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400 Girls Schools in Swat Shutdown


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400 private schools in Swat shut down girls’ classes

Friday, January 16, 2009, The News (Jang)
By Delawar Jan

PESHAWAR: About 400 private schools in Swat have announced to abandon girls’ education in their institutes in the wake of the deadline (Jan 15) given by the militants to discontinue the practice, depriving more than 40,000 students of their basic right to get education.

In addition, 84,248 girl students of state-run schools are unlikely to attend schools due to the fear of militants despite the resolve by the local administration to reopen the schools on March 1.

Maulana Fazlullah-led militants had asked all the government and private schools on December 24 to stop imparting female education by January 15. The announcement triggered an outcry from all and sundry, prompting the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’s central spokesman, Maulvi Omar, to distance his movement from the decision of the Swat militants and said they would ask them to withdraw the threat.

Also, the private schools’ management appealed to the militants in black and white to take back their decision in the interest of thousands of girl students and hundreds of female teachers, most of them lone breadwinners of their families.

The Swat TTP reviewed the decision a couple of weeks ago at a meeting held at its headquarters in Peuchar with Maulana Fazlullah in the chair. They did not withdraw their threat, but softened their stance and allowed girls to attain education up to the fourth grade. However, the chief of the terrorists renewed the threat of bombing educational institutions if any school continued higher education for girls.

The expiry of the deadline would have no immediate repercussions due to the winter vacations at present. However, the private schools’ management, a body of 400 educational institutions including 20 colleges, has decided to discontinue the female education after the vacation despite assurances from the administration to provide security to their schools.

“The district coordination officer offered security to our schools during our meeting with him but we think it will not work,” the owner of a chain of institutes told The News. He said that security to schools could not ensure female education until complete peace was restored to the valley, now almost under the control of the militants, who have also entrenched in Barikot, a militant-free Tehsil. “Girls, their parents, teachers and even drivers transporting students to and from schools are frightened while the owners of buildings have also asked us to vacate their property in view of fear of damage due to bombing.

“Thus, posting a few personnel at schools is of no use. So, we have decided to close female sections in private institutes to avoid the militants’ wrath,” he said and hastened to add that they would restart female education only after the militants allowed them to do so.

Girl students are unlikely to appear in matriculation (9th and 10th) and intermediate examinations starting from March 17 and in April, respectively. When contacted, DCO Swat Shaukat Ali Yousafzai promised to secure private schools if they agreed to continue female education.

“From Landakay to Mingora, we can guarantee security,” he challenged, saying there were only 69 private institutions in Mingora city. He vowed to reopen the state-run schools after the vacations.

The militants had already destroyed 172 schools, 122 girls and 50 boys, depriving 40,646 students — 23,308 girls and 17,338 boys — of education. In addition, 18 schools have been occupied by the forces, which also deprived 7,039 students.
I don't know how many of these schools will actually shut down, but if the report is true, radio Mullah is just trying to grab headlines by being the baddest Mullah on the block.

What a dope.

I can't believe noone is able to nab this guy.
why cant Pakistan take military action against them and take over the place by govt? Isnt it inside pakistan.
Given what is happening in Swat, FATA and Baluchistan, it seems that the Government of Pakistan has not yet achieved full sovereignty over its territory. Perhaps in the past this didn't matter, but now, someone is funding the anti-Pakistani groups to such a high level that they are more powerful than the GoP State forces. Somehow, the GoP has to get a handle on who and how these non-State paramilitaries are being funded and put a stop to it. It's an amazing encroachment on the rights of innocent Pakistani girls. How can these jihadi fathers not love their daughters?
This is such a shame. Such great talents like Rahim Shah and Nazia Iqbal come from Swat. They are very popular singers loved all over the world. Now the taliban is in control, I really worry for the people living in Swat, they will live like they are in prison. Really sad.
How sad! My heart goes out to the people of Swat and particularly the women and the little girls who suffered this hell for no fault of theirs. A paradise on earth, was Swat's motto, the valley was considered the Switzerland of Pakistan.

Undoubtedly, to a large extent this is the result of 9 years of dictatorship, flip-flops, double games and 9 years of inaction, allowing Taliban power to spread. :angry:
In my view this is the result of Pakistan wasting all her energy on issues not related to Pakistan and giving no attention to her own internal development and social issues. Need to come out of Indo-phobia and work on Pakistan, else things will get more and more difficult.

Hey why is SWAT under Taliban..!!! Where is the famed pakistani army??? What is preventing them from driving these terrorisrts out???? I hope pakistani army does something else, once they set up their base their, it not far that pakistan become another taliban country..!!!!
In my view this is the result of Pakistan wasting all her energy on issues not related to Pakistan and giving no attention to her own internal development and social issues. Need to come out of Indo-phobia and work on Pakistan, else things will get more and more difficult.


Yes I kind of understand what you are trying to say the same way India built a highway in Afghanistan.
The write has not mentioned the scene is whole Swat or may be he is ignorant that the major troubled area is the Tehsil Matta where Maulana Fazlullah has strong hold....

Even if Pak Army conquers the whole land,they can't win Psychological War there...the reason why people are following Fazlullah is they know that Fazlullah and his men will beat them and disgrace them infront of the whole tribe....if you understand the meaning of Respect and Family's reputation in Pukhtoon tribe you will get the answer.
It is strange that GoP is not (seem to be) doing anything to take over the SWAT. Many news reports are quoting that a number of people have left SWAt to other cities in Pakistan. So, how much of SWAT is under the control of GoP?. Any one have idea about this?.
Hey why is SWAT under Taliban..!!! Where is the famed pakistani army??? What is preventing them from driving these terrorisrts out???? I hope pakistani army does something else, once they set up their base their, it not far that pakistan become another taliban country..!!!!
That's not possible.Pakistan is far more liberal and modern country then any other Arab state except maybe Turkey and keep in mind Taliban cannot take over.The only way Taliban can rule Pakistan is by killing whole Pakistan Army which is not possible.At best we might have to carpet bomb these areas.........
Given what is happening in Swat, FATA and Baluchistan, it seems that the Government of Pakistan has not yet achieved full sovereignty over its territory. Perhaps in the past this didn't matter, but now, someone is funding the anti-Pakistani groups to such a high level that they are more powerful than the GoP State forces. Somehow, the GoP has to get a handle on who and how these non-State paramilitaries are being funded and put a stop to it. It's an amazing encroachment on the rights of innocent Pakistani girls. How can these jihadi fathers not love their daughters?
Hey hey now the situation is very tough.These jihadis are very good in fighting just watch the Pakistan's War documentary.These jihaids defeated world super power so i don't think that Pakistan Army can destroy them quickly...Man these jiahdi guys are fanatics honestly.I don't know why they are doing this.It's actually our fault as well.ISI and CIA used them as a strategic asset against Soviets and now they are biting us.I hope Pakistani Army crush them :pakistan:
Also, you should read this http://www.independent.co.uk/opinio...ate-the-west-so-much-we-will-ask-1230046.html
I think America needs to address the core reason behind this Jihad.
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Hey why is SWAT under Taliban..!!! Where is the famed pakistani army??? What is preventing them from driving these terrorisrts out???? I hope pakistani army does something else, once they set up their base their, it not far that pakistan become another taliban country..!!!!

Taliban's goal is to take over the whole Pakistan and make it a taliban country.

Its a shame that Taliban took control over parts of Swat, the beautiful valley known as the Switzlerland of Pakistan, you can search for pictures of Swat on the internet...its a thousand times more beautiful than Kashmir, and the people of Swat are very nice and innocent..I've visited Swat in the 90s, at that time Swat's economy was run on tourists coming from other parts of the country now not even fellow Pakistanis from other areas of Pakistan will visit Swat. Its so sad.
I think that what GoP must do is stop crying hoarse on imminent Indian attack where there is none, withdraw the troops it has amassed opposite the Indian Akhnoor Sector and use them with the firepower it has at its disposal in these areas.

The after effect of afghan war has taken its toll on the society ,.... I remember that Pakistani Society was one of the most modern and advanced and liberal till Zia-ul-Haq came and used the fundamentalistic card ......

This is a shame ...... and downright deplorable ...... I hope the PA carries out the task it has taken upon itself .... to manitain the integrity of Pakistan ...... enough with being obsessed with Kashmir and its problem, first manage this clear and present danger .......
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