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3 injured as hot water leaks from pipeline at Kudankulam nuclear power plant site

Casualties secondary to hot water are fine so no one should react.. Reaction should be only reserved for the causalities which happen due to heavy water... Is this what you want to say? You should be wishing recovery to the injured ones and thanking god instead of laughing pathetically..Situation would have been far too worst if heavy water had leaked.

The power plant where the incident has occurred went critical in July 2013. What should worry you in addition is the fact that the incident took place in the very first year of it's life.. It questions the viability of the project which still is in the phase of construction (a unit is still under construction)

FYI - This plant falls under the category of light water reactor which does not use heavy water/deuterium oxide as coolant and moderator. Civil nuclear reactors are mostly light water reactors.
haha dont make it big!!!
i never said about injuries of the workers... did i?? can u please point it out :azn:
i meant people making it big that hot water is too dangerous and people linking it with safety of the reactor.......
its mearly a hot water pipe....thats what i mean..........a hot water pipe
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