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1.11 – What Happened? Here it is….

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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1.11 – What Happened? Here it is….

Taiwan on Monday said China had test-launched ballistic missiles from one of its submarines prior to the start of 2012, the Taipei Times reported.

Chinese newspaper reports of a new test of the People's Liberation Army's Julang 2 missile surfaced this week after a fisherman working in Shandong province came upon debris that might have come from a missile rocket. There have been rumors of up to six Julang 2 missiles being test-launched near the port city of Dalian in the Liaoning province.

Beijing intends to field as many as five next-generation Type 094 ballistic missile vessels that each can carry up to 12 Julang 2 missiles.

The Julang 2 is a solid-fuel variation of the Dongfeng 31 ICBM and is one of three options Beijing has for launching long-rang nuclear missile attacks, according to the newspaper. The missile is understood to have a top traveling distance of 4,971 miles.

Taiwanese National Defense Ministry spokesman Col. David Lo confirmed that the Chinese military had tested the Julang 2. There has been no official verification from Beijing.

International Assessment and Strategy Center senior fellow Rick Fisher in an interview with the Washington Times last week said the missile trials show that following a period of turbulent development the Chinese military now has the capability to fire SLBMs "at a near wartime frequency."

"If these reports are true, then the (Type) 094 submarine is ready for the PLA version of deterrence patrols, which could commence this year," the Washington-based expert said.

"The number of successful tests would also indicate that the PLA has, at long last, resolved whatever issues were preventing this missile from achieving 'operational' status," he said.

Taiwan Discloses New Chinese Submarine-Launched Missile Trials | Global Security Newswire | NTI
JL-2 booster netted by fishermen from Daqing Island in the beginning of Jan。

Basically, nothing really happened on 1/11, as I predicted. It's ludicrous to think that the PLA holds any date in high enough regard to adjust important things like weapons testing schedules to accommodate it. 1/11 isn't even a special date, all it has is a bunch of 1's, whatever happened before on 1/11 was pure coincidence.
The western world tries to make China out to be some big bad dangerous enemy, and I think China does not want to propel this image further.

Looking at all the ruckus US&NATO allies made over China testing out it's first carrier like the west is under threat from China and China has to "justify" why it needs a carrier like it's trying to militarily dominate the world - when the US has ELEVEN aircraft carriers and many NATO allies have 'em as well.

I personally feel that might be why China doesn't want to come across as very aggressive, and that might have alot to do with 1.11.
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