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26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed

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Fun fact Islam is not homogenous entity. One man say does not mean the same to everyone else.

Let me tell you a story. A guy wake up in the morning, brush his teeth, change his clothes, eat his breakfast, check his twitter account. Just to see the whole comments demanding him to apologize because he's a muslim. Even though he done nothing to deserve it at all.

Does the concept of Individualism is amiss to you?

I'm not talking about individuals. You seem to be too defensive. Please don't be. And please do something to keep the poison of wahhabism out of your beautiful country.
POlitically? They segregated and targetted non muslims. You are in denial.

I was talking about shia bombings in iraq, non muslims murdered in kenya, church targetted in pakistan.
Shias are also muslims.
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Umm does the shortcomings in Indian society absolve Al-shabab's dastardly attack? No, it doesn't.
Or how are these two incidents are even remotely related?
And didn't you yourself suggested on previous page something about knowing the reality on the ground or else to $tfu? So next time before you casually stroll on a tangent regarding internal politics of India, take a breather, listen to own self and kindly follow it.

Its not meant as a jab on India or Hindu in general. The problem in India also include economical, social & cultural as in too deep beyond saying that Hindu just hate everyone else. Just want to point out the fallacy of asking someone to apologize or grovel for someone else crime. Instead of blaming Al-Shabab (the group responsible) you asking others to apologize on their behalf.
His mother died in the mall,this picture make me want cry, a kid lost his mother,how painful is that?

It is really sad watching this kid, who might know nothing about any conflict in Somalia. Is not his mother killed, because he was not muslim?? But its is sadening too that a few of your country man calling those retard killers as freedom fighters in previous posts.
NOT according to Wahhabis. Thats the point I'm making. Q E D.

Screw them,They don't speak for the entire muslim race and what we should be discussing is India going to retaliate or not?
I'm not talking about individuals. You seem to be too defensive. Please don't be. And please do something to keep the poison of wahhabism out of your beautiful country.

A group or organization is a collection of Individuals & with membership of over half a billion Islam is pretty much asking the impossible. BTW there is more muslim based group that condemn Terrorist attacks than for. Like I said read about something before you post Indonesia is more likely to fall into another dictatorship. Because some of us just want it to happen.
A group or organization is a collection of Individuals & with membership of over half a billion Islam is pretty much asking the impossible. BTW there is more muslim based group that condemn Terrorist attacks than for. Like I said read about something before you post Indonesia is more likely to fall into another dictatorship. Because some of us just want it to happen.

How will outsiders know what kind of an individual are you??? Its rather rich to blame outsiders when their "respect of your individualism" may get them killed.
May the dead RIP and the injured recover quickly.
Its not meant as a jab on India or Hindu in general. The problem in India also include economical, social & cultural as in too deep beyond saying that Hindu just hate everyone else. Just want to point out the fallacy of asking someone to apologize or grovel for someone else crime. Instead of blaming Al-Shabab (the group responsible) you asking others to apologize on their behalf.

Well its fine by me if you want to turn a blind eye from the much needed introspection and self realization.
How will outsiders know what kind of an individual are you??? Its rather rich to blame outsiders when their "respect of your individualism" may get them killed.

I like to keep things to myself. The group responsible for the Attack is Al-Shabab so blame Al-Shabab. Why cast blame on the entire religion?
Well its fine by me if you want to turn a blind eye from the much needed introspection and self realization.

Then apologize to me 1st for your kind crime against "my" people. Of which I never even met. For your silence & for your inaction against the crime off Hindu in India of which you probably don't know because most of that sh!t happen in the Rural area & you're most likely an Urban dweller, but who give a sh!t you're Hindu therefore you must know the people responsible. Don't forget to kneel before me.

Does that sound stupid? Because it is. Al-Shabab is responsible Al-Shabab should be the one that do that. Do the concept of Individualism or even responsibility is amiss to you?
Screw them,They don't speak for the entire muslim race and what we should be discussing is India going to retaliate or not?

Indian retaliation is far fetched as distance is thousands of kilometers, so not practical. What we should be discussing, is Pakistan going to retaliate against TTP in its own house or not? or it will be remain on knees and continue crying for peace and TTP goons continue butchering security forces and civilians.
I like to keep things to myself. The group responsible for the Attack is Al-Shabab so blame Al-Shabab. Why cast blame on the entire religion?

YOU blame Al Shabab if you find it sufficient, I'll blame the violent streak in your religion as Al Shabab was not in existence when my holy places akin to your mecca and madia were destroyed in India centuries ago.

Mind you I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming the violent ideology of intolerance and supremacism, I'm not sure why you can't join me in doing that.

Then apologize to me 1st for your kind crime against "my" people. Of which I never even met. For your silence & for your inaction against the crime off Hindu in India of which you probably don't know because most of that sh!t happen in the Rural area & you're most likely an Urban dweller, but who give a sh!t you're Hindu therefore you must know the people responsible. Don't forget to kneel before me.

Does that sound stupid? Because it is. Al-Shabab is responsible Al-Shabab should be the one that do that. Do the concept of Individualism or even responsibility is amiss to you?

You have got it all screw@d up in the head now.

As hindus we have reformed our religion, have even legally outlawed stuff that we find intolerant. In India, the historical land of Hindus we have a secular setup. We owe anyone no apology, certainly not for riots involving muslims and hindus and the regular bombings in cities that have killed thousands of hindus.

Its what we have collectively done that matters, not occassional and progressively infrequent law and order failures.
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