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10 Interesting Facts about Allama Iqbal You Probably Didn't Know-

Lol, show me which Pakistani said that?

Lots of people on this fourm,and irl[/QUOTE]
Then dude they are dumb. Even in Facebook I thought you would have mentioned that.[/QUOTE]

I know a good chunk of our countrymen think like that sadly
I am not asking you to gve it up. All I said for purposes of this disccusion can I have your thoughts about Iqbal's wish that Islam be re-interpreted in light of the present - modern world?

Good Q-

Definitely- Social ideas are still on the front line . In his full of feeling and philosophic moving parts Iqbal damned the utilization of the peoples of the East by the imperialism of the West, the mistreatment of the peasant by the landowner, of the employee by the capitalist. He ridiculed and fated the Western democracy and denied the right of the landholder to make the most of the peasant and the exact of the capitalist to siphon off the outgrowth of the labour.
And islamic Ideology is closely connected with
re-interpreted of Islam. So - yes- IN this 20198 Era- Same thing is going on today too- So re-built a new clean optical with a new theme is preferable by gripping some methods. BUT- Which is correct. That is well concerned.
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@Indus Pakistan words of Allama Iqbal for you. :)

. .
Probably you misunderstood allama Iqbal.

You cannot reinterpret Islam. It is what it is.

Anyways I have not read Allama Iqbal''s works. But I heard Allama Iqbal was a strong Muslim.

Just eding --- No one can Re-build islam but - it is only for saria law. and sunnah. Otherwise, there are many things you can add in islam. But have to look, the person is islamic scholar , muztahid quality or not.
What about changing the script of Arabic to Latin, do you agree with that?
No, I would never suggest we copy Mahathir's Malaysia, indonesia or Turkey. All are westoxified evil people.


Haqeeqat Khurafaat main Kho Gayi...
Yeh Ummat Rawayaat main Kho gayi...
- Iqbal

Rough Translation:
Reality is lost in rubbishness/senselessness ...
This Ummah is lost in Traditions/Traditionalism...
And thanks for that. Your kindness is appreciated.
You cannot reinterpret Islam bro. This is not Christianity or Judaism. Islam is something very complete. You cannot take Islam to be support for conservatives or liberals. But both sides have to balance them selves towards Islam. Consider Islam as a center point rather than moulding it according to ones wishes. It has every thing for every one.
Do you know what is "Fiqa"?

Many of us seems to be unaware of "Reconstruction of religious Thoughts in Islam".
Do you know what is "Fiqa"?

Many of us seems to be unaware of "Reconstruction of religious Thoughts in Islam".

Fiqa discussion is not allowed on pdf and stay away from it plz.
. .
No, I would never suggest we copy Mahathir's Malaysia, indonesia or Turkey. All are westoxified evil people.


And thanks for that. Your kindness is appreciated.
I thought you do not want to talk to me. ;)

I want Pakistan to be like China or Japan, industrialized and developed without compromising Islamic values.

I will get back to you shortly.
Invoked for self.
Its sufficient for humans, I experienced & I thinking: I am successful.
. . .
The Chinese leader Xi thinks it is a mental disease which needs to be cured.
You have proof of that?

Even if China treats its Muslim minority not that well, that is their internal affairs.

Why don't you single out India and USA as well. They do not treat their Muslim minority that well either.
That's inaccurate.

He wanted to reform the Islamic Political Thought. He argued that the concept and powers of Khilafah are now vested in the parliament because it represents the will of the Ummah. He wanted to create a democracy, sharia hybrid. Much like Pakistan's constitution.

He didn't want to "reinterpret Islam". The Jurisprudence can't be reinterpreted.

I am not asking you to gve it up. All I said for purposes of this disccusion can I have your thoughts about Iqbal's wish that Islam be re-interpreted in light of the present - modern world?

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