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3 Sikh terror suspects held: KL

no one sympathises with indira or her lap dogs jaddish tytler and sajjan kumar......but blaming them is just one part of teh story....to say the other side was completely innocent is also wrong and that also must be kept in mind.......it was indira whon satrted supporting bhiondranwale to check teh akalis but bhindranwale turned against her after getting to know how power felt....and the rest is history.....but how can terror acts be justified in the name of revenge ? then with what moral standard can any one condemn the post-gujarat riots or the babri-masjid demolition ? or for that matter 84 riots happened after indira's killing..so are they justified..where will this cycle of violence end ?

whats that ? whatever it is no sane man will keep RSS in the same place as a terrorist org as Indian mujaheddin...

Lol..... Isaru was a freedom fighter of goa......... Recently His birthday was celebrated in his hometown by political parties of punjab.............And you are branding him terrorist.
Mate..... I wasnt the one who started saying that hindus were killed by them and started giving dates of inncidents to justify ur cause of killing of sikhs.....
Whose spreading hate here???
About sikhs.......... No need for lecture ....... I am as Indian as you are........... Hating someone for wrong deeds of others is not in my nature.

LOL I wasn't spreading hate I was replying to the fellow who was saying that only Sikhs were the victims and if some terrorist is hanged he won't call himself Indian and Bhindrewala and his followers just 'lived there' (in the Golden Temple)
THIS WAS MY POST ""Before any indian comes here and says GOVT. populated SH!T about operation bluestar and act as Blind patriot.. Let me tell you the the reality (Am from Amritsar only)

Its copy paste from another thread though

1 They were not hiding or holed up.. They lived there.
2 How were they terrorist?? they didn't killed innocent peoples before or any blasts or any kind of killing.
Thing is if they were bad people they would have never got the support of such a big numbers world over..Don't become a mouth of mumbo jumbo newspaper. Look at inner defaults in indian system or governance towards minorities...

Damn.. 7000 sikhs were killed in DELHI, without even a SINGLE fault of these people...and till NOW not even SINGLE person HAS been SENT to jail for this...but if you kill one DEER, you would be in JAIL for 6 months...Sad state indeed.""""

LOL 'they just lived there' and were able to ward off the Indian army armed with tanks etc for 2 days killing 85 Indian soldiers using anti-tank and anti-aircraft gunfire awesome!!!

July 84 to 87 Punjab(different areas) More than 5000 civilians killed by terrorists.
Sep. 12, 84 Batala 8 Hindu bus passengers killed.
June 22, 84 Irish sea Air India Boeing 747 blasted, all 329 passengers killed.
Feb. 86 Nakodar 15 persons killed and many injured in indiscriminate firing by terrorists
March 6,86 Kapurthala Many innocent persons killed in indiscriminate firing by terrorists.
March 28, 1986 Ludhiana 13 people (Hindus) killed in indiscriminate firing in Dresi ground.
March 29, 1986 Mallian 20 innocent labourers killed (Jalandhar) by terrorists.
July 25, 1986 Mukatsar 15 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
Oct. 31,1986 Ludhiana 8 migrant and local industrial workers, all hindus, gunned down in indiscriminate firing on Daba road.
Nov. 30, 1986 Khudda 24 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
July 87 Lalru 80 bus pessengers killed in Fatehabad on three Haryana Roadways buses.
Aug. 6, 1987 Jagdev Kalan 13 innocent Hindus gunned down.
Sep. 28,1987 Alawalpur 5 killed and 8 injured, firing near Geetha Bhawan.
Oct. 20,1987 Delhi 12 persons shot dead at various places in Delhi on Diwali day.
Jan. 15,1988 Dhadial Nijhran 8 members of a family including 2 women and 3 children killed in this village near Batala.
Feb. 19,1988 Bombs exploded by Babbar Khalsa at Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Patiala. 12 person killed,
March 2, 1988 Bhaian 8 members of a family killed.
March 3, 1988 Kahri sahri 35 persons shot dead, 50 others injured, indiscriminate firing at a festival gathering by terrorists.
March 31, 1988 Theh Rajbah 18 members of a Rajput family shot dead at village theh Rajbah under police station.
April 2,88 Ramgam 6 persons masssacred in this village under P.S. Gharinda. 18 more persons killed in other parts.
May 15,88 40 persons gunned down, 100 others injured in different incidents at Samana, Patiala.

And this was done by aliens

And these were NGOs helping the poor & needy

Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
Khalistan Commando Force (KCF)
All-India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF)
Bhindranwala Tigers Force of Khalistan (BTFK)
Khalistan Liberation Army (KLA)
Khalistan Liberation Front (KLF)
Khalistan Armed Force (KAF)
Dashmesh Regiment
Khalistan Liberation Organisation (KLO)
Khalistan National Army (KNA)
Kamagata Maru Dal of Khalistan
Shaheed Khalsa Force
Khalistan Guerilla Force
Khalistan Security Force

LOL with innocent soul who called these people as terrorists and common Govt. agencies and Congress workers related with abti sikh riots as Mango people.

Did you read my post clearly or you was in hurry of a reply?
You are justifying the attack in 1984(Operation blue star) on the bases of events after 84...lol
Its like me saying to you that we are going to attack you now, because we think your community will attack us after we do riots against your community in future ...Damnnn Everything BAD started after 1984 and 1984 by Indra. and FYI Bhinderwala was once accused of murder(by game played by Indra), went for trials . But because of insufficent evidence he was released..When she couldn't curb him under jurisdiction she used power..Sad

Give a better excuse next time.
the truth is actually somewhere in the middle. indira gandhi was a bi**h. cannot deny that. but bhindranwale is not the saint some people make him out to be. I recently had a heated discussion with a sikh friend over the whole issue, and the sikh was actually pro-indira while i was anti-indira.

bhindranwale's followers (if not bhindranwale himself) did kill Hindus in Punjab and instigated them to leave the state
. Many Hindus began wearing turbans for protection. Also the fact that Bhindranwale and his men were sitting in the temple with AK-47s is a bit worrisome, in my opinion. I don't think AK-47s have any role in Sikhi.

that being said, I believe Indira made a grave mistake by attacking the Golden Temple, and allowing great collateral damage (though it is claimed that Bhindranwale's men were the first to open fire). Even worse than that was the massacre that was allowed to take place after Indira's assassination. It is a big blot on India's democracy. Justice needs to be done. Congress needs to be voted out. Unfortunately, the only other option is BJP, whose track record is no better.

A revolution is what this country needs.

Whether it is the Sikhs of Punjab, the Muslims of Gujarat, the Christians of Orissa, or the Hindus of Kashmir, justice needs to be done.

Bolded red parts are inncorect.

Bhindrawala didn't killed any hindu, rather he had donated money to hindu pundits to make Hindu temples.
It was after the Anti-sikh riots the events you mentioned started to happen so Bhindrawala has no connection.

No it was Indian army That FIRED first... They came and on first day They took the High post (Bunga) in Golden temple down by firing rockets on it...

Than real attack was started on 3rd day.
and your sikh friend is right in his perspective as like most indians even sikhs aren't much aware of ground facts and are simply driven by govt media of that time AKA Doordarshan

Whatever i hear from some of my blind patriotic indians make me remember this quote.

"History would always praise the hunters, until lions had their say"
Bolded red parts are inncorect.

Bhindrawala didn't killed any hindu, rather he had donated money to hindu pundits to make Hindu temples.
It was after the Anti-sikh riots the events you mentioned started to happen so Bhindrawala has no connection.

No it was Indian army That FIRED first... They came and on first day They took the High post (Bunga) in Golden temple down by firing rockets on it...

Than real attack was started on 3rd day.

Whatever i hear from some of my blind patriotic indians make me remember this quote.

"History would always praise the hunters, until lions had their say"

Err.. how exactly did they have weapons to fight back? What are nice, quiet boys doing with weapons, eh? Funny how these history revisionists usually end up tripping over small things like that. :lol:
Err.. how exactly did they have weapons to fight back? What are nice, quiet boys doing with weapons, eh? Funny how these history revisionists usually end up tripping over small things like that. :lol:

I would recommend you to read my earlier post again and than you will get answer why they had weapons with them.
Isn't it funny i need to refer people to my early posts again in same thread:what:
I would recommend you to read my earlier post again and than you will get answer why they had weapons with them.
Isn't it funny i need to refer people to my early posts again in same thread:what:

Well, if taking up the sword was their choice, they can have very little complaints if they are wiped out by the sword. Good riddance!
Well, if taking up the sword was their choice, they can have very little complaints if they are wiped out by the sword. Good riddance!

Again i need to say same thing, Please re-read the earlier post,"When all the stratagem employed for (solving) an affair or problem are exhausted,(only) then taking your hand to the sword is legitimate"

There is a difference between "taking up sword as choice" and" taking it as last choice", please don't make up the meaning that suits your choice of argument.

If you think that even after trying all method's, stratagem's to solve a issue, picking up sword( In this case for defense of their own voice) is good riddance, than indeed its sad state.
THIS WAS MY POST ""Before any indian comes here and says GOVT. populated SH!T about operation bluestar and act as Blind patriot.. Let me tell you the the reality (Am from Amritsar only)

Its copy paste from another thread though

1 They were not hiding or holed up.. They lived there.
2 How were they terrorist?? they didn't killed innocent peoples before or any blasts or any kind of killing.
Thing is if they were bad people they would have never got the support of such a big numbers world over..Don't become a mouth of mumbo jumbo newspaper. Look at inner defaults in indian system or governance towards minorities...

Damn.. 7000 sikhs were killed in DELHI, without even a SINGLE fault of these people...and till NOW not even SINGLE person HAS been SENT to jail for this...but if you kill one DEER, you would be in JAIL for 6 months...Sad state indeed.""""

LOL with innocent soul who called these people as terrorists and common Govt. agencies and Congress workers related with abti sikh riots as Mango people.

Did you read my post clearly or you was in hurry of a reply?
You are justifying the attack in 1984(Operation blue star) on the bases of events after 84...lol
Its like me saying to you that we are going to attack you now, because we think your community will attack us after we do riots against your community in future ...Damnnn Everything BAD started after 1984 and 1984 by Indra. and FYI Bhinderwala was once accused of murder(by game played by Indra), went for trials . But because of insufficent evidence he was released..When she couldn't curb him under jurisdiction she used power..Sad

Give a better excuse next time.

You still don't get it do you? Before or after 84' Hindus were also butchered by Sikh fanatics, revenge or no revenge, was that justified? Both sides suffered infact innocents on both sides suffered
Indian army's operations in Golden temple was an insult to the Shrine, wasn't stockpiling Ak-47 and crazy amount of ammunition an insult to the Shrine, why don't you condemn the said people? also if you have that much weapons stockpiled in an Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?
Having my maternal grandmother coming from Jalandhar, I get along with Sikhs pretty well. When sitting with some Sikh friends at their home they told me the atrocities committed against their women and men in the days of Operation Blue Star. I even remember hearing the mother of one my friends tell me she was over-joyed when she heard that Indira got shot. She had lost a son and felt that his death was revenged. Punjab is the bread-basket of India. Being punjabi, I get angry that sikh religion is about tolerance of religions and how they were massacred. Without Punjab, Indians would not be enjoying their chapatis right now. Keep this in mind for those that deny or humiliate atrocities such as operation Blue Star, or what is happening in Kashmir.
Having my maternal grandmother coming from Jalandhar, I get along with Sikhs pretty well. When sitting with some Sikh friends at their home they told me the atrocities committed against their women and men in the days of Operation Blue Star. I even remember hearing the mother of one my friends tell me she was over-joyed when she heard that Indira got shot. She had lost a son and felt that his death was revenged. Punjab is the bread-basket of India. Being punjabi, I get angry that sikh religion is about tolerance of religions and how they were massacred. Without Punjab, Indians would not be enjoying their chapatis right now. Keep this in mind for those that deny or humiliate atrocities such as operation Blue Star, or what is happening in Kashmir.

Thanks for your concern, but we South Indians are rice eaters and depend more on Andhra & Tamil Nadu for our food than Punjab.
Thanks for your concern, but we South Indians are rice eaters and depend more on Andhra & Tamil Nadu for our food than Punjab.

So South Indian restaurants, don't serve chapatis, is what you're saying?
Lol..... Isaru was a freedom fighter of goa......... Recently His birthday was celebrated in his hometown by political parties of punjab.............And you are branding him terrorist.

your point being...? if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period..i dont care what the hell he offers as justification.....
So South Indian restaurants, don't serve chapatis, is what you're saying?


India registers record wheat production leaving behind China

we have enough...:)
THIS WAS MY POST ""Before any indian comes here and says GOVT. populated SH!T about operation bluestar and act as Blind patriot.. Let me tell you the the reality (Am from Amritsar only)

no one acts a blind patriot...heck who thinks supporting congress is patriotism....everyone condemns congress for their action in 84......but to say the khalistani fanatics were little babies who could do no harm is bullshitting at best and insulting our intelligence...both sides committed mistakes and as a result only civilians suffered...

1 They were not hiding or holed up.. They lived there.

They "just" lived in the temple with ak-47s, rpgs, hmgs and an insane amount of ammunition....?

2 How were they terrorist?? they didn't killed innocent peoples before or any blasts or any kind of killing.
Thing is if they were bad people they would have never got the support of such a big numbers world over..Don't become a mouth of mumbo jumbo newspaper. Look at inner defaults in indian system or governance towards minorities...

so any activity that takes place after something is justified...?..whoa re they to take law into tehir hands.....by that logic why are people condemning gujarat riots...they too took place only after a provocation.....so if everyone starts taking revenge who will remain..?

Damn.. 7000 sikhs were killed in DELHI, without even a SINGLE fault of these people...and till NOW not even SINGLE person HAS been SENT to jail for this...but if you kill one DEER, you would be in JAIL for 6 months...Sad state indeed.""""

going by your very own statement before that violence after a provocation was justified ....wasnt the killing of the sikhs by congress justified after indira was killed.....your own logic does not suit you.....
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