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41 to stand trial in UAE on terrorism charges

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
August 2, 2015

41 to stand trial in UAE on terrorism charges

The UAE is to try 41 people on charges of seeking to overthrow the government to set up an ISIL-like caliphate, prosecutors said on Sunday.

The suspects, who include Emiratis as well as foreigners, are accused of setting up a group “with a terrorist, takfiri (Sunni Muslim extremist) ideology,” in a bid to “seize power and establish a caliphate,” the prosecutor general said in a statement carried by the state news agency Wam.

The trial is scheduled to start on August 24.

Salem Saeed Kobeish, state prosecutor, said that the accused were referred to the Federal Supreme Court and that investigations conducted by the Public Prosecution have determined that they established and managed a terrorist group within the UAE under the name of the Shabab Al Manara Group.

According to Wam, the group aims to carry out terrorist actions on the territory, thus endangering the safety and security of the nation and the lives of individuals in the country, including the country’s leadership and its symbols, with the intention to incur damage onto public and private utilities so as to shake the country’s regime and establish a so-called Caliphate, in conformity with their takfiri ideas and extremist beliefs.

To achieve these goals the group was said to be prepared to use fire arms and explosives.

They are alleged to have communicated with external terrorist and extremist organisation to obtain the funding and personnel necessary to achieve their goals inside the UAE.

In August 2014 the President, Sheikh Khalifa enacted and updated a comprehensive antiterrorism law, which imposes the harshest punishments on offenders.

It updated the previous version enacted in 2004 with around 70 new articles and amendments.

The law defines terrorists as people committing any act considered illegal that would lead to results of terror, whether directly or indirectly.

Those results include provoking terror among a group of people, killing or causing harm to people or property, and opposing the state or any other state or international organisation.

41 to stand trial in UAE on terrorism charges | The National
August 24, 2015

Terror group trial in UAE adjourned to September 28 for defendants to retain lawyers
Accused charged with setting up and running a terrorist organisation named Shabab Al Manarah

The trial of a group of 41 suspects, including 39 Emiratis, a citizen of Comoros Islands and a Syrian, charged with plotting to overthrow the Government and establish a Daesh-style caliphate state, began at the state security division of the Federal Supreme Court on Monday.

The hearing was adjourned to September 28 for the defendants to retain lawyers.

The court advised the defendants, three of whom are being tried in absentia, of entitlement to a lawyer’s assistance at all subsequent court proceedings, and that the court will appoint a lawyer at public expense if a defendant wants and if he is financially unable to retain a lawyer.

Prosecutors have said the accused are charged with setting up and running a terrorist organisation named Shabab Al Manarah, ‘The Minaret’s Youths’ which upholds terrorist ideology with the intent to commit terrorist acts in the UAE territories and endanger its security and peace and lives of its people, including their leaders.

Salem Saeed Kubaish, UAE’s Attorney-General, has said that the suspects were also charged with intending to inflict damage on private and public properties to eventually seize power to set up a so-called caliphate state in line with their extremist ideology.

“To carry out their terrorist acts, the suspects procured firearms, ammunition and explosives using funds they raised for this purpose and communicated with foreign militants. These militants provided these suspects with funds and people to achieve their goals inside the country,” Kubaish said.

Convicted terrorists will face capital punishment, life imprisonment and fines of up to Dh100 million, according to a federal law to combat terrorism endorsed last year.

The law ushered in new security measures to counter a sweeping range of crimes deemed acts of terror at a time when international efforts are being mustered to fight the global menace.

The trial follows the launch of a centre to counter terrorist propaganda.

The Sawab Centre launched last month by the UAE and the US works to counter the Daesh group’s narrative by promoting tolerant voices from the region.

In January last year, 30 defendants were convicted of having links to the terrorist group, Muslim Brotherhood.

Terror group trial in UAE adjourned to September 28 for defendants to retain lawyers | GulfNews.com
Good news.... but seems like a death news at defence pk :p:

Desert Fighters are falling to Desert Dwellers.
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