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3 Sikh terror suspects held: KL

Again i need to say same thing, Please re-read the earlier post,"When all the stratagem employed for (solving) an affair or problem are exhausted,(only) then taking your hand to the sword is legitimate"

There is a difference between "taking up sword as choice" and" taking it as last choice", please don't make up the meaning that suits your choice of argument.

If you think that even after trying all method's, stratagem's to solve a issue, picking up sword( In this case for defense of their own voice) is good riddance, than indeed its sad state.

this is not 17th century where you take up sword at your "perceived" injustice..this is a democracy and you got to live by the rules...period....no ifs no buts.....who in india gets a fair deal....every one is short changed only...if every one takes a sword what will remain of india,,,,,?
Bolded red parts are inncorect.

Bhindrawala didn't killed any hindu, rather he had donated money to hindu pundits to make Hindu temples.
It was after the Anti-sikh riots the events you mentioned started to happen so Bhindrawala has no connection.


July 84 to 87 Punjab(different areas) More than 5000 civilians killed by terrorists.
Sep. 12, 84 Batala 8 Hindu bus passengers killed.
June 22, 84 Irish sea Air India Boeing 747 blasted, all 329 passengers killed.
Feb. 86 Nakodar 15 persons killed and many injured in indiscriminate firing by terrorists
March 6,86 Kapurthala Many innocent persons killed in indiscriminate firing by terrorists.
March 28, 1986 Ludhiana 13 people (Hindus) killed in indiscriminate firing in Dresi ground.
March 29, 1986 Mallian 20 innocent labourers killed (Jalandhar) by terrorists.
July 25, 1986 Mukatsar 15 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
Oct. 31,1986 Ludhiana 8 migrant and local industrial workers, all hindus, gunned down in indiscriminate firing on Daba road.
Nov. 30, 1986 Khudda 24 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
July 87 Lalru 80 bus pessengers killed in Fatehabad on three Haryana Roadways buses.
Aug. 6, 1987 Jagdev Kalan 13 innocent Hindus gunned down.
Sep. 28,1987 Alawalpur 5 killed and 8 injured, firing near Geetha Bhawan.
Oct. 20,1987 Delhi 12 persons shot dead at various places in Delhi on Diwali day.
Jan. 15,1988 Dhadial Nijhran 8 members of a family including 2 women and 3 children killed in this village near Batala.
Feb. 19,1988 Bombs exploded by Babbar Khalsa at Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Patiala. 12 person killed,
March 2, 1988 Bhaian 8 members of a family killed.
March 3, 1988 Kahri sahri 35 persons shot dead, 50 others injured, indiscriminate firing at a festival gathering by terrorists.
March 31, 1988 Theh Rajbah 18 members of a Rajput family shot dead at village theh Rajbah under police station.
April 2,88 Ramgam 6 persons masssacred in this village under P.S. Gharinda. 18 more persons killed in other parts.
May 15,88 40 persons gunned down, 100 others injured in different incidents at Samana, Patiala.

these are NOT after the anti-sikh riots......there is no denying the truth that the hindus in punjab who hjad lived side by their side with their sikh bros were butchered on teh street by the khalistanis in their mad pursuit of what is the land of the pure......
Having my maternal grandmother coming from Jalandhar, I get along with Sikhs pretty well. When sitting with some Sikh friends at their home they told me the atrocities committed against their women and men in the days of Operation Blue Star. I even remember hearing the mother of one my friends tell me she was over-joyed when she heard that Indira got shot. She had lost a son and felt that his death was revenged. Punjab is the bread-basket of India. Being punjabi, I get angry that sikh religion is about tolerance of religions and how they were massacred. Without Punjab, Indians would not be enjoying their chapatis right now. Keep this in mind for those that deny or humiliate atrocities such as operation Blue Star, or what is happening in Kashmir.

To be fair, I've heard from my Sikh friend here too on how Muslims massacred their population in 1947. My friend once mentioned of grandmother stories told to him.. stories of rivers that became red, flowing with the bloods of Sikhs in Punjab.

And I have huge interest in British Empire history, read some books on partition times and independence, Muslims in Punjab did horrible stuff to the Sikhs that were stuck on the wrong side of the border and vice versa. I can remember a few stories vividly in my mind till today, that's how shocking it was.

One story I read somewhere, was of this Sikh girl, who had her whole family chopped and killed while on a train to India. Some men then took turns to rape her, and she was left on the road, till a Mullah came and nursed to her to well-being. They got married after that, but she lived her whole life in Pakistan longing for her murdered dad.

Sad, sad times :confused:
You still don't get it do you? Before or after 84' Hindus were also butchered by Sikh fanatics, revenge or no revenge, was that justified? Both sides suffered infact innocents on both sides suffered
Indian army's operations in Golden temple was an insult to the Shrine, wasn't stockpiling Ak-47 and crazy amount of ammunition an insult to the Shrine, why don't you condemn the said people? also if you have that much weapons stockpiled in an Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?

Actual reality is that you got what i said, but you are running away.

To bold part

I already posted and told you under what conditions and what was LAST choice to take sword.

You have already shown iota level of knowledge you have, before posting again why don't you go and search for reason behind the LAST CHOICE they made for arms. Go and look for their voice, because which majority population(at that time) was with them.
here is good start
Anandpur resolution, Govt dealing with sikhs in 1982 delhi asian games, Bhindrawala's work for hindus.

When you have read all these and many more pre 84 events, than we will be on same page to talk.
Till than bye
Also the Khalistan movement (the Secession movement) was started in early 70' or before not after 84' etc, so what did these people expected would be the result of trying to divide the country?
You still don't get it do you? Before or after 84' Hindus were also butchered by Sikh fanatics, revenge or no revenge, was that justified? Both sides suffered infact innocents on both sides suffered
Indian army's operations in Golden temple was an insult to the Shrine, wasn't stockpiling Ak-47 and crazy amount of ammunition an insult to the Shrine, why don't you condemn the said people? also if you have that much weapons stockpiled in an Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?

Actual reality is that you got what i said, but you are running away.

To bold part

And to second Bold ...A Big LOL. You are comparing sufferings of sikh's and hindus, clearly shows how much idea you have of sikh sufferings..Thumbs up. In my eye it is comparision not even worth a talk.
I already posted and told you under what conditions and what was LAST choice to take sword.

You have already shown iota level of knowledge you have, before posting again why don't you go and search for reason behind the LAST CHOICE they made for arms. Go and look for their voice, because which majority population(at that time) was with them.
here is good start
Anandpur resolution, Govt dealing with sikhs in 1982 delhi asian games, Bhindrawala's work for hindus.

When you have read all these and many more pre 84 events, than we will be on same page to talk.
Till than bye
Actual reality is that you got what i said, but you are running away.

To bold part

I already posted and told you under what conditions and what was LAST choice to take sword.

You have already shown iota level of knowledge you have, before posting again why don't you go and search for reason behind the LAST CHOICE they made for arms. Go and look for their voice, because which majority population(at that time) was with them.
here is good start
Anandpur resolution, Govt dealing with sikhs in 1982 delhi asian games, Bhindrawala's work for hindus.

When you have read all these and many more pre 84 events, than we will be on same page to talk.
Till than bye

Okay GOI slaughtered Sikhs so Sikhs slaughtered Hindus now going by your logic Hindus should have gone slaughtering Sikhs in all part of India, when there was terrorism in Punjab and more that 5000 Hindus were killed by Sikh fanatics, right? Is this what you want to say?

Also you never answered, AK-47s and anti-tank, anti-aircraft artery in the Holiest Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?

When you took the so called last choice you should have been aware of the consciousnesses, what did you expect?
Anandpur resolution, Govt dealing with sikhs in 1982 delhi asian games, Bhindrawala's work for hindus.

When you have read all these and many more pre 84 events, than we will be on same page to talk.
Till than bye

whom are your bs ing mate...read this,....

Bhindranwale was allowed to go about freely, toured Bombay and Delhi and when arrested was let off. He became a formidable force and gathered round him groups of terrorists mainly from unemployed youths belonging to the All India Sikh Students Federation. From slaying Nirankaris, terrorists expanded their 'hit lists' to include Nirankari sympathizers, dissident Akalis and Congress party members.
Their chief target was the Hindu-owned Jullundur based chain f papers. On 9 September 1981, Lala Jagat Narain, chief editor of Punjab Kesari, was shot dead. A year later Jagat Narain's son, Ramesh Chander, fell to their bullets. Amongst those killed were H.S. Manchanda, president of the Delhi Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, DIG of Police A.S. Atwal, Dr V.N. Tiwari, nominated member of parliament and Gyani Pratap Singh, a retired priest. Many Hindu temples were desecrated and innocent Hindu and Sikhs killed in cold blood.

Untitled Document

all under the great bhindranwale......this is not a indian website...but rather a uk one and you dont need to complain about "doordarshan" coverage.....

---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

Okay GOI slaughtered Sikhs so Sikhs slaughtered Hindus now going by your logic Hindus should have gone slaughtering Sikhs in all part of India, when there was terrorism in Punjab and more that 5000 Hindus were killed by Sikh fanatics, right? Is this what you want to say?

Also you never answered, AK-47s and anti-tank, anti-aircraft artery in the Holiest Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?

When you took the so called last choice you should have been aware of the consciousnesses, what did you expect?

not a single sikh was harmed in any other part of india even though they would have been easy targets for the hindus who were in absolute majority...because the hindus never saw it a hindu vs sikh issue that the khalistanis/congress tried to make it one......even after the grave provocation the sikhs were treated as fellow indians in all other parts of the country except in delhi where the congress went on a rampage.....anyway no use arguing.;some people are too brainwahsed to see the reality..he must be one of those khalistanis stamping on the indian flags on aug 15th..leave him....
To be fair, I've heard from my Sikh friend here too on how Muslims massacred their population in 1947. My friend once mentioned of grandmother stories told to him.. stories of rivers that became red, flowing with the bloods of Sikhs in Punjab.

And I have huge interest in British Empire history, read some books on partition times and independence, Muslims in Punjab did horrible stuff to the Sikhs that were stuck on the wrong side of the border and vice versa. I can remember a few stories vividly in my mind till today, that's how shocking it was.

One story I read somewhere, was of this Sikh girl, who had her whole family chopped and killed while on a train to India. Some men then took turns to rape her, and she was left on the road, till a Mullah came and nursed to her to well-being. They got married after that, but she lived her whole life in Pakistan longing for her murdered dad.

Sad, sad times :confused:

If you are researching the partition then I would like to say there were killings on both sides at the time. My grandmother told me about how Sikhs serving for the British back fresh from World War 2 were impaling Muslim infants with swords, and her brother(my uncle) who is mute and deaf gets terrified when he sees pictures of Sardars in Pakistani newspapers. The partition was a sad period in history and had a devastating effect on Punjab as a whole. I'm not advocating the killings that had happened, but to say it was a one-sided massacre it baseless and unfair. I don't support the killings that happened during the Partition era.
your point being...? if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period..i dont care what the hell he offers as justification.....

Hahaha...What an answer " if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period" Ultimate logic of stamping someone, i have a around 2 years experience on this forum. This kind of statements(Farts) comes out as an end result if they can't defend their argument and they also realize they are building upon imagination , instead of reality...LOL
Hahaha...What an answer " if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period" Ultimate logic of stamping someone, i have a around 2 years experience on this forum. This kind of statements(Farts) comes out as an end result if they can't defend their argument and they also realize they are building upon imagination , instead of reality...LOL

i dont need to justify anything to anyone.....if you are an indian the ultimate thing that matters is the national sovereignity and territorial integrity.....not your religion or caste.....if you are uncomfortable with that get out of india irespective of you being a sikh,hindu,muslim,christian or whatever.......if you take gun against the indian state you will be hunted down,......there is no need for any more justification...thats the very basis of a country...

and what is that two year experience in this forum....you can very well be my son's age in real life...
Punjab is not the only place where wheat is grown in India....

Right, but majority of wheat is grown in the North, i.e. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana. Plus my point is that Punjab contributes significantly to India's economy.
Right, but majority of wheat is grown in the North, i.e. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana. Plus my point is that Punjab contributes significantly to India's economy.

no one disputes that.....
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