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29 Chinese missing after militant attack in Sudan


Apr 19, 2011
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BEIJING: Militants apparently captured 29 Chinese workers after attacking a remote worksite in a volatile region of Sudan, and Sudanese forces were increasing security for Chinese projects and personnel there, China said Sunday.

China has close political and economic relations with Sudan, especially in the energy sector.

The Foreign Ministry in Beijing said the militants attacked Saturday and Sudanese forces launched a rescue mission Sunday in coordination with the Chinese embassy in Khartoum.

The Ministry's head of consular affairs met with the Sudanese ambassador in Beijing and ``urged him to actively conduct rescue missions under the prerequisite of ensuring the safety of the Chinese personnel,'' the statement said.

In Khartoum, a Chinese embassy spokesman said the northern branch of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement announced that 29 Chinese workers had been captured in the attack. The spokesman, who asked not be identified, gave no other details and it wasn't clear if the militants had demanded conditions for their return.

Other details weren't given. The official Xinhua News Agency cited the state governor as saying the Sudan People's Liberation Army attacked a road-building site in South Kordofan and seized the workers.

The Sudan People's Liberation Army are a guerrilla force loyal to the southern movement and hail from a minority ethnic group now in control of much of South Sudan, which became the world's newest country only six months ago in a breakaway from Sudan.

Sudan has accused South Sudan of arming pro-South Sudan groups in South Kordofan. The government of South Sudan has called such accusations a smoke screen intended to justify a future invasion of the South.

China has sent large numbers of workers to potentially unstable regions such as Sudan and last year was forced to send ships and planes to help with the emergency evacuation of 30,000 of its citizens from the fighting in Libya.

China has consistently used its clout in diplomatic forums such as the United Nations to defend Sudan and its longtime leader Omar al-Bashir. In recent years, it has also sought to build good relations with leaders from the south, where most of Sudan's oil is located.

Chinese companies have also invested heavily in Sudanese oil production, along with companies India and elsewhere.

29 Chinese missing after militant attack in Sudan - The Times of India
I hope RAW is not behind it ;)
Just kidding.

Hope that terrorists ask for ransom and companies pay them. Only way to get them unharmed.
really sad news . these guys were just doing their jobs .
Sounds like a for-profit crime, as opposed to poltically-motivated "terrorism".
That's the reason Chinese companies should look for local workers instead of exporting them over from China..

Sad incident, Hope Chinese govt will do something for their return..
the endless western sedition is bearing fruit
14 has been rescued by Sudanese military. The other 15 is still unaccounted for.

daibazi are reporting that the story of the rescue is untrue
Ooops, looks like your own pipe dream is gone too.

(CNN) -- More than two dozen Chinese construction workers abducted in Sudan have been released, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Tuesday.

The 29 workers flew out of Sudan aboard a Red Cross plane bound for Nairobi, Kenya, a statement from the ICRC said.

Rebels kidnapped the workers January 28 from a camp run by China's Power Construction Corp. in volatile South Kordofan. Eighteen other workers in the camp escaped the raid, which the Sudanese military blamed on the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North -- a rebel force in the border region with neighboring South Sudan.
Kidnapped Chinese workers released in Sudan - CNN.com
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