacrifices of millions, through the martyrdom of our Muktijoddhas on the war fields. We were helped immensely in the attainment of liberty by the sacrifices of thousands of Indian soldiers who had come to defend a nation in distress. On the eve of victory, it was scores of the nation's leading lights -- academics, writers, doctors, journalists -- who were frog-marched to death by the murder squads of the quislings of the enemy. These brave men and women died in order for us to breathe free in a land of liberty.

And then there were the men who, prisoners of the occupation army in cantonments across Bangladesh, were subjected to regular torture, to a point where they eventually succumbed to death.

This morning, forty one years after the state of Pakistan surrendered to the Bangalee nation, it is time to recall the old struggle, the ancient yearning for liberty. Heritage is all, for it contains the values one generation must hand down to the one succeeding it. And then heritage must be passed on, again and again, to generations that arise in the passage of time.

Our heritage is one of poetry creating lilting music in the expanses of our hamlets and villages and towns. It is one of healthy politics constantly adding newer substance to our democracy. History has been ours to mould. And because it has, we caused a revolution in 1971.

It is this heritage, encompassed in the militant song of Joi Bangla, that we uphold once again this morning. We celebrate ourselves today, even as we mourn those who made December 16 possible for us through walking to death without flinching, without batting an eyelid, without complaint.

This morning, it is time to remember the past, to reinvent ourselves -- through rededicating ourselves to the ideals on which we waged and won an epic war many winters ago.

42nd Victory Day observed

42nd Victory Day observed | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Sun, Dec 16th, 2012 1:47 am BdST

Dhaka, Dec 16 (bdnews24.com)—The nation is celebrating the 42nd Victory Day to mark its glorious triumph in the nine-month bloody war against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971.

Sensationalism! How tragic, the struggle of Bengal hailed leaders is simply put in the gutter. Today's B'desh wouldn't have been possible without them.

Anyway, congratulations.

Congrats to all Bangladeshi members. Your ancestors fought bravely.

Smarty pent, huh! Praising your part indirectly. :P

Nice to see B'deshis and Indians on the same page when it comes to 71, BSF and other issues simply go blanked out.
Sensationalism! How tragic, the struggle of Bengal hailed leaders is simply put in the gutter. Today's B'desh wouldn't have been possible without them.

Anyway, congratulations.

Smarty pent, huh! Praising your part indirectly. :P

Nice to see B'deshis and Indians on the same page when it comes to 71, BSF and other issues simply go blanked out.

Would be an off-topic :lol:
Sensationalism! How tragic, the struggle of Bengal hailed leaders is simply put in the gutter. Today's B'desh wouldn't have been possible without them.

Anyway, congratulations.

Smarty pent, huh! Praising your part indirectly. :P

Nice to see B'deshis and Indians on the same page when it comes to 71, BSF and other issues simply go blanked out.

Y u so mad? :D
Y u so mad? :D

Can't you see tongue out in that smiley? In fact you should be sad, for the sensationalism is discrediting the heroism that in actuality led the formation of the today's B'desh..
Forty one years ago, Pakistani national Syed Asif Shahkar was branded as a traitor in his country for protesting the genocide in Bangladesh by the then Pakistani occupation army during the Liberation War in 1971.

Yesterday, he was honoured as a friend of Bangladesh.

Syed Asif now considers Bangladesh as his other home country. He wants to have a home and live here. He urged the Bangladesh government to extend honorary citizenship and the facilities of a freedom fighter to all the friends like him.

“I had been waiting eagerly to come to Bangladesh for the last 41 years. When the plane touched Dhaka, I felt something very new. I touched my forehead on the ground [performed Sizdah] just outside the airport and couldn't hold my tears during the time,” said the friend of Bangladesh while talking to The Daily Star at Hotel Sonargaon in the capital.

The government yesterday conferred “Friends of Liberation War Honour” on 60 foreign nationals and two institutions for their outstanding contribution to the country's Liberation War.

“I am very happy that the country for which I was loathed even by my family has finally recognised my contribution. I express sincere gratitude to the people of Bangladesh, thank its government and salute the thousands of people who had sacrificed their lives for the freedom of this country,” said Asif.

“It is a new chapter of my life. From now on, I wish to come to Bangladesh once a year as a freedom fighter,” he added.

In 1971, Syed Asif was the joint secretary of Punjab Students' Union. The 32-year-old did not go with the other Pakistanis, especially with those of his home province Punjab, when the then Pakistani occupation army launched assault on Bangladeshi people.

To drum up support against genocide by the Pakistani army and for the suffering humanity in Bangladesh, Asif began distributing leaflets, organising demonstrations and writing poems. Soon he was arrested, tortured, and thrown to jail branded as a traitor.

“We, a small group of Pakistanis including late Hafiz Mahmud, two brothers Basit Mir and Arsalan Mir, and Aiviran Rajkumar Banerjee, were considered as Gaddar [traitors] for our demonstrations. We used to be afraid all the time then not only because of the government but also that people might kill us. People used to yell, even throw stones, at us when we chanted slogans against the genocide in then East Pakistan.

After a few days I was arrested by the Pakistani army. I had been tortured before they put me in prison like many others who supported Bangladesh. Unfortunately, the people of Bangladesh do not know this. But I am happy that the people of this country will now know that there were many people including me who supported Bangladesh,” he said.

Syed Asif, now a justice and citizen of Sweden, thinks that Pakistan should formally apologise for the genocide committed in Bangladesh in 1971. The young generation of Pakistan has started realising that their army had committed genocide in Bangladesh, he said, adding that the Pakistanis would some day make the government apologise.

“I hope the people of Pakistan will understand that the position I took then was right and that I am not a traitor,” he said and added that his father had not even visited him in jail except for once owing to the role he played for Bangladesh.

Supporting the war crimes trial, he said it should have been done 40 years ago. “It is unfortunate that the country could not hold the trials of those who betrayed their brothers in native land. There is no question that they [war criminals] would escape the trial.”

Asif said Bangladesh had advanced a lot in the last four decades.

“I am so much inspired by and proud that the country has a very broad-minded society where I can breathe easily. I can walk on the streets freely which I can't in Pakistan,” he said, adding that the law and order in Bangladesh was far better than that of Pakistan.

Asif said he wanted to contribute for Bangladesh through whatever means he has for the rest of his life.

<i>Friend among foes</i>

i SALUTE and THANKS HIM for all he have done
In 42nd Birthday of Bangladesh, let&#8217;s see what Awami League has brought to bear for Bangladeshis:

Fate of Padma Bridge hangs in the balance
Dhaka: Uncertainty looms large over fate of the Padma Bridge as the World Bank expert panel has already left Dhaka following discord with the Anti-Corruption Commission over dropping name of former communications minister Syed Abul Hossain from graft suspects&#8217; list.
As the fate of the country&#8217;s largest infrastructure project hangs in the balance, Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Thursday ducked questions about Padma Bridge issue as fears mount that the project might bog down.
Fate of Padma Bridge hangs in the balance
As a result of Awami League corruption and to save corrupt minister and Sheikh Hasina's reative Bangladesh lost more than 2.4% GDP growth in just two years of delay. With current GDP numbers GDP loss amount will be well over $2.6 billion.

Adviser's shadow in Hallmark scam
Modasser Ali denies allegation; anti-graft body quizzes 5 Sonali Bank officials
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has information that Syed Modasser Ali, an adviser to the prime minister, allegedly influenced Sonali Bank authorities into granting a huge amount of loan to the controversial Hallmark Group illegally, said ACC sources.
Previously, a Bangladesh Bank investigation found that the Ruposhi Bangla Hotel branch of Sonali Bank had lent Hallmark Group and five other companies Tk 3,547 crore between 2010 and May this year on forged documents.
Adviser's shadow in Hallmark scam

Bangladesh slips in corruption index
Dhaka: Bangladesh ranked 13th from the bottom in the positioning of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) -2012 by Transparency International (TI) indicating that the country&#8217;s corruption scenario deteriorated.

Out of 176 countries, Bangladesh, however, slipped 24 steps to stand at 144th this year from its 120th position last year, showed the Berlin-based graft watchdog&#8217;s index.
Bangladesh slips in corruption index

Awami League cadre killed Bishwajit
Awami League cadre killed Bishwajit - YouTube

Crime don Bikash freed secretly
Underworld don Bikash Kumar Biswas, accused in a series of murder, abduction and extortion cases, was released on bail from Kashimpur jail on Friday.The jail authorities maintained secrecy in releasing Bikash early in the morning.The jailer at Kashimpur Jail-2, Subhash Chandra Ghosh, told New Age that Bikash was released in the morning as he secured bail in cases filed against him. &#8216;He was released at 8:15am after the bail documents reached us in the morning,&#8217; he said.

Jail sources said Bikash was last time arrested in 2009 from the jail gate immediately after his release on bail and implicated in a murder case by Tejgaon police in Dhaka and the special sessions judge&#8217;s court in Dhaka granted him bail on Thursday. In an unusual hurry, the bail documents reached Kashimpur jail and Bikash was released.http://www.newagebd.com/detail.php?date=2012-12-15&nid=33488

List goes on .......
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