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2nd Pak FA prototype maiden flight pics

Does anyone have a larger picture of the canopy, because it looks like it has a single piece canopy now.

This thing definitely needs to be worked out. Shall add a lot to the RCS. I believe they might be working for a better one. If this thing has got internal weapons bay?
That's a photoshopped picture. Its was proven fake months and months ago.
This thing definitely needs to be worked out. Shall add a lot to the RCS. I believe they might be working for a better one. If this thing has got internal weapons bay?
No offense to anybody and its not about anybody's nationality but here's the thing that we are trying to teach the people who have actually invented the technology behind radars and stealth. We are telling those people to how to develop a stealth fighter by sitting on our laptops and reading few articles on the web.

It was a Russian scientists on whose work most modern day radars work and it was the same scientist on whose publications US started to work on a fighter jet with low radar cross-section i.e. with stealth features and the product of which we are seeing in the form of F22 and F35 and even B2 bomber.

I have to say i have seen many people who seems to be very logical but we have to admit that we only know 5% or may be even less about the stealth fighters because all of them are kept secret.

Also its not just one way to design anything. You just have to find ways that will fulfill your desired task which is stealth over here.

But its good that i have also learned alot due to these sharing of information which i could not have learned anywhere else but i also know that we are pointing out some basic things which they already knows and might improve later or they are looking at it from other point of view and they might have a different answer for this.

I read an interview from a professor of a Russian university which is actually working on stealth and collaborating in T50 research and he claims that US didn't actually understood what stealth is all about. I am not saying that US was wrong or they didn't produced the best but i believe we could be seeing a different stealth fighter over here, performing all the tasks and meeting all the requirements as F22 but doing it in a different way.
Unlike the first prototype, this type the landing gears are operated in th RT video!!!

Copmared to last time, people are so quite about the 2nd prototype... C'mon guys.. search for more pic and video of the 2nd prototype...
No offense to anybody and its not about anybody's nationality but here's the thing that we are trying to teach the people who have actually invented the technology behind radars and stealth. We are telling those people to how to develop a stealth fighter by sitting on our laptops and reading few articles on the web.

It was a Russian scientists on whose work most modern day radars work and it was the same scientist on whose publications US started to work on a fighter jet with low radar cross-section i.e. with stealth features and the product of which we are seeing in the form of F22 and F35 and even B2 bomber.

I have to say i have seen many people who seems to be very logical but we have to admit that we only know 5% or may be even less about the stealth fighters because all of them are kept secret.

Also its not just one way to design anything. You just have to find ways that will fulfill your desired task which is stealth over here.

But its good that i have also learned alot due to these sharing of information which i could not have learned anywhere else but i also know that we are pointing out some basic things which they already knows and might improve later or they are looking at it from other point of view and they might have a different answer for this.

I read an interview from a professor of a Russian university which is actually working on stealth and collaborating in T50 research and he claims that US didn't actually understood what stealth is all about. I am not saying that US was wrong or they didn't produced the best but i believe we could be seeing a different stealth fighter over here, performing all the tasks and meeting all the requirements as F22 but doing it in a different way.

You are absolutely right. I have a very little knowledge of fighter planes, i work for something else. I wrote those sentences with my little knowledge. Rotating engine blades do add to the RCS( basic idea). Whether or not the engineers of this machine are working for some other stealth technology shall be known by time only, till then we can hope for the best.
And one thing in the end, I am an engineer and look at all these things as engineering master pieces only regardless of the country so never an offense.
I had a question in the last post whether this thing has got internal weapons bay?
Guys.. (n gals).. plz don't post the first prototype pic/ video here.. except for comparison i.e.
this thing has got internal weapons bay?


If this is the second prototype, it still has a two piece canopy. @ 0:09
No that's the first prototype after it was painted. The second prototype is unpainted. After looking at the pictures again I think you are right though, its still a two piece canopy. We will probably see the single piece canopy in the production variant or it just won't have one, which isnt that big of a deal .
Except IRST i dont see any diff

At the first view I found these external changes:


You have to zoom in to see them actually, but it's clear that most changes are internally. The IRST is integrated like you mentioned, so is the IR sensor behind the canopy (AFAIK MAWS). Radar is integrated according the news reports as well, although I wonder which of the 5 radar arrays were installed now.
Really interesting will be the changes in one of the next prototypes, with the new AL 41 engines, which should make a bigger differences externally.
Why does it need a 1 piece canopy?

Because people often claim that a single piece canopy is better in regard to lower RCS, but realistically it is rather a very small part of it which explains for example, that the Northrops YF23 with 2 piece canopy was still regarded to have a lower RCS than the YF 22!
However, if somebody wants to find reasons to downtalk T50 in regard of stealth, you often will hear that point and of course the lack of S - Ducts, or the rounded engine coverings. All these things are nothing to worry about at this stage, because the T50 is only an early prototype for test flying. There will be several changes in the design and there are a lot of developments going on that still are only rumored so far, so just wait and see.
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